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Posts posted by Trab

  1. Thank you Nigel.

    I actually feel a bit better with that explanation, despite realizing now the the rabid believers will actually become worse.

    A number of years ago a very devout Baptist told me that he felt that I was a true Christian in my actions daily, but that because I don't believe in the Lord I would suffer eternal damnation anyway.

    As for my own belief, there is no eternal, nor damnation, so I'm not worried about it.

    I will just continue to apologize to any living thing I am knowingly hurting or about to hurt, and feel discomfited whenever I disturb natural things like rocks. If I think too much about our human disgraceful behaviour towards factory farms animals I can near traumatization, so I need to back away from that out of self preservation. That might be pagan or Buddhist or something else, but overwhelmingly, it's me.

  2. Interesting.

    I've wondered for many decades how many of the roundish, crater-like, lakes and bays scattered around the globe will eventually be recognized as impact craters. I know several already have, like the gigantic one by the Yucatan. Sometimes a volcanic eruption (explosion) can seem similar, but the geology is usually much different.

    If one uses Google Earth to just scan the planet, one can be amazed by the numbers of nearly circular depressions with nearly centralized upheavals (seen as an island) indicative of an impact. There are small ones, relatively, like Ungava in Quebec, but I suspect some of the large ones as well, like James Bay off Hudsons Bay, and maybe even Hudsons Bay. I've seen similar things on other continents too. It would be nice to know what really happened, but I doubt it will be proven in my lifetime.

  3. When I was running the Editor/Beta Reader Program at GA, I had several authors contact me for help in looking for an editor due to comments left in reviews.

    Meaning they didn't realize they had a problem until readers pointed it out. "It's never too late", as the saying goes.

  4. It was often noted that his penis entered the room five minutes before his face appeared.

    That, Chris, is not necessarily a matter of either length or enthusiasm, but simply expert presentation.

  5. I find raw editing is much less appealing than polishing. In the first instance it's as if you are the basic landscaper, with backhoe and shovel, trying to make something nice from near chaos, and in the second It's like you are a bonsai specialist, tweaking what is already well formed.

  6. This thread seems to have whethered on the vine. (Deliberate)

    I absolutely loved one, as it made me laugh so hard. The others, although good, don't tickle my fancy, and truly, this project is going to become a bit of a joke (parody of a serious story) and it should end with a terrific humorous line.

    I vote for "He smiled through the pancake batter dripping down his face. It was the most gratifying moment thus far in his short life."

  7. By the way, leprechauns do procreate. But they do it by rubbing the sides of their noses with their forefingers, then another leprechaun's.

    I'm not entirely sure if you meant they first rub the sides of their noses with their forefingers and then with another leprechaun's nose or their forefingers.

  8. On one of mine, I have the beginning more or less sorted out and the last sentance set in stone, but with everything else, who knows.

    Don't you just hate it when you have a clever line or plot and can't build a story to deliver it? It reminds me of that old joke, "and now for the sports scores" followed by only the scores and none of the team names. The ultimate in being out of context.

  9. They are all good, but one stands out to me, and obviously to others, #7.

    A story is like a vacation, the best ones are adventures en route to your destination, and the worst are boring meanderings getting you nowhere at all.

    I do feel the one about reducing the number of characters a bit 'off' for writing, as I feel that one is more script oriented for movie stories.

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