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An Explanation to Appease Cole And Trab

Jason Rimbaud


Apparently Cole and Trab feel like I've failed to deliver a pay-off that has been hinted at concerning my interest/relationship with Mark, a straight co-worker, and the story behind my little trip to the hospital a few days ago where a cute nurse asked me to remove my shirt so he could take a peak at my insides.

As I read that paragraph back, I wonder why they need a further explanation. It seems pretty straight forward to me. My co-worker is straight. So any interest I might have/had toward the fucker is/was a waste of time. Unfortunately, Cole and Trab, my name isn't Paul Harvey and there is no rest of the story. And after everything that transpired that night and the obsessive analyzing I've done ever since, I don't have the strength to write it all down here in my Blog. Sorry, that's all you're going to get about that subject.

On a related note but not really, Mark is no longer curious about gay sex. And much to my chagrin, he now knows, without a doubt in his pretty little head, that he is in fact very straight and happy with his stupid GIRLfriend. Whatever...fuck him right. He wasn't circumcised anyway. And for those of you that have been reading my Blog from the beginning, you'd know about my fear of foreskin. If not, then go back in my Archive and check out the first entry.

So Cole, Trab, I hope this explanation helps in some small way. I hope you're happy about making me go through it all again. Closure, you have it now? You happy?

Jason R.

Oh yeah, POST SCRIP, since I refused to "help" sort out his curiosity, he no longer talks to me. Though I must admit to laughing at the way he walked the next day. Apparently the kid who introduced him to fucking wasn't that gentle in the end. Serves him right I guess, I'm better off anyway.

*rolls eyes*

And just so Cole and Trab won't have a reason to bitch. I'll quickly explain about the hospital visit.

So I quit smoking a few weeks ago. And to help fill that void, I started eating sweets. So the other day, I bought an extra large chocolate bar before I went to work. I ate half the bar but it did nothing for me so I bummed a smoke from a friend and smoked it down right away. It wasn't long before I had trouble breathing and my heart started racing, like I snorted about an eight-ball of cocaine all at once. I freaked out, and rushed myself to the hospital. After telling my story to the doctor and several different nurses, I was told that since it had been a while since I smoked, I had a reaction to the cigarette. This seemed like a probable reason, so I went home and straight to bed.

The next morning, I ate the rest of the chocolate bar and twenty minutes later, I had the same reaction. I went back to the hospital and the only thing that made since was the chocolate. So after a simple test, I found out I couldn't eat chocolate anymore. Which is fine with me, I don't really like chocolate anyway. So it's Monday, I bought a fresh pack of cigarettes and threw away all the candy. And I was told that smoking was going to end my life. Go figure.

Are you two happy now? Did I answer all your questions? Did I?

Cole and Trab: :hug: You guys are awesome! :hehe:


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You did good, Jason, real good. You wouldn't want some old fuckers like Cole and me to die of terminal curiosity, and I'm sure I can speak for Cole that we both appreciate this very much.It is too sad about Mark, but you did the right thing for yourself by refusing to 'get into it' with him. As for the chocolate thing, maybe it is best this way. Now they're starting to spout off about sweets killing people with heart attacks faster than smokes will kill them. Christ, you'd think they hadn't figured out that birth is the first step in the journey towards death. We're all going to die; I guarantee it. It's just a matter of how much or how little you let yourself enjoy the journey.

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Jason:I remember you having serious doubts before your angsty meeting with Mark, thinking you were making a mistake and hoping you weren't. I think it's safe to say what ensued was probably what you were thinking was going to ensue. You said something about having promised yourself you'd never get involved with a straight guy again. So you went into this with your eyes open. I'm really sorry it didn't work out better for you. At least the evening had a humanitarian purpose, the Education of Mark.And you must excuse Trab's and my curiousity. In our superannuated condition, curiousity is about all that's left.At least we're past the point of being foreskinphobic.C

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Wise words from as usual from Trab and Cole. Though I don't think that little dig about foreskin was very nice Cole. :wav: But I'll forgive you cause I can. :wav: I'm actually glad about the chocolate thing, I was getting fatter anyway. Now that I"m back to smoking, I can better control the way I eat. Have I mentioned that I hate sobriety? Jason R.

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My foreskin remark was directly taken from your last post. I didn't read your original description of this malady of yours, and of course assumed you were being at least somewhat facetious, which I still think. You said your comment was in your first blog posting, and I went to the bottom of the list provided under yoiu name, and there were no mentions of anything even remotely akin to foreskins. I would have noticed.Anyway, I was teasing, and am sure you realized that.What else are friends for?C

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My foreskin remark was directly taken from your last post. I didn't read your original description of this malady of yours, and of course assumed you were being at least somewhat facetious, which I still think. You said your comment was in your first blog posting, and I went to the bottom of the list provided under yoiu name, and there were no mentions of anything even remotely akin to foreskins. I would have noticed.Anyway, I was teasing, and am sure you realized that.What else are friends for?C
Nope nope nope, I'm not joking at all. My very first post called, Attachment VS. No-Attachment is a little story about my first foreskin encounter. I was being very serious. To find out more about this night and the nickname I suffered because of it, check out new nickname and the death of hoodie. Jason R. (someone who loves to be teased in more ways than one)
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So, do you still have a problem with foreskin? For that matter, have you run into one of those Body Modification bifurcation people yet? Now THAT will set you screaming. I've only seen pictures, but it's taken my balls days to come back out from hiding, and my poor little fella disappeared so far that I needed to sit down to pee.

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Okay, I located the specified jottings.They do have a certain tongue-in-cheek quality to them, even if it is a bit morbid. But you quite obviously were writng with your words sandwiched in wry, so I can be excused for thinking you were being facetious. At least, that's my opinion and so I'll excuse myself.<g>I do have to wonder how you can grow to the ripe old age of 21, however, and never in your life have encountered a natural dick. That seems ludicrous to me. When I went to school, both Jr. High and High School, we had community showers, daily, following gym class. Most boys had suffered the surgeons knife, but a few, always a few, were adorned as they were borned (to make the rhyme really rhyme.) This was years ago, but my understanding is that today, even fewer boys are chopped around on than back when. So the chances that you would wend your weary way through a world of wicked wicks and not have encountered any in their natural state just blows my mind. Or makes me think that during periods of presumed exposure, the heights of passion clounded your vision, much like the Shadow clouded the minds of men.But I'll say no more on the subject, lest it be painful for you. And I'm delighted you found a way to emasculate your tormentor, fool that he was, and in so doing exposed your own creativity.C

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:lol: OK, so after reading this discussion, I had to go back and find the post. It was hilarious. Then I realized that I could actually see myself doing the same thing since I haven't encountered that particular style and can be quite, um, abrupt at times. I think that I may be laughing to myself the rest of the day. Thanks! :lol:
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I do have to wonder how you can grow to the ripe old age of 21, however, and never in your life have encountered a natural dick. That seems ludicrous to me.
Actually, I can relate. LOL. I too have never seen a real live natural dick. :P Only when I was very young. But back then, I couldn't care less for them. LOL
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Hey Cole, and HylasIt took a moment to realize what you were saying. And then I realized I made a typho.What I should have said"I was over three times seven..."I didn't see my first "natural" dick until I was 30. How could this be?Most white guys my age, are all cut. And I'm not saying I've seen a lot of dicks in my life, but I've seen a lot of dicks in my life and his was the first one, maybe that I noticed, that was uncut. I now have seen the error of my ways and have become quite familiar with them since.Jason R. (who might be considered a slut in some circles)

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