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Audio Book Reader


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For the record, I did try to find this on my own, but there comes a point where an alternative to fruitless effort is a blessing, and appearances, a fools errand.

What I'm calling an audio book reader is likely called any number of things, none of which are ABR, but more specifically, I want something more portable than a PC, more room to room than place to place, with options like a docking station and secondary speaker/headphones, that is not designed primarily for the convenience of sighted individuals like IPOD or even Kindle.

There is a selectivity aspect of the "I'll know it when I see it" variety that is considerably less unrealistic here than it might be elsewhere, and the subject line alone was probably enough. I'm interested in what you know, what you've heard, seen, read about, and any thoughts you might have about any of it, as finding something that will work is the most important thing. :hug: (LOL, I use that emoticon a lot...)

Thanks for everything,


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I use my phone. It's an android and I have an app called Akimbo that plays chaptered MP3 / MP4 audio books. On my PC I use VLC media player. An IPhone, IPod or IPad will do the same and have a plethora of docking ports with speakers, etc.

Actually, most small tablets would serve - Kindle fire, the new Windows Surface, etc. The best bet is to go to a store, browse, bug the staff for advice and then pick a device you like and use that. The Windows Surface might be good, though I haven't played with one. It runs Windows RT, a pared down version of Windows 8 (which is very good), and I believe its 'ease of access' tool set is good, too.

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that is not designed primarily for the convenience of sighted individuals like IPOD or even Kindle.

Though it definitely lends a little humor to the situation, it's still a matter of me thinking everyone lives in my head, where the other half of the conversation occurred. :omg:

What I didn't say is that this is not for me, but for Rick; when I read that Daron's Guitar Chronicles was released as audio books, and that Amazon had an audiobook arm with nearly 400 LGBT titles, I thought, well, nevermind that... the thing is, he overcomes a multitude of obstacles every day to write, and spends the rest of the day paying for it. I just want to give him something that will help with all those hours in the dark, you know?


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(I love that story, thanks for reminding me. I'm not reading "What's New" on Nifty with any regularity and could be missing Christmas! )

So easy-peasy, Cole, they've been working on it for years. :smartass:

Camy, i'm hoping for something that doesn't have me in the middle (I can order stuff with a modicum of grace) but your idea is, of course, one that would work. Funny I didn't think of it- since I use a portable cd player to list to music while walking to work...funny yeah, but no surprise.

Someone suggested vision services providers-- another rather obvious idea that escaped me. LOL, why do you suppose that is? :wink:

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LOL, now for the Kindle questions... :icon_geek:

If someone was a registered user on my Amazon account and they had the Kindle app on their PC, would they need a wireless connection to access my content or just and internet connection?

Or, using the lending option, does the link in the email I send to them require a wireless connection to access it?

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Ah, the kindle question! I don't have a kindle, but I do have kindle software on my PC and phone. All you do is 'register' the software installed on a device to an amazon account and send the book (when logged in) to whichever device (or all of them) you want. When the computer you've sent them to is next online they are delivered. I've never used Kindle's email delivery, only an internet connection. I've also never used Amazon's lending facility.

Other .mobi files bought elsewhere (like 'Midnight Dude" not from Amazon) you have to drop in the kindle folder of the device you want to read them on. The kindle software will recognise them and add them to the library of that device.

He should do what I've recommended a couple of blind friends to do. Get an app that allows one to write a story by telling it.

I believe the best is software called Dragon: http://www.dragon12....on-12-home.html

You should talk to Mike (The Dude) about this, and about reading software where the voice is very important. Some generated voices are awful.

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Ideally I'd just register him to my account, as the lending function gives them 2 weeks to read the book, and you can only lend a book one time to one person.

Rick has the capability to dictate a story, but there's still problems with it recognizing his voice.

I'll talk to Mike as you suggest, and as always, thank you for your thoughtful attention. :hug:

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Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 for the PC or Dragon Dictate 3 for the Mac are the best voice-to-text programs. Despite the claims, you need to train them with your own voice and speech mannerisms. You do this my reading the same document (at least 1,200 words) several times, making corrections after each entry. When you're finished it should recognize your voice with 100% accuracy for that document. The more you use it, the more accurate the results.

See the NY Times article at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/29/technology/personaltech/29pogue.html?_r=2&ref=technology&. It's a couple years old and refers to Dragon Naturally Speaking 11, but it's still an interesting review.

Colin :icon_geek:

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