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Want! Want want want want want want want.


I'm wound up tighter than the tightest spring, and I feel like I'm going to snap.

The human condition sucks.



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*takes a look around to make sure no one is near**reaches into backpack and pulls out a fresh jar of Nuttella*Here...hope this helps.Jason *skulks away into the night/morning*

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Guest Guest_Kapitano_*


Rambo's right - chocolate does help.Some other things that sometimes help:* Give yourself one hour to write a 500 word story inspired by how you feel. No preparation...go!* An inordinately long hot shower.* Blasting your ears with an album or two of that band you never admit to liking because they're uncool. For example: ELO, Toto, or the Adeamus guy.* Type "Whackjob" into google and see what comes up.* Phone up the man in your life and talk about something else with him.

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Run your fingers down the centre of your chest to your belly button.Think about the calm centre that is in us all.Then flex your stomach muscles in and out rapidly so that you breathe rapidly enough to make you laugh as you watch the ridiculousness of your own navel bouncing in and out.Let the laughter dissolve your tears and tension. Take a deep breath and sigh with relief. This is a Zen exercise that never fails to relax.Repeat as often as necessary.

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Thanks y'all, especially for the Nutella, the ELO and the Belly button thing. I tried, Des, but alas it was only the cat that laughed.A 500 word flash in an hour? Me likey.Camy

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Thanks y'all, especially for the Nutella, the ELO and the Belly button thing. I tried, Des, but alas it was only the cat that laughed.A 500 word flash in an hour? Me likey.Camy
I bet the cat is relaxed anyway. :wav:
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You can see your own belly button? :hug:
Oh yeah! I have a special room called: 'The Special Room'. It's full of carefully adjusted carnival mirrors. Depending on mood my belly button, or 'butty' as he likes to be known, appears to be different shapes and sizes. *coughs*The room is useful for disproving those stupid spam emails I keep getting, too. :hug::lol::wav:
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Want...I want a handsome boyfriend...I want to be beautiful...I want a million dollars...I want kids...I want to be out...I want to be accepted for who I am...I want world peace...I want that jar of Nuttella...*sighs*

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I have a special room. It's full of carefully adjusted carnival mirrors. It is useful for disproving those stupid spam emails I keep getting.
What a great line! Wonderful!Nice image, too, when I think about it.C
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