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Posts posted by Trab

  1. Ask him if he wants to use your shower. If you think it is bad getting a bit excited about a semi-clad hunka-hunka, think how I felt when I realized I was getting all 'frisky' over an anime drawing. Damn but those artists are good.

  2. Hatred and bigotry are human traits, and as such will be wherever there are humans.

    Sadly, I don't believe that to be true at all. I say sadly, because those are behaviours taught by our parents, other adults, and terrible scripts in stories, TV, and movies. I almost wish those were actual traits, since then it wouldn't be so ridiculously inexcusable to still have them around.

  3. My mother often says she doesn't know why "we" are in Afghanistan, and I point out that if that attitude had prevailed in WWII we'd all be under Nazi or Japanese rule now. I just wish people would be more loving and considerate of each other instead of seeing everyone as pawns, obstacles, or something to be exploited.

  4. Maybe your analysis of the cost of Afgahnistan and the benefits of spending the money at home should be forwarded to him. On the other hand, maybe sending troops to Somalia to save millions from a slow and agonizing death might be a nice alternative. One has to really wonder what the best choice really is. I know I could bankrupt my finances AND my goodwill by just pouring it into a seemingly deepening hole.

  5. It is soooo tempting, but since I recently dropped several (4) other authors due to major time problems on my end, I'd better not risk both my sanity and my life (from death squads hunting me down). I do wish you luck.

  6. 2 million people getting new work would require training personnel, administrative personnel, more safety inspections, purchasing agents, etc. Even just studying the needs within the crumbling infrastructure would require professional in the form of engineers, surveyors, etc. There would need to be more food catering, accommodation needs, the list goes on. Somewhere in there there would be a place for you Cole, even if it were to be motivational entertainment for the non-drinking workers.

  7. I'm sure he knows now how it feels.

    I doubt it very much. Whereas he knows he's guilty as charged and is being dealt a moderately equitable blow, the kids he sentenced only had the knowledge that they'd been screwed over by the judge and the system, with no idea of how long this parody of justice would continue. It is NOT the same at all.

  8. Yet they didn't express anger at, or really even blame, the judge himself.

    Stockholm Syndrome?

    I don't think it is healthy to not blame the person who was to blame, although it is unhealthy and self-destructive to hate that person. What bugs me about this is that it is effectively, if not in law, human trafficking and nearly slavery. I think the punishment should be much more severe. For that matter, punishment is most severe for things like murder, when the destruction of a person's living life is actually much longer and more painful. It's not that I cannot understand that terminating a life is permanent, but I think that the system puts too little stock in the damage done psychologically (and physically) by other so-called lesser crimes.

    The fact is, the perpetrator actually doesn't see his/her victim as being human at all, seeing them as pieces to be used to his/her own advantage, and the system doesn't actually treat the victims much better, with most of those involved in the legal process treating the victims in a totally cavalier way, also as pieces to be used to their own advantage, from income to votes.

  9. Gee whillickers, Gee Whillickers, that's scary. I think you may well be right, but the other aspect of this is that corporations, particularly large ones, are effectively immortal beings with no humanity and therefore their goals are not the goals of you, me, or any other human being, and they are effectively immune to any damage they cause unless either the populace or government slaps them down for it. Any punishments or reparations are simply the cost of doing business and if that cost is lower than the cost of 'doing it right' things will just get worse.

  10. I notice a lot of the comment there are about the problems with 'for profit' prisons. Sadly, it is NOT just prisons, but anything that is 'for profit' which is and should be treated as a public service. That goes from prisons to safety enforcement for workers, safety regulations and enforcement of food and products to air traffic controllers, police to fire, not to mention medical and environmental. Each time the profit bottom line is in conflict with the public good there is a risk, an enormous risk, to the public.

  11. Kids need to know that you trust them, but more importantly, they need to feel safe and loved by you, and that feeling of safety will allow them to open up with honesty

    Pretty much my point, but said so much better.

  12. I think that kids respect respect, and if the parent has failed to totally meet the kids' expectations the kid will look elsewhere. In other words, if you don't trust your child with your own feelings, even if they are sadness at some debt, or other frustration, they aren't going to learn to trust their feelings to you.

    The kids who don't do much wrong, or lie, are the ones who have been treated as a 100% member of the family group, and not someone apart from the family in some way. Spoiling a child is just as harmful, long term, as abusing a child; having no rules is just as bad as having too many rules, and those rules should be the same for everyone. If you, as a parent, don't tell your kids when and where you are going, you really can't expect them to have that courtesy.

    Of course all this is from someone without kids, only great parents.

  13. Sounds as if it has been arranged in what we used to call, in maths classes "sets", which could overlap, or be completely separate from the others. It sounds much more natural than Facebook; I have my personal people, sports people, LGBTQ people, radio people, aspergers people and volunteering people all in different personal sets, and with no ability to really segregate them on Facebook, I've limited my use of it tremendously. Sounds like Google+ might be just the thing...do you know if you can actually delete oneself from it? I know you cannot with Facebook, the best you can do that is deactivate your account till they trick you into accidentally activating it again with some underhanded email.

  14. Interesting premise. I'm not sure I like the subtle encouragement of the view that homosexuality is a personality trait as opposed to a deep level genetic one, but the premise makes for some interesting potential discussion points, and a fascinating storyline. (I grimaced when Hess SAT his notes down, rather than SET them down though.)

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