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Erm I think this is part of why we fail.

In 2000 Bush was an idiot, Gore was a genius and there's no way we can lose.

In 2004 Bush was a war-mongering idiot and so are republicans, Kerry will mop the floor with them and there's no way we can lose.

It looks like we're headed in the same direction for 2008 which we are on course to lose yet again.

As long as we delude ourselves that there really are no issues and that only an idiot will vote for the other guy, we will continue to lose.

In fact we've vulnerable to a lot of criticism: Democrats are seen as being sold out to environmentalists. Democrats are seen as obstructionists in energy policy. Democrats are seen as sold out to unions. Democrats are seen as being sold out to minority special interests.

Before anyone on our side measures the drapes in the Oval Office, need I remind you that we are 0-2 for the new millennium and we got there by underestimating the opposition and failing to address the issues that most Americans care about. Just ask Mr. "Global Warming" Gore.

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Be careful for what you wish.

Here in Australia our "Left" Labor party defeated the "Right" Liberal party, so we effectively had the Ozzzie equivalent of the US Democrats elected in all states and Federally as well.

What no one told us was that the Left wing party had moved to the clueless room on the Right, and was thus now pandering to the psychopathic, conservative religious minorities.

(Of course that is just my humble opinion along with everyone to whom I speak.) :hehe:

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As long as we delude ourselves that there really are no issues and that only an idiot will vote for the other guy, we will continue to lose.

I bet ya a hundred bucks right now that Obama will win, but not by a big margin.

But then again, bear in mind that the only winning president I've voted for in 36 years was Clinton. (Twice.) (I turned 18 in 1972, so I just barely was able to vote against Nixon back then.)

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But then again, bear in mind that the only winning president I've voted for in 36 years was Clinton. (Twice.) (I turned 18 in 1972, so I just barely was able to vote against Nixon back then.)

I started voting back when you still had to be 21, and it was 1965. Don't even dare ask who I voted for back in those early years, because I was of a different party then. And it really was different then. Things have so drastically changed over the years, and then they had to go elect that bastard B***. I had had enough! Well, I got my head screwed on right, and who knows, tomorrow I'll screw it on again.


ps...Am I freudian about politics?

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