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Editor Wanted - Low Pay

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:lol: I like the approach, it has style.

Tragic Rabbit's and Talonrider's comments add to the flavor. :chuckle:

I'm not sure, I think Louis is asking all the editors out on a blind date. ;)

I'm currently working on one long form story, and I may take on a short story for an author who's asked. -- After that, I may have time to edit, or, if it's a short story, I might be able to fit it in.

What size story, how soon, and have you written before? Also, an editor may want to know about subject matter.

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If all or part of your story is available, I'd be willing to read the first chapter over the next week or so. Tell me where it is, and I'll give it a shot.

Otherwise, email me one chapter as an MS Word file to:


and I'll give it a once-over. If I think it has potential, and I can find the time, I'll give you a detailed edit. At worst, I'll jot down some overall thoughts on whether I thought the open works, if the characters are interesting, and if the plot makes sense, and make my comments more general.

You might want to read my Gay Writing Tips piece elsewhere first. I do get cranky when I see a half-dozen violations of those ideas, especially when the story invokes tiresome old cliches done in a predictable way. (And that's assuming there aren't any drastic problems with spelling, grammar, or syntax.)

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