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Everything posted by Rutabaga

  1. I was about to start a post for this story but Mrs. O'Reilly's cat beat me to it. Evan showed great class here. R
  2. The latest "Tony" story is here. It's cool to have one of the "locals" furnish the name for Mrs. O'Reilly's cat. I suppose there is scant likelihood of anyone ever naming their cat Rutabaga. Probably just as well not to know more detail about Donny's rite. R
  3. Welcome you are (channeling Yoda). R
  4. This is a new story, not a republication of an earlier one, correct? R
  5. Found here. Another tale in the Tony saga. Wherein we learn the new expletive "Locks bol." R
  6. I am sure I have run across that same picture in the past, somewhere floating around on the net. I can't recall where. It's a great photo. So . . . Phil and Ryan explore the possibilities with "uninjured body parts." At least it will keep them off the streets . . . R
  7. In case anyone can't remember the most recent Picks from the Past, here is a screenshot from my iPad: R
  8. Well. Of all the loose ends that remain loose, now, it seems to me that one of the biggest ones remains the question of how Beryl got involved with this outfit and the scope of what she was doing for it. We have heard very little about Johnny's review of the diaries. One inference is that she made a bad decision to become entangled at an early stage, and then was stuck, but the weird associations with pedophiles, etc., makes me wonder. Maybe some day Johnny will be able to move forward with his projects and his life. It apparently remains an open question whether Joseph will be part of that. R
  9. Please add my sincere wishes for a full and speedy recovery. R
  10. Bummer bummer bummer! Poor Mike! The good news is that the success rate for this kind of operation is quite high. We will keep Mike in our thoughts and prayers and wish him a speedy recovery. The stories will keep -- there are more important things! R
  11. Now there was a creepy guy, for sure. R P.S.: Here's the link.
  12. I enjoyed the three captives channeling MacGyver to deal with their predicament. Of course the identity of the spy had been foreshadowed repeatedly -- I'm surprised he was so successful. And kudos to Grandma! What aim! Looks like there are a couple more chapters to go . . . then we'll have to endure Johnny Withdrawal for an unknown amount of time. R P.S.: I guess Alexander just slept through all of the excitement.
  13. There is a snippet of non-displaying HTML but no actual page content. R
  14. Finally got an opportunity to read this story. I had a brief brush with golf a number of years ago, and even took some lessons, but never got to be good enough to enjoy it. But I learned enough to be able to follow the technical talk in the story. I was fascinated by the last green seeming to be sloped when it was actually flat. Putting was the only thing I could do even half-decently, and no doubt that green would have been a challenge for me. Or perhaps not, since I knew so little I might not have proceeded with calculations based on the appearance of a slope that a more experienced golfer might have performed. Who knows? As for driving, I could throw the ball much further than I could make it go with a club. I was useless with a driver or wood. Fun story. And now I see there's another one posted. Not sure when I can get to that one!! R
  15. In this latest chapter Johnny seems to be picking up on the issues James raised in the hidden text above. I can't imagine anyone, especially in the US, demanding a physical color print of a film or TV program in this day and age. Many facilities do not even have the equipment to play back from film any more. It seems like the Henderson mob must have been larger and better equipped than it seemed in the last series. Hope Johnny can get a replacement car soon, or that this one can be repaired adequately. R
  16. I think James raises an interesting and pertinent concern in his hidden text. It's not entirely clear to me what Johnny could do about many aspects of that concern, given the outside forces beyond his control. Unless he uncovers something critically important in his diary reviews . . . R
  17. Of course, "queue" is the French word for "tail" (and also a slang word for something else) and pronounced roughly like "kuh." But then again, the French way of pronouncing the letter "q" sounds just the same. G
  18. Boy howdy, I guess that answers that! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ R
  19. Meanwhile, I'm still wondering what ever became of Antonio. R
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