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Chris James

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Everything posted by Chris James

  1. I am happy to see that Camy, much like the rest of us, is inspired by current events. I would be the first to tell you that I understand nothing about this Higgs Boson particle acceleration business. Perhaps travelling faster than the speed of light will allow us greater knowledge at some point in the future. But without any knowledge I must accept Camy's story at face value...and what a good read we have here. This is a love story after all, and it does speak to the fragility of human emotions under trying circumstances. So the question: when you invest your whole life, and that certainly means the future, with someone else, do the small irritating details become so important? No love is perfect and it shouldn't be. Precision is not a desirable trait between two people, understanding is much more important. It seems that when two objects collide the universe gets a new definition. Thanks, Camy.
  2. The sad part about this incident is that this one issue is going to divide the scouting membership just as it has the Christian churches. http://brodylevesque...agle-scout.html It has become very obvious that the churches involved in scouting are using the organization as a recruiting tool. The Catholic church alone seems to have 1/4 million boys in scouting. (see figures below) http://www.scouting.org/About/FactSheets/operating_orgs/Catholic.aspx I am all for separation of church and state so I believe that any free use of taxpayer owned facilities or land needs to be withdrawn from scouting use. Perhaps after the church is finished paying off all those priestly abuse debts they will be able to afford scouting. And while I am on the subject, where is the proof that gay men and boys involved in scouting offer any risk of sexual abuse to the other boys? I mean, isn't that the reason they don't want gays in scouting? But they do let priests go on camping trips, don't they?
  3. It does seem that despite the homophobic stand of the National Boy Scout Council that some scouts still have their sense of honor: http://now.msn.com/eagle-scouts-return-medals-in-protest-of-boy-scouts-policy I was only in Boy Scouts for a couple of years, but they didn't give merit badges for what I learned on those dark woodland nights in a tent.
  4. Ahh, into the great outdoors. Camping appeals to the sense of primative in most humans. Except for those who take their monster RV's into state parks and sit in them watching television and cooking on the propane stove. To be a true camper you must sleep in tents or under the stars, I am sure Richard agrees. To have that camping experience you must take kids along. (Not like I am going wash all those ugly pots after cooking over an open fire, that's their job) Campfires are manditory, except when the forest is tinder dry and the Park Rangers view any open flame as a threat to wildlife and their jobs. Wildlife: in a suburban setting that will mean birds, squirrels and perhaps the occasional raccoon. The remote woods contain the larger creatures we all fear, and there is great fun in scaring the crap out of young kids with tales of bears eating people. Bears don't really eat people, but they would like another one of your sandwiches. (hold the mustard this time, please) But what fun it is to hear a young boy scream like a little girl when he gets up at dawn to go pee on a tree and discovers a snake curled up on the doorstep of your tent. (they come for the warmth you see) Thanks for the vision and the memories, Richard. Camping with Gay Pride, and you can be proud of going camping. Kids need exposure to the great outdoors. It teaches them about nature and our place in it. One of these days your kids may take their kids out camping and you will have passed along a good deal of wisdom in the process. Peace.
  5. Credit Lou Reed for that title. In 1974 he published the album Sally Can't Dance and Ride, Sally, Ride was the signature track. Then nine years later Sally Ride blasted off into space and the song was revived, or at least the title. Typical of Lou Reed, the lyrics of the song were sexually oriented although not offensively so, and they had nothing to say about astronauts. And this morning the mainstream media has made their contribution about Sally Ride: http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/24/12933519-why-sally-ride-waited-until-her-death-to-tell-the-world-she-was-gay?lite
  6. Yes, well done James! The conflicts presented in the story, and there are several without giving anything away, are so true to life. I very much enjoyed the resolution you gave us at the end...there should always be hope.
