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Joy! We had our budget yesterday. Apparently, those 'in charge' have borrowed - and intend to go on borrowing - an awful lot of dosh. Apparently, the debt equates to over ?17,000 for every man woman and child in the UK. Apparently ....

Sadly, I voted for the inept cretins - though (in my defence) at the time the prime minister wasn't a man with despotic megalomania, and the Chancellor didn't have Caterpillars for eybrows and an Adams' family hairdo.

Never again!

I intend to declare independence. The Royalesque Bank of Emu will be opening its doors shortly. Investors most welcome.


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DO you have a branch in Australia?Perhaps I should open my own bank -Orangutan Fist Nationals. Did I spell that right?I think there might be more money in rent boys. Gorilla Boys Escort service. That should make a mountin' of money.Better than Broke Bank mounting debts anyway. :smile:

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I'm queueing already ....-----------Do you have a branch in Australia?-----------I shall invest.
Eggcellent! #rubs hand with acquisitive avaricious avian glee# most eggcellent!!!
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DO you have a branch in Australia?Perhaps I should open my own bank -Orangutan Fist Nationals. Did I spell that right?I think there might be more money in rent boys. Gorilla Boys Escort service. That should make a mountin' of money.Better than Broke Bank mounting debts anyway. :smile:
What a clever play on words. :wink:
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