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79. What Do We Rate?



Are ratings overrated?

Do they mean anything.

I sit here looking at the little blog rating stars and wonder why our resident blog geniuses (genii for those of you who think Latin is your native tongue) only rate somewhere between 3.9 and 4.8. (Come to think of it, a native Latin is something we might like to get our tongues around.)

I mean why do some people get more votes than others?

And why does the lowest rating have more voters than the highest?

Was this an act of retaliation against being highly rated, or simply a popular vote to rate someone who deserved some rating while others are overlooked altogether.

Surely someone deserves 5 out of 5.

Why do some blogs have no votes?

You'd think that if people were going to vote for one blog they would at least vote for them all.

Where is the equity in that?

I can't help but wonder what the criteria is for rating someone's blog.

I'm pretty certain it has nothing to do with sexual prowess.

(Now that is a word I wondered about as a kid. I thought a prowess was a female prowler.)

No one has been around to my house to judge my prowess, that I know about anyway. Perhaps I have been prowled without knowing it.

Now there is a scary thought. Look out your window and see if you can catch site of the dozens of strange looking men lurking in the bushes trying to rate your prowess so they choose how many stars they give your blog. Do they talk to each other? Do they hold town meetings to discuss your blog ratings? Is there an international conspiracy of blog raters?

It is always possible of course that people just accidentally hit the wrong number of stars when they rated a blog. It's easy to do. Fortunately all you have to do is rate the blog again with the correct number of 5 stars. The system allows you to change your rating, especially if it was too low last time you rated. (Hint hint.)

I am perplexed about how readers decide on the number of stars they think a blog should get. Is it comparative? What if the last blog rated is better than the blog you rated at 5 earlier? Do you go around and demote your previous ratings? That isn't nice. :wink:

Then of course I think a blog rating can be in recognition of an outstanding revelation of insight into human thought.

Deep and meaningful clich?s on the state of our individual thoughts can only make the readers' minds bloggle.

We blog, therefore we live. Avoid the rush rate our blogs now!

Subliminal message => 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,

Even better, start your own blog. :wink:


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Hey Des,I think I can answer part of your question. The one part regarding why certain blogs have no votes, or at least why we can't see the votes they may have.I believe, or at least I think, the votes and rating system doesn't show up until the Blog in question reaches Three Thousand views. Or at least I couldn't see my rating until after my Blog reached that number.As for how people rate each Blog, I think that varies from person to person. *shrugs*Jason

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Actually a blog has to have 5 people rating it for a rating to appear :)My blog is boring and I don't care that it has a lower rating that others. But the best blog here (no offence everyone else) is EleCivil's and why it's not got a perfect score is beyond my meagre understanding.

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Actually a blog has to have 5 people rating it for a rating to appear :)My blog is boring and I don't care that it has a lower rating that others. But the best blog here (no offence everyone else) is EleCivil's and why it's not got a perfect score is beyond my meagre understanding.
Thanks Wibby, I didn't know about the five people rating thingy. I guess it just took me a while to get five people to rate me.As for who has the best Blog, I believe your opinion is the only one that matters. :)Jason
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I agree with you Wibby EleCivil's blog is the best. But now I am concerned that my little ravings about the ratings was seen as serious rather the fun item it was meant to be. Oh well... :hehe:

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Okay, I just voted. I usually don't because it seems silly, but since you begged, dear Des, I acceded to your wishes.Althought I shouldn't have given you a five because you obviously don't know the meaning of prowess, I did so in an attempt to keep you comfortably ahead of Wibby, who gets cocky when things go too well for him. Besides, I love to hear him say he doesn't care when it's obvious he does. Oh, wait a minute. I meant to say, when its obvious he does. Now he can rant again.To get back to the meaning of prowess, a prow is the opposite of the ass end of a boat. The prow of a female boat would be a prowess. Or, with a boat that can't make up its mind, one with the ass end being male and the front end being female, the prowess label is descriptive of the boat's front's orientation and also suggests the boat's overall ambiguity.Since boats are all called 'she', I think calling the prow a prowess is redundant, but I didn't make up the word so am not responsible for it.Of cousre, I could be all wet. It's possible the word prow develop from a Chinese gentleman's attempt to pronounce the word plow.I don't know the sexuality of plows as well as I do of boats.C

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WARNING: Ye olde Aussie dirty ditty ahead:"The Captain's daughter, she was there,She had then into fits,By diving off the mantle-shelf,And landing on her tits.Chorus:Singing, who'll do me this time?Who will do me now?The one that did me last time,Must have used a plow." :hehe:

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Ah Jason, of course you're right, my tongue is hardly ever in my own mouth. :hehe:
Waaaaay too much information! :hehe: Hmm, perhaps it should start a blog of its own: 'The Travels of Desmond's Silver Tongue' or somesuch. 'twould be most interesting and probably would get a perfect 5.
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WARNING: Ye olde Aussie dirty ditty ahead:"The Captain's daughter, she was there,She had then into fits,By diving off the mantle-shelf,And landing on her tits.Chorus:Singing, who'll do me this time?Who will do me now?The one that did me last time,Must have used a plow." :hehe:
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