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If only all kids were like this one

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I will be the first to admit I am handicapped when it comes to technology. My feeling is that if I need to know something about new technology then all I have to do is ask the eight year old up the street. This story is good news for the handicapped and those who give them a helping hand. I have watched many a wheelchair bound person struggle with ordinary things in life, but this boy is about to make that easier.



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I've seen his appearance on Ellen and besides the check, she also paired him with her personal Aps development team to help him complete his work. We need to keep encouraging these types of kids.



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It is possible that the world could be saved by twelve year-olds like this young man. Perhaps we should give the vote only to pre-teens, before their idealism is shattered by hormones.

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One of my favorites in this genre is Boyan Slat, the Dutch boy who came up with a way to clean the ocean of its garbage. He was 15 or 16 when he noticed the problem and decided to solve it. Of course that rather required things like scientists and corporations... so he got them together! He's now in his 20s, and two weeks ago demonstrated the proposed solution which will be deployed to the Pacific this year. So he managed to identify a problem, conceive an idea, develop a solution, gather like-minded folk around him, form a corporation and, just maybe, rid - or at least reduce - a planetary nightmare.

Will he be successful? "Experts" aren't sure, and there are plenty of nay-sayers. On the other hand, I don't see many of them getting their hands dirty in the process. So to h-e-double-hockey-stick for them.

Not bad for a teen-plus! Go Boyan!


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