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Cats claws and wounded knee



"They don't like it up 'em, Captain Mainwaring!" This line from 'Dad's Army' set the tone for Katie (ancient siamese beasty) having her claws clipped. She's pretty much house-bound nowadays and her claws are ... well 'savage' belies the truth. 'Wickedly Bitching Sabatier' comes closer.

You don't want her on your lap: unless you're wearing chain-mail, and unfortunately, mine's rusty.

So ... I tried. The thing is with cats: they're psychic. She knew I was nervous even before I decided to start. Now I have a knee like a pin cushion, and no thanks from anybody.

Still, on the upside, I got one paw done. Only three more to go!

Yours, most miffed,



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Advice from someone who does this (not me, but a professional). Do ONE nail per day. In a short while, the cat learns that it is short and not a huge battle and will allow one toe dealt with. Or so I'm told.

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It several of his books, James Herriott speaks about his battles clipping the nails of ferocious cats, and goes on somewhat in talking about his normal technique of wrapping the animals in a piece of shrouding, immobilizing them. What's I found memorable about this was his ultimate line, written in his usual self-deprecating style and hypothetically of someone else memorializing him: That Herriott, not the brightest vet I ever met, but he sure could wrap a cat.Many people agree, the best way to handle this chore is, take the cat to someone else and let them do it. Cats have the ability to distrust for the longest times when they feel they've been fooled or affronted. Better to let that animosity be directed elsewhere.Saves the knees, too.C

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Hylas!In her youth Cato - aka Katie Nana - was a General of the Ninja Cat Army. Now - being a tad long in the tooth (and claw), she has to stick with subversive acts of neo-terrorism ... such as inserting tracking chips in human knees, or nipping the hand that strokes. She's very, very good at her job, too.Hmm. Maybe 'Cat Army Ninja' (acronym CAN), would be better. What thinkest thou?Camy

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