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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. I hope the Scots do take back their country and remain in the EU. Don't think Trump will be happy if they do - he is not very popular there and I can see them re-introducing the planning regulations he got thrown out.
  2. It is looking increasingly as if we may end up facing a second referendum here. Especially after the Leave campaign have now stated they never said that leaving the EU would reduce immigration. Technically the official Leave campaign never said it, they just allowed UKIP to say it and never contradicted them. From what I heard on the bus this morning a few people who voted for Leave are now starting to feel rather upset about the whole thing. There is currently a petition on the Government website calling for a second referendum and it has 1.5 million signatures. Any petition with over 100,000 has to be considered for debate in parliament. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
  3. I heard one of the Leave people state that we were going into interesting times. I wonder if he realised that is a Chinese curse, 'may you live in interesting times'!!
  4. Well, it looks as if the Nationalists are going to end up with a very small nation! The Scottish First Minister has just stated that it is undemocratic to withdraw Scotland from the EU when the Scots have indicated they want to stay in the EU. It looks like a second Scottish Independence referendum, but this time with support from the Scottish Conservatives and Labour parties.
  5. I would not be surprised if it does not get worse.
  6. Looking at the drop on the pound in off market trading they are doing exactly that.
  7. We will just have to wait and see. The polls closed half an hour ago. Now the start counting. Today the pound had its highest rise against the dollar for 30 years, which the pundits say indicates a Remain vote. Hope so.
  8. We today is the day. Just off to cast my vote in the referendum.
  9. Having recently finished 'From the Cup of the Worthless' it is a delight to see another Cynus story appearing on AD. Cynus is an amazing storyteller, so one thing which we can be certain is that this is going to be a good tale. What is interesting about this story from Cynus is that he has adopted a voice and perspective very different from that which we saw in 'From the Cup of the Worthless'. This hints at a very different type of story, and one I suspect will be full of self irony. It is going to be interesting to see where this goes and I look forward to reading the rest of it as it is published.
  10. That is great. Just posted it to all the sites I have been commenting on about staying in the EU. At the same time I am checking the family genealogy to be sure I am definitely a distant cousin of Robert the Bruce. In the case of a Leave vote on Thursday I may be well moving to Scotland and joining in their campaign to leave the UK and stay in the EU. I will also be helping them restore Hadrian's wall!
  11. ​That is not particularly surprising. There is a problem for many gay muslims that they find themselves in such a conflict with their religious beliefs that they hit out at what they are. I know of at least two homophobic assaults where I live which have been carried out by muslim men who were known to parts of the local gay community as homosexuals. It is not only amongst the muslim community that this problem exists. It is also to be found amongst fundamental and even some main stream Christians. There is an old saying that those who condemn the loudest have the most to hide!
  12. I am intrigued already. Mark has started another episode in the life of Thompsonville and it is one that I definitely want to read. In a short first chapter he has established both a feeling of place and one of uncertainty. You don't know what is going to happen but you have the feeling something is going to happen. It left me wanting to know more and I will be reading it to find out more. This is certainly a story that I am going to look forward to reading.
  13. If anyone is interested in events and vigils that are taking place goto: http://www.weareorlando.org
  14. Equality Florida are organising support for the victims. If you would like to help them goto eqfl.org and follow the link to their gofundme page.
  15. I can already hear some of the so called Christians saying that they have got what was coming to them.
  16. ​Just heard an interview on the radio of a twenty two year old student. He and his partner where in the club. The partner is in hospital and they do not have medical cover. The student was saying he is going to have to give up his studies and get a job to cover the bills. When asked if he family would help he said they had thrown him out because he was gay.
  17. Here is a link to the story which has just come up on the BBC web site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/36510272
  18. There is a breaking news report on the BBC about a mass casualty shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Apparently the shooter is dead and the bomb squad have carried out a controlled explosion.
  19. Nate has got out of prison after being proved to be innocent after all - now he his trying to get his life back together whilst waiting for compensation from the state. It's not though that easy, so he ends up in a room over the garage of his brother's house as he plans to rebuild his life. What he was not planning for was a life involving Parker or his nine year old niece Em. This is a good story well told and one which explores how two men who are in love can completely miss what each is saying. At the moment it is available on Amazon Kindle at a discounted price and well worth getting.
  20. I have been to a couple of concerts at this church. The organ dates from 1841 and was built by J. Bazt of Utrecht. It has a sound which is different from most church organs I have heard. It works really well for Bach. Not about using it for Webber.
  21. Basically you make an infusion of it. Never understood why they used hemlock, aconite is far more effective, though hemlock is probably more humane.
  22. Well 'From the Cup of the Worthless' has come to an end. I for one will miss it. This has been an interesting story well told and well plotted. It has not been the easiest of reads. There was so much going on that you really had to put an effort into following the tale, but it was an effort that was well rewarded. In my opinion this has been one of Cynus's best pieces of writing so far. I really enjoyed it.
  23. I'm not sure I want to think about their knickers!
  24. My USA geography is not what it should be. Does that mean you loose the Bible Belt?
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