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Pedro has been on vacation in the US. Like Peter in his story 'The Tourist' he has been indulging his interest in railroads. Also like Peter, he met someone called Lucas:






A boyhood interest the same,

In the railroad car you came

Sat opposite to share the ride,

It was foretold I’d meet your name.


Not shy, no wanting face to hide

Along the seat made impish slide

And ‘til closed on safety grounds

Too far through window leaning tried.


Delight at all the railroad sounds

Your curiosity knows no bounds

And as you ate your picnic food

Emotion in my heart compounds


Because your table manners crude,

Which really could be said most rude,

Amuse me so that we both smile

As I drink my coffee stewed.


At times the other watch awhile

And find no sign of risk or guile

And times we look and watch the view

So bond with every passing mile.


And then you touch me with your shoe

So footsie I would play with you

But romance is not the game

For you, my friend, are only two.




© copyright pedro October 2018





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Thanks guys, I’m pleased you enjoyed it.

Never having had much dealing with kids of any age since I was one myself, I find small kids,  past the puke, piss and poop stage, can be fascinating to watch as they interact with their surroundings. But it was the sense of the inevitable that got me when I saw his name, Lucas, written on the side of his drink bottle.

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