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Posts posted by Trab

  1. If I remember correctly, Driver is under my contacts as Dan Driver. We haven't been in contact for quite some years, but he was very sick towards the end of our contacts. Something debilitating and causing him much pain. Just typing emails to me was both exhausting and excruciating, so we just stopped. He was being supported by a very close family, including his wife. At the rate of his decline over the years we chatted, I doubt he is still around. I never did find out his actual name, but he was a musician in an award winning group, but quit in order to love his family better. 

  2. On August 16, 2018 at 3:03 AM, Bruin Fisher said:

    Am I right that some of his stuff posted elsewhere deals with sexual attraction between adults and underage children? Like 12 year olds? I think I did see something by him, either on Gay Authors or Nifty, which dealt with a father being sexually attracted to his young son, and decided not to read it.

    Not that I consider that should necessarily preclude his work being posted here, we all have our own views on such matters, but if I came across a story here that seemed to transgress my own feelings of propriety, I probably wouldn't read it.


    I think you might be right, but I'd hope that each story here would be judged on its own content, not on other stories at (on or in) other venues. 

  3. 19 hours ago, colinian said:

    So, does that mean we have to start saying "he works on night" instead of "he works at night"?

    Colin  :icon_geek:

    Hey, everyone says "on Friday" not "at Friday" (and the same for other days). It's all English, so all effed up. 

  4. On September 23, 2018 at 12:52 AM, colinian said:

    As a Computer Science major I learned the only correct way to enter dates. It is yyyy-mm-dd (and we don't use / because that has a separate meaning in the internet world). Entering them that way means they will always sort correctly: year first, then month, then day. And, no single digits! yyyy-mm-dd means using a 0 in front of single-digit month values and day values. So, today is 2018-09-23.

    Colin  :icon_geek:

    It's the international standard, actually. 

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