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Everything posted by Naiilo

  1. Not the nicest thing to happen on a Friday, but you'll pull through. And hey... I hear there is one treatment that involves brownies, so it can't be all that bad. He he, but on a more serious note: Good luck, you will overcome it. An important thing that they told my cousin when he was diagnosed with concer is to stay positive, I think that applies toward your situation also. -Naiilo
  2. I need comments. Anyone?
  3. [removed for revision]
  4. I heard that they own oil companies, but check out this: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbo...ok/geos/vt.html .
  5. Why be so obsessed with the origin? When people look for the origin of something, in my experience, they generally are looking for a way to destroy it, or manipulate it. Why can't people just live with the fact that gays are here to stay, and that it doesn't matter what causes homosexuality because it's going to happen no matter what. -N
  6. I used to carry that question as my signature, but I removed it. Everyone has their own reasons to write, and it isn't important to judge them on why they write. When someone tells you why they write it is important because it reveals a different aspect fo writing. There are those I have met that write because they have to for work, there are some that want towrite for themselves, and some that are so compelled by the ink that they must write to live. Why ever you write is not to be judged, but only to be taken in, analyzed, and processed for use with one's own skills. -N
  7. Naiilo


    Nah, he's the protagonist. I actually think I recognise the Martians from somewhere... -N
  8. Naiilo


    War of the Worlds: It's good. Like all movies there are things here and there, but I think that the foreshadowing is nice, and it also is quite captivating. The ending is a bit off of what I'd like it to be, but then again, I didn't direct it. Though I haven't read the book, and don't plan to in the near future, I recommend the movie. It's good. Go see it, you might like it. -N
  9. Hello. Welcome to the forums. I take you are one for alliteration? -N
  10. Why didn't you post something on it? -N
  11. To relieve you of your angst you write? Cool... Have you ever sculpted or painted? Those methods are also really nice to relieve onesself of wierd or non-weird emotions. Cute....ugh...that's all I have to say on the word. Now, it comes to mind that one cannot be both hunky and lanky. Don't you think so? Hunky refers to muscley-types and lanky refers to tall, slim/slender types. As a red-head (though not lanky) myself, I agree, more of *me* in the world does make cloning seem like more worthwhile venture to pursue. I mean, hey, why not? I don't think that more of me in the immeadiate viscinity would be a good idea, but one every 500 miles or so would be nice. -N
  12. Yes, that was deliberate, as part of the 'punchline'. TR Oh! Okay, chilly frijoles then. -N
  13. http://print.google.com/print?lr=&ie=UTF-8...ing&btnG=Search Google has another function. Doogle one for yourself. -N
  14. Good to hear. I am looking forward to knowing more about this Darroot Tea. It is an interesting substance. Also - on the use of French: It is not our universe, so any changes you make to the language for use in TSoI work. If Icaria was set in modern day anywhere, and the characters used a strange verison of French it probably wouldn't work well. There are some ways you could explain it, but they all seem too fantastic for our contemporary world. -N
  15. Interesting poem, TR, very interesting. I think, and you have every right to disagree, that the last word- "fridge" - takes away from the rest of the language used. It is appropriate, and rhyming, but also so much different than the other words. I don't have a suggestion as to what to replace it with, but I figured I would let you know what I thought. Have a nice day. -N
  16. Naiilo


    Is there no editing happening? Or is there too much editing happening? This area is dead right now. I thought maybe it could use a *>}BUMP{<* -N
  17. Interesting. Have you ever heard of Angus Oblong's "Creepy Susie and 13 other Tragic Tales of Troubled Children"? If you're into morbid things, I would suggest it. -N
  18. I recently lost the link, but there was a nice little informative flash by some brits about STDs and christmas awhile back... -N
  19. Thanks Jamie, they're right. TSoI is a good story. You've developed original characters in an original universe. It is so much different than many things I have read. (reading Oedipus Rex right now, tomorrow I start reading Medea) Good job. Please let us know more about that Darroot Tea again soon. I find it to be a curious item in your world. I think that your use of the French language in the story is also a neat addition. Okie-dokie, That's all I have to say for now. I'm not going to give you a hug, but I am congradulating you on a good piece of writing. -N
  20. I was haoping that we were being invaded by a bunch of really cute, angsty clones. ;-) ummm, Okaaaaay. Maybe they are just fans of the same artist? Maybe they drew it and scanned it, and it is some odd twist of circumstance that they drew, scanned and avatared the same thing? Angst is bad. Very bad. Angst leads to wierd things, like writing too much poetry in the middle of class, or falling into a vat of HotTopic, never to return to our plane again. Cute is another bad thing, but for different reasons. Have you ever heard a gaggle of gaymen and women start using the word 'cute'? It's torturous. It sounds a lot like a bunch of chicken, but instead of *cluck* they spout the word *cute* instead. The word cute should be banned I say, banned. Cloning? Not so bad as long as I get to be in on the experiments. I don't want to be cloned, but I do want to run tests and such. I've always been a bit of a genetics nerd, so excuse the geekiness. -N
  21. Add to that a bit of vodka... and you have "Death by Screwdriver." I approve. It would be exciting,don't you think so? -N
  22. You know what? I think dying via car is a bad method, maybe you should be more careful and keep up with maintenance. he he. Glad to know you're still alive aj. Just to let you know, I always thought that drowning in a vat of citric acid would be a neat way to die. -N
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