  7. The country's most famous teacher...at least for a while: http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2012/07/sally-ride-first-u-s-woman-in-space-dies-of-cancer-comes-out-in-obituary/ A pioneer in space, Sally Ride did so much more here on Earth. Her inspiration has allowed young girls to see a future in science and math. I know of one elementary school in Maryland named after this woman...and yet, how will society react to the knowledge that she was a lesbian. I guess it was known in the space community, kinda hard to keep something like that secret in such close quarters with fellow astronauts. But the premier woman of the American space program was lesbian and a member of the gay community. I wonder how well that will sit? This is of course a wonderfully useful teachable moment. See, Kids, gay people are a part of our scientifric community as well. Sally Ride never used her sexual identity to further the cause of gay rights and I can respect that. She had a larger goal of assuring the minds and hearts of those young ladies she encouraged to work hard and become something grand. I am sure there are hundreds of women in science today because of her positive image. The mainstream media just mentions her partner and makes no comment on Sally's sexuality. I am encouraged by this, just as I am certain that the wingnuts out there will soon jump into the fray. It took amazing courage to strap into a rocket ship for space travel, something her cowardly detractors could never claim about themselves. We should miss Sally. She gave life one hell of a ride.
  8. Okay, now Cole has become pure evil with his story. This latest chapter gives us a list of clues compiled by his characters and I have read through it five times. I get the definite feeling I am missing something, but then Mr. Evil probably planned it that way. Gaaaah! This is driving me crazy...anyone else along for the ride? Good going, Cole. There is something hidden, isn't there? No, you won't tell and I don't blame you.
  9. What is it about these right wing morons? Is every irrational act in our society going to be blamed on the homosexual agenda? This is the latest absurdity: http://www.lgbtqnati...orado-shooting/ However you react to this article, be sure and read the comments below, especially the one about God's message in Duteronomy by Doneau Probst. (right on, brother) Is that the kind of society these wingnuts would like us to have?
  10. Wars and social programs took all the money that might have gone to NASA. I know that the American defense industry soaked up billions, the Star Wars program, the bills from Vietnam. And even now I see the rightwingnuts accusing Obama of wasting billions, when we are borrowing money from China to pay those military bills. We didn't need to go into Afghanistan after 9/11, we didn't need to go after Sadaam, we don't need to be in the middle east for any good reason, we should leave now. We will be paying these bills long after I am gone, and we will be stuck on this planet for generations.
  11. They also gave you a sense of adventure, Cole, I see it in your stories. I have mentioned to several of you before that I never saw a television until I was 12 years old, and the first show I saw was the Micky Mouse Club and a slew of cartoons. I grew up in Japan from the mid-50's until '61. They had television, if you spoke fluent Japanese and like Kabuki soap operas. So from the time I could read all I had were books for entertainment, oh, and films which gave me a view of the America I didn't know. I had a school library filled with thousands of books. I still look back on that fondly.
  12. My thanks to all of you who have read the story. We had several chats in several forum threads about the difficulty of the native languages, so here is an example of Cherokee:
  13. I remember J.J. Walker and his show, never watched it. I thought that was all about stereotyping black people as foolish individuals, guess he's still playing that role.
  14. I read all those Hardy Boys Mystery books, Paul...and the Tom Swift series as well. It was all fun and no doubt has influenced what I write today. But now we have a whole generation of kids that sit in darkened rooms playing video games or those see basketball as the ultimate adventure. Worse, there are only a few in that generation who read actual books. Support your local library!
  15. What is a Christian business? I see that label in advertising all the time down here in Florida on plumbing trucks and yard maintenance vehicles. By the same token you see American flags displayed in an attempt to convice the public that a business is patriotic. Does this mean they are more honest with their working habits? Not when they charge such outrageous sums per hour for their work. I doubt if some of these Christian people see anything wrong with touting religion to increase business. We don't see any Jesus burgers, God salads or Holy Land desserts. I really think these Christian ventures are only trying to convince themselves that there is religious value in promoting the business with God. So far no plastic Jesus statues in your kiddie meal, but someone will do that if it increases market share. Christianity in America is closely tied to capitalism in direct opposition to the teachings of the Christ who has become the figurehead of the company. The God business slowly grows, only now it is watered with hate for gay people. What would Jesus do? I doubt if he would eat at Chick-fil-A. Everyone should go eat a salad.
  16. Obese cats don't live very long. This is what every cat needs:
  17. I have always enjoyed the "diary journal" format in stories, it gives the author the opportunity to jump ahead while disclosing solid chunks of the plot. FT has managed to give us enough worthwhile information to encourage further reading. I for one will take it on one chapter at a time as it is posted. I do have one wish, and that would be for a little relief on the formatting. Presenting such huge fields of text bunched together is a difficult read. Each block could be broken down into smaller paragraphs and give the reader's eyes some white space to focus upon. Thanks for the story, FT.
