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Posts posted by Trab

  1. In truth, this is only the second of the many stories I have posted here that is entirely fictional. The vast majority of what I write is based directly on real experiences, and probably with greater than 90% truth in them. Embellishing a bit, particularly to make myself seem much smarter than I really am, is perfectly fine with me...seriously, I don't do that, but I do change up minor things to make my words more amusing, if only to me.

  2. My developing ‘green’ side encouraged me to seek out ways to water the home vegetable garden without resorting to using the municipal system. Rain barrels, hooked up to the downspouts from my eve troughs were the simplest answer, but left something to be desired. At barely 50 gallons per barrel, I needed a lot more water than my three barrels could hold.

    One day I noticed that a local department store was having a sale on kids swimming pools, with an 8 foot diameter pool, 3 feet deep, going for only $100. A rapid calculation determined that such a pool would provide me about 1100 gallons, or about the capacity of 21 barrels. Since individual barrels cost about $100 apiece, this was a deal not to be passed up.

    Some hard work, and the ground was flattened enough to allow the pool to be filled without risk of it simply rolling down the slope of the yard. The slope was not great, but well defined and ended at the chain link fencing at the neighbors yard. Now to redirect the downspouts and wait for rains. Being on Vancouver Island, on the wet coast of Canada, I didn’t have long to wait. A few weeks and the pool was full.

    What I never counted on though, was the curiosity of cats. I never thought that from the feline perspective there was bound to be a top to the pool, not a wet and unwelcome reception. Of course we all know that cats can swim, but it is most definitely NOT something they like, so when our cat projected itself into the air, only to land squarely in the middle of a cold pool of water, the reaction was swift.

    Like a banshee from the nether worlds, the screech could be heard blocks away as it churned its way to the side of the rubber walled pool. Frantic to get out, it managed to quickly shred the sidewall material, which gave up in the most spectacular way, cascading a thousand gallons of water, and one drenched cat, across the garden and into the chain link fencing. When the water level dropped, there was the cat, grasping the links frantically, looking like flotsam left behind by a receding tsunami, which I guess it was. The law of unforeseen consequences won that round, and kitty was down one of its nine lives.

  3. Earlier today I looked at some pictures of a major religious trek in India, with thousands upon thousands heading to their shrine. I've also seen photos of millions in the Vatican, and many more millions of Muslims at their own religious symbols. After that, how can I even remotely suppose that our human direction is going to change to one of enlightened fostering care for our planet?

    We truly are the lemmings heading for the cliff, or maybe a better analogy is the voyage of the Titanic. You've probably all heard the expression "shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic" and it couldn't be more true for all of us. We are on the road to drastic and probably very painful changes, but we are arguing about religious rights, marriage equality, the right to have babies, etc. None of it will count for shit if there isn't a livable planet to do it on. We are doing it to ourselves, and nobody is going to stop us till we come to that crashing end.

  4. The Droplet

    By Trab

    As I watched, fascinated, a small drop of water, sweat, formed on his forehead. We were both sitting in the sauna, and whilst I pretended to be interested in anything and everything but him, I couldn’t help but admit to myself that this wonderfully lithe athletic hunk of manhood was severely turning me on. Not to the extent of actually embarrassing myself in public, but enough to question my belief that I was asexual.

    The droplet slowly moved down his forehead, right between his lustrous eyebrows, and tickled him ever so slightly as it inched down his perfectly formed and slightly twitching nose. As it hung there, delicately balanced and growing microscopically ever so slowly, like a stalactite forming in a pristine cave, I stared into his eyes oh so black, looking deep into his smoldering internal energy.

    Suddenly, with a slow-motion stretching, the drop departed, falling quickly to his chest, where, combining with other droplets, it formed a small rivulet, one that meandered over the lustrous sheen of his upper chest, past a perfectly formed nipple that in no way resembled a female one, and on down to his abdominal expanse.

    Now I’m not averse to a bit of body fat; I’d better not be considering my own looks and condition, but his taut skin, over muscles rippling just below the surface, was awesome to behold. The little stream was now cascading rapidly, joining with many other trickles of sweat. They finally stopped, well below his belly button, upon touching his deep red bathing trunks. I couldn’t help but envy them all, as their journey would continue away from my eager eyes, if not my eager thoughts.

    Looking up again, I was bathed in a radiant smile, shining white teeth between very delicate lips, dimpled cheeks, and all topped by warm eyes of welcome and interest. I could feel my pulse quicken significantly more than justified by the sauna temperature, and I smiled in return. He leaned forward to speak to me, and I was full of anticipation, ready for anything with this man, but little did I expect, “Is Jesus your Saviour?”

  5. Thanks, Cole, but my visits will be sporadic. I have a 90 year old mother to look after (gays are good for that as those my age often don't have their own kids or even a spouse) as well as an incredibly busy schedule of other responsibilities. I do miss the kibitzing and intellectual discussions here, but I get much of those needs fulfilled by Des when I edit his stuff.

  6. The first autobiographical flash fiction post I have ever seen. Thank you, Des.

    Chris, 90% of my stuff is autobiographical. I don't really have the imagination to do pure fiction, and only manage to enhance (embellish) my reality somewhat.

