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The 2007 NaNoWriMo is finished! Thank the stars.

I wrote a story called 'Harvest Time' which started off one thing, and ended up something else entirely - there is no accounting for my muse's whim.

It's not finished, but hopefully will be soon, and then It'll be edited and released chapter by chapter. It's sequelesque to Nyquist and Feredir. :hehe:




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I would like to add my congrats to Rad's congrats. But I know it will be pointless as you like him better because he has a cooler name. :ohmy: I really can't wait to read it. Jason R.

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I like it, it sounds so...mysterious. Radbaud...Jason Radbaud, I'll have a glass of skim milk, hold the skim. Jason R.*dances around my apartment singing* Camy likes me...he really likes me

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Oh my god!So this is where Jason got that Radbaud thing. *Sigh* Trab, you're so bad. :lol:And hey, if you're going to choose a pseudonym, why not choose something cool sounding? Besides, Jason Rimbaud sounds cool. Really.

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"I have a credit card and everything."Good thing, 'cause Camy picks grapes for a living. Thinking about it though, I guess you serve grapes for a living. You're right, Rad Steven, I AM bad.

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