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Fact and Fiction



I do realize that the second one is virtually irrelevant, but I still enjoy reading a great work every once in a while, or writing a chapter of the many stories that are widely unfinished in my "novels" folder.

Life is ok. This past year I've acted like both a child and an adult, and it seems that only acting like a child has given me results that I would expect adult behavior to produce (though I'm very ashamed of acting like a child). Some adult behavior has given forth delicious fruit, but for the most part I'm disappointed at its latent sprouting. There were only two from each category recently that revealed predictable outcomes, and so here they are.

Memorable Adult behavior #1: relationships. I found a guy, gave him my heart and then found out that he was being naughty with three other boys behind my back. Oh well. He wanted naughty with me and naughty pictures as well, so when I refused he found them elsewhere. Sucks for him. :pouts: Why is this memorable? I've learned to be as careful as possible. Everyone is capable of being a super freak, no matter how hot they are.

Memorable Adult behavior #2: I tell my parents that I'm gay, and they take it pretty hard. Consequences are irrelevant, since lately they've been great parents and I'm closer to them than ever before. Relationship with both of them has improved greatly, and I think I'm ready to move back home.

Memorable Child behavior #1: Internet withdrawal. I became very depressed, and so I left the internet for what seemed a very short time. Guy in adult behavior #1 was the reason why I came back so quickly, so I guess something good came out of that mess. I hurt some very important people to me in the process, and am very ashamed of myself. No more childish Maddy, I promise.

Memorable Child behavior #2: I refused to follow my strict diet (falling back into my horrible obese-like eating habits) and so gained ten pounds in two months. I am now exercising once again, and I believe this little slip-up was due to my depression. Oh well, I'll get over it.

In other news, my sister has announced that she's moving back to our native country and teaching in an American school in Guadalajara. That means that my parents will no longer have the extra money that she agreed to pay for the house they recently bought, and also means that I'll have to live with them and help them. I don't mind, since my relationship with them has very much improved. I'm ready to make sacrifices for them, even if it costs me a little freedom (I doubt I'll be able to come home at 4 am any longer).

A little vacation is in the works. I've bought my plane ticket and am saving up for living expenses and the like. 2 months out of this country will do me good, methinks.

Maddy (:


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Oi! Maddy, Don't grow up too fast .... Once you become an adult you'll wish you were still a kid. Really. I jesteth not. The trite saying 'the grass is greener' is actually the only truism in life.Heaven and Hell? Nope: figments of imagination. But the grass is always greener 'somewhere' else, and you can spend *insert time frame of choice* trying to find it.Umm ... there it is then. :wink:CamyPS Have a GREAT holiday!

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Oi! Maddy, Don't grow up too fast .... Once you become an adult you'll wish you were still a kid. Really. I jesteth not. The trite saying 'the grass is greener' is actually the only truism in life.Heaven and Hell? Nope: figments of imagination. But the grass is always greener 'somewhere' else, and you can spend *insert time frame of choice* trying to find it.Umm ... there it is then. :wink:CamyPS Have a GREAT holiday!
Yes it is! I know where it is greener, but my parents need help right now... and I've been neglecting them this past year.And thanks for the wishes! :D
I'm very much happy for you, Maddy! You have a great vacation.Rad :hehe:
Thanks, Rad! :DMaddy (:
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The expression should probably read, "The grass seems greener on the other side."I'm sad you had the distress and depression, but I'm just as glad you are working to improve things. You're always going to be your parents' 'little boy', but coming out and having your relationship with them improve shows they are able to maybe let go a little bit, and see you as a young man. You might actually want to consider talking to them about the 4 a.m. thing, beforehand. You might just be surprised.

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