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I came to a clearing in the woods, a small sunlit patch of rabbit-bitten blades, over which the blue was struggling through the insatiable leaves. As a branch broke under my foot, there was an explosion of birds, feathery shrieking shrapnel sent flying across the canopy gap. Further up, jets from the nearby airfield scurried across the sky, bushy tails dragging behind them. Jets, surpassing the birds in speed, size, efficiency, capacity...every category but beauty.

Whispered "Why are you migrating, you jealous, straining beasts?"

The birds made sense, but from the humans, no answer. Never any answer.

"Where are you running, great-and-mighty self-escape artists?"

And they fled from my questions, fled faster than the birds as they moved to escape the violence of my errant step.

"Why do you fear me, oh self-made masters? Have you, too, mistaken me for your predator?"

"Am I your predator?"

Am I...


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What are you saying, Des? Are you suggesting that teachers cannot write?
No I am not saying that teachers cannot write.I am certain Ele is quite capable of doing both, but just maybe his talent for writing is deserving of being his full time occupation.I certainly don't mean to dissuade Ele from doing whatever he wants. I just wanted to make sure he knows his writing is most worthy of his endeavours.
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EleCivil, are you sure you want to be a teacher?Why not write? You sure have the ability.
Heh, thanks, but I think I'm better at teaching than writing. But like Trab said, I can do both.
As always, I bow before Ele, our lord and master.
Much appreciated, but watch where you're genuflecting in here - there's a lot of junk on the floor.
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Perhaps I'm being nosy, but I'm interested and would like to know. Have you now graduated? Do you have your teaching credential? A job? A classroom of your own?I think you'd make a perfect middle school teacher. I hope that's what you're interested in teaching.C

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Perhaps I'm being nosy, but I'm interested and would like to know. Have you now graduated? Do you have your teaching credential? A job? A classroom of your own?
Not graduated yet, but I'm close. One more semester of classes, then one semester of student-teaching. So, by this time next year, I'll be done. Well, done with undergrad, anyway - I'll be going on to grad school after that, since my state requires that teachers get masters degrees.
I think you'd make a perfect middle school teacher. I hope that's what you're interested in teaching.[/size][/color]
Yep - I'm majoring in Middle Childhood Education (grades 4-9), with concentrations in language arts and science. I've done field work in 2nd grade and 11th grade classrooms, but those were both kind of dull compared to the middle grades.
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Thanks for the update.That?s interesting that you need a Master?s for your credential. I assume you have a number of years to get it, and most people take summer classes for most of the class work. It?s sort of like that here, too, but CA is not exactly the same. Here, if you haven?t got a degree in education in college, if your college major was in anything other than education, to get your beginning credential there is a very rigorous general knowledge test to be passed. Most people don?t pass it at all, and very few the first time they take it. Then, after getting the credential, there are a lot of continuing classes that must be taken over the following years to keep the credential. These classes don?t necessarily lead to a Master?s degree, but come close to that, and many teachers decide to go the extra, not mile, but ten feet, and finish that degree.There are also other requirements, language skills classes, special-needs skills and the like, that must be satisfied. Continuing to update and upgrade their skills is part and parcel of the job for teachers in the public schools here.There is a consensus of opinion that school teaching is a cushy profession with lots of vacation and relatively short work hours. Hah! Little do they know.C

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Unfortunately we have the same consensus of opinion in Australia. People just don't seem to realise how much work goes into to being a teacher. I guess the teachers aren't allowed to teach the students about what they do as that would be seen as some kind of conflict of interest.We wouldn't want our future politicians to be taught about the work load teachers have, because after they get elected, they might actually want to pay the teachers a decent wage.I am dismayed at the public comments here in Oz. I suspect the same is happening in the US from your comments Cole.

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