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Interviewed by The Dude!



Sunday 11th April. The Awesome Dude Weekend Show No 25

I was as nervous as a very nervous thing, Mick was Mick, and The Dude put us both at our ease. It was the first interview we've done and though I'm only too aware I should have been more ... umm, something, and probably less something else. Anyway, all in all we're ecstatic!

If you want to know what on earth I'm waffling on about then go to Awesome Dude Radio and listen to the 25th weekend show. Go on, you know you want to!



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Lovely to hear your dulcet tones and to 'meet' Mick for the first time. The nerves didn't intrude. It was great to hear the two of you discussing the CD and the music, which should storm the charts if I have anything to do with it (sadly, I don't!).May your strings never break and your sticks never snap.

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Camy, I really liked One Voice....what a difference the finished track sounds like from the first demo I heard years back. The quality is amazing and I'd come see you perform if you were in the States. I haven't kissed a rockstar (chaste of course) in years. Fucking brilliantJason

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