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Everything posted by dude

  1. Just watched the documentary and it was excellent. I have little interest in the Olympics as an institution but when diving in RIO is aired on TV... I'll be here cheering for Tom!
  2. NPR: Fact Checking Hillary's DNC speech, annotated: http://www.npr.org/2016/07/28/487817725/fact-check-hillary-clintons-speech-to-the-democratic-convention-annotated?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20160731&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews
  3. NPR: Fact Checking Trumps RNC speech, annotated: http://www.npr.org/2016/07/21/486883610/fact-check-donald-trumps-republican-convention-speech-annotated?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20160724&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews
  4. Got 75 minutes and a strong stomach? Trump's RNC speech annotated, courtesy the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/21/full-text-donald-trumps-prepared-remarks-accepting-the-republican-nomination/
  5. So pleased that you are still around, Des! And I Hope the loss of part of your tongue hasn't affected your speaking too much... you've always been such a cunning linguist! Mike
  6. Let me start by saying how much we appreciate donations to AwesomeDude via PayPal. Your help is needed and much appreciated. In the past there has been a controversy over whether or not for me to reply to donors by email to confirm and to express appreciation for their help in keeping this free site running. The controversy stemmed from some closeted donors not wanting to receive emails from a 'gay' website. This has been the case in the past but I believe it may no longer apply. So here's what we'll do beginning July 2016, I'll be sending thank yous to all contributors unless you indicate that you world prefer not to receive one. That should solve the problem, I believe, and allow us to express our appreciation for your assistance in keeping AwesomeDude.com on lite. Again thanks to all who continue to support this site. Dude,
  7. It's been a long time since we've heard from the little Dutch boy who is proud of having Twee Vaders (Two Fathers). Here it is again. The video quality of the English subs version is not as great as the tDutch version but here it is from the Dutch TV Show Kids for Kids. English Sub-title Dutch Version: And Terence TODAY!
  8. John Oliver is the best. Boris? As batshit crazy as Donald Trump!
  9. Despite California's 'liberal image' the Sacramento area is a hotbed of right-wing bigotry as well as a center for Russian and other eastern European immigrants and crime.
  10. All done... AD Radio is back... in less than four hours! BTW, you can now hear us via your TuneIn app on your smartphones or click on the AD Radio button in the AD Forums Header bar. Mike
  11. AD Radio will be down for maintenance for several hours from 0800 PDT on Thursday, June 16th. We'll be back soon! Mike
  12. Nigel, were you paraphrasing 'The Bard" ??? "The lady doth protest too much"
  13. NPR is reporting today that Pulse employees and club-goers have identified Omar Mateen as a regular patron of the club!
  14. I'm sure this has not yet played out. Remembering the blame placed on the gay community by the 'religious right' following 911 and other disasters would suggest that more of the same is yet to come from our own 'Bible Belt.' Intolerance is not the sole province of the Muslim radicals.
  15. at 10:40 a.m. EDT the death toll is 50 with 53 being treated in hospital!
  16. It's horrible! US news media all over the story as I write.
  17. Those two French boys who call themselves TheTwinsBrothers are at it again! The French are soooo laid back...
  18. The Gulf of Love begins a decade after The Gulf Between Us ends. Clay is a marine biologist working at the Sanibel Island Conservancy. His job is to preserve the Gulf of Mexico. He takes it seriously. Boris has been lost. Ivan has set out to find him. That means Ivan has left the beach and Clay knows Ivan intends to find Boris, no matter how long it takes. Clay intends to wait. Clay's son Dylan, his wife Sunshine, and his sister Lucy figure prominently into what Clay needs to do to finish growing up. These are turbulent times. The beach has not escaped the sting. Ivan promises to return. Clay believes he will but the wait seems endless. STARTING Saturday, June 4th!
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