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Mayor of San Diego Supports Gay Marriage

The Pecman

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This is a really remarkable news clip that happened on Friday here in California. The very-conservative Republican mayor was forced to confront the fact that there were gay people in his own family (including his daughter), which led him to radically change his oft-stated opinion that gays should not be allowed to marry.

I found it to be a very heartfelt and sincere speech, and it gives me hope that maybe the world can change for the better. (Hell, it even got me a little choked up.) Here's the link for those of you who want to watch it:


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Remarkable is certainly the right word to describe the mayor's speech. He is obviously affected by his own words.

I would love to see our own Aussie politicians making a similar declaration, but as this is an election year for us, all we are getting is so much side-stepping that I fear they are all dancing to the tune of the conservative Right wing in order to get elected.

Thanks for the glimmer of hope, Pecman. Change comes from such situations. :icon10:

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I would love to see our own Aussie politicians making a similar declaration, but as this is an election year for us, all we are getting is so much side-stepping that I fear they are all dancing to the tune of the conservative Right wing in order to get elected.

Des, there are Australian politicians and public officials who express similar feelings... MP Warren Entsch comes to mind as he just gave up in his long fight against your homophobic prime minister and made his final speech in Parliament this past week. But you are right... by battling for equal rights for all, he has alienated the 'pro-family' voting block.

The ACT leaders have also repeatedly done their best for the LGBT community in the capital territory but have also been thwarted at every turn by Mr. Howard.

At least we Americans know when we will be rid of Mr. Bush... your government system makes it a bit less definite on when a change of power will happen there.

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I was on a forum elsewhere, and found the video.

Awesome. Remarkable. Wonderful.

He chose with his heart. He felt he had to speak up for what he believes is right. He's willing to admit he was wrong. It is not popular to do either one, in politics or religion.

I wish there were more people like him.

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