  18. We have to do everything we can here in the good ole US of A to protect our children, that's why we have an amendment in our Constitution that allows people to leave loaded guns around the house. Makes perfect sense...doesn't it?
  19. Horton Hatches the Egg...only an author like Cole could draw such a wonderful parallel between a children's story and the best traits of fatherhood. I see Chapter 13 as a turning point, something I have been waiting for. The opening paragraphs are loaded with emotion and images, the rest you will have to discover for yourselves. Good going, Cole. If the readers weren't hooked before they will be now!
  20. http://news.yahoo.com/2-seattle-men-stopped-border-illegal-candy-045723476.html The borders aren't safe anymore, call out the National Guard. Meanwhile, the marijuana keeps flowing across the border like...dare I say it...candy!
  21. I'll tell you (as if you don't already know) I embrace rule number 12. Proofing stories that you have read a half-dozen times is tricky business. The mind often fills in the missing word as the eyes breeze through a paragraph. Not good, egg on the face time, especially after the story is posted. Fortunately (and I don't say this lightly) many readers have no qualms about pointing out the errors. Makes me wonder why I have an editor, we both missed it! Just proves that all we, as authors, need is a large bunch of readers. Is that asking too much?
  22. Oops, sorry Cole methinks this gentleman has been following me for years. Not that I can take credit for this man's ways, but he has asked about other authors to read and of course...your name came up. At one time or another I have pointed out the names of many of the AD authors to readers looking for a good story. I have always felt in good company here!
  23. I know that all of us, as authors, value the readers who comment on our work. Some do it better than others, but I always enjoy the contact which tells me I must be doing something right...or even wrong. Some of them cannot help but guess at where the story is going, those would be among the frustrated writer's category. Then there are the one or two who feel it necessary to tell my story back to me chapter by chapter. I even understand that because it shows they are getting the plot all figured out. But then I have the reader who sends a long and detailed email about where the story ought to go. This usually arrives after the story has ended and suggests they want to see more. I respond to all mail no matter how crazy, and I encourage the latter group to carry on with the story in their minds. Characters don't die, I tell them, they only go to sleep in my mind and the readers are welcome to wake them up and set them in motion. I would not second guess another writer's ending, especially not Cole. Guess I will find out what happens after the aliens land...oops.
  24. http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2012/07/americas-shame-40-percent-of-homeless-youth-are-lgbt-kids/ Here I could rant about parenting, at least about the bad parents who toss gay kids out the door like yesterday's trash. Some people were never meant to be parents, but like the hetero marriage they entered into, it comes with a set of rules which are being broken. In most states, and by Federal law, parents and schools are responsible for assuring the education of persons under the age of eighteen. There are a whole bunch of parents out there breaking those laws and yet we don't see a single story in the news about the laws being enforced. About two-thirds of the states have laws that make parents responsible for any criminal acts committed by their children and California seems to have the toughest one around. But although the CA law was intended for use in gang situations it would appear to work fine against the parents who push kids out the door. Homeless kids who sleep on the street or engage in prostitution are breaking the law and parents should be held accountable. My thoughts here are nothing new, this issue has been around for decades and only seems to grow worse. The forces in the gay community are focused on adult issues like gay marriage while the youth issues suffer in silence. Perhaps it is time for a major change. I imagine the right wingnuts in all these pseudo-Christian anti gay groups would look foolish if they opposed the plight of homeless youth on the streets of America. Parents who toss their minor children on the street for being gay, lesbian or transgender would certainly not find support from the likes of Focus on the Family. Those organizations would be committing religious suicide of they came out in support of abandoning children. Tossing a minor child out the door without an access to education and shelter is a crime and parents need to be held accountable. This is simple child abuse and yet the solutions are anything but simple. I am all for sending parents to jail in these circumstances. I am surprised that we have not seen such action taken by any state or local prosecutors. It is time the gay community stood up for the rights of our homeless youth. If the right wingnuts are going to rant and rave about gay adults recruiting kids and "making" them gay then let's give them something to scream about and make fools of themselves. That would seem to be an easy chore. Dan Savage needs a new cause. "It Gets Better" does not apply to a homeless LGBT child.
  25. I love the way this story keeps us guessing. Teen romance angst, family in crisis, bad cops...what will Cole come up with next? Guess we will all have to stay tuned. Thanks, Cole, really enjoying myself with this one.
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