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The Other Side of Me by Domluka

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Domluka has just released the 2nd half of Chapter 12 of 'The Other Side of Me'.

TOSOM is not Dom's typical fare (being more of a suspense thriller as opposed to a coming of age/coming out story).

I was reading some of the feedback on Dom's writing in the Dessert Dropping thread and was curious if others see an improvement in his writing with TOSOM?

TOSOM should be coming to a close with Chapter 13 and an epilogue all that remains. So if you can't stand cliffhangers and want to wait for the story to be completed before reading, it should be completed relatively soon.

Take Care,


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Dom Luka's stories are on my (long) list of "to be read" stories. I've heard enough praise for them to know I should read them, but I've been having a lot of trouble recently reading anything except the occasional short story.

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I have to agree with Jan. I think TOSOM is a great story but it would be worth it for Dom to crank out the last two chapters...or how ever many he decides to do. This is definately a story that works better reading straight through without long gaps. All of Dom's stories have been great...I can't wait for him to finish this one so he can get back to finish his previous one!!!

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Dom's stories are a must read. I would suggest reading TOSOM when it's completed if you haven't started it. It's a roller coaster of a story.

I also suggest waiting for the completed story but for expanded reasons. He usually has several stories in production and the delays between chapters are very long. However, Dom's an excellent writer and has an loyal reader base.

Jack :unsure:

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... He usually has several stories in production and the delays between chapters are very long.

Dom's two in progress stories are 'The Other Side of Me' and 'With Trust'. He set aside WT because he had a bit of writers block with it and his creative juices led him to TOSOM. Chapter 13 of TOSOM is the final chapter and most of that was already written, so I suspect it will be out soon.

Once TOSOM is complete, Dom said he was going to get back to WT.

Historically, Dom releases more chapters during the winter season while the summer is typically 'dry'. So I have a good feeling that the delay between chapters will be reduced. :icon10:

Take Care,


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Historically, Dom releases more chapters during the winter season while the summer is typically 'dry'. ..

Who keeps tabs on these things?

naper_vic, are you with the CIA (Collecting Information on Authors)? :icon10::stare:


I really enjoyed his Dessert Dropping story.

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Who keeps tabs on these things?

naper_vic, are you with the CIA (Collecting Information on Authors)? :icon10::w00t:


I really enjoyed his Dessert Dropping story.

I'm glad I didn't post the graph showing his chapter release frequency by season :smile: .

Ummm, I've been one of his biggest fans (read stalker) since he started posting 'The Lo(n)g Way' on 12/16/2004. But no worries to any other authors, I only keep a dossier on Dom.

:icon10: Vic

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Trust me, Vic is kind of an odd guy, we just look past his oddities, and give him hugs. :icon6:

TOSOM is a great story, and you should think about reading it, and all of his other stroies aswell, if you already have not

WT iss a great one, and I cannot wait for it to continue!

Kurt :D

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Hey, welcome, Kurt. :waves: -- I'm adblue over at GA, and I post infrequently over there.

Desert Dropping is good, though I got behind on it. As so often happens, real life plus the time I spend editing and doing "web stuff" takes up most of my time, and I don't always get back to a story when there's a long hiatus. Dom is very talented. I'd recommend The Lo(n)g Way also.

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  • 2 weeks later...
TOSOM should be coming to a close with Chapter 13 and an epilogue all that remains. So if you can't stand cliffhangers and want to wait for the story to be completed before reading, it should be completed relatively soon.

Errr, I could have sworn that Dom said that Ch 13 was going to be the last :devlish: . But he ended Ch 13 with a nasty cliffhanger :icon10: and now says that there will be one* more chapter.

Take Care,


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