  7. Interesting...just this morning I watched a National Geographic show on the Amish, and it seems they actually encourage males reaching 16 years of age to leave, explore and experience the world, and hope mightily that they will soon return to the Amish community wiser and willing to take on the faith in its entirety. Many do not return, and although they didn't say so, I suspect gays are a large segment of those remaining away. If they return, they are expected to marry a wife and start a family.

    As for the adventure of flying, I've only flown 6 times in my 6 decades, and the first time was terrifying. Nobody bothered to tell me that those 'fixed wing aircraft' actually have wings that move up and down, albeit not rhythmically.

  8. I turned to the mirror and looked critically at what I saw therein. A handsome visage, blue eyes, trim eyebrows, long and exotically dark eyelashes, a high forehead, topped by a mop of golden blond hair slightly disheveled from just having been toweled dry. A uniform tan extended from face to neck, over swimmer’s abs and pecs, to a lovely treasure trail leading to a decent looking package that wouldn’t cause anyone to feel shamed. Obviously the nude sun bathing had been a good choice, having eliminated that stupid white band that so irritated me whenever I saw one. Further south, the soft golden down increased in density once below the knees, and extended right onto the nicely formed toes. Great looking dude, if I do say so myself.

    Taking my nerves in hand, I asked him, “Would you like to go on a date sometime?”

  9. <div class="post entry-content ">Very interesting talk, particularly from the Asperger perspective. We are pretty introverted from our basic wiring, and it is nearly impossible to get anything much from us when it comes to group thinking. Most likely we&#39;ll think internally about what is being said by the others, then maybe, very maybe, we will be able to interrupt the conversation to tell them what we&#39;ve thought about...usually about 15 minutes after the conversation has swung to several new topics.<br>


    I also found one particular point fascinating; that people tend to start mirroring the feelings and behaviours of others who are perceived as leaders, despite those leaders&#39; ideas not necessarily being good ones. The charisma of the&quot;leader&quot; is the deciding factor. THAT is power of the ignorant rightwing religious bigots; charismatic speaking, holding their masses of followers in the palms of their hands, providing an image to be unthinkingly replicated (mirrored).</div>

  10. <p>Very interesting talk, particularly from the Asperger perspective. We are pretty introverted from our basic 'wiring', and it is nearly impossible to get anything much from us when it comes to group thinking. Most likely we'll think internally about what is being said by the others, then maybe, very maybe, we will be able to interrupt the conversation to tell them what we've thought about...usually about 15 minutes after the conversation has swung to several new topics. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I also found one particular point fascinating; that people tend to start mirroring the feelings and behaviours of others who are perceived as leaders, despite those "leader's" ideas not necessarily being good ones. The charisma of the "leader" is the deciding factor. THAT is power of the ignorant rightwing religious bigots; charismatic speaking, holding their masses of followers in the palms of their hands, providing an image to be unthinkingly replicated (mirrored). </p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  11. Without Warning

    By Trab

    Today I suffered my first, and hopefully last, personal IED. “IED” is the acronym currently applied to terrorist warfare tactics in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, in which an “improvised explosive device” is placed in a way that causes maximum damage…in other words, a big mess.

    Today, with no warning whatsoever, I suddenly felt an urgent need to go to the bathroom, for a toilet break. Sometimes you just know things are not going to go well, and this was one of those times. As I sat down, I didn’t even need to strain my incredulity to know it was going to be bad, but nothing, absolutely nothing prepared me for the “shit grenade” that hit the toilet water, splashed up like a freaking waterspout, lifting me and my (then) current oval office right off the porcelain throne. If I’d been in a World Title competition I’m sure I’d have received at least three 8.9’s and a couple of 9.0’s from the judges.

    As it was, there was no-one to witness my rapid rise and fall in the polls, er, bowl, except the unfortunate cat, who’d very unwisely decided to follow me into the bathroom to see if she could get some fresh water. Ha, ha, ha. I’ve never seen such a disgusted look, except that once when she jumped for a shelf and missed, careening down the wall and landing in an embarrassed heap on the floor. It seems they have to have a ‘free’ fall in order to land on their feet; it doesn’t work if they are scraping their claws down the wallpaper as they drop. Regardless of her previous experience, she was obviously horrorstruck at the current situation, looking like she was going to try to claw through the door for a frantic, and much too late, exit.

    All I can say is, “wie lacht om een scheet, is gekker dan hij weet”, which is a very appropriate short Dutch rhyme, saying, “he who laughs at a fart is crazier than he realizes”, which is probably why my amazed amused laughter at my splatter pattern, not to mention the cat’s reaction, makes me crazier than I ever realized…although I suppose that writing a post about it is ever crazier.

  12. Something is wrong. My previous post had numerous gibberish control characters inserted by "something", so I tried to delete the post. Unfortunately, there is no DELETE feature/button, so I had to substitute the previous post with this explanation.

    Sadly, this is exactly encouraging me to post on AD forums, unless someone can actually figure out why this is happening and correct it.

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