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Matthew Shepard Play Interrupted by Bigots in Miss.

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Athletes and other students at the University of Mississippi interrupted a student production of The Laramie Project with anti-gay slurs and insults on Tuesday, October 1. The play is the story of the murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student in Wyoming in 1998. Football players and other students stood up during the presentation and yelled the slurs, interrupting the play and insulting the actors and audience.

The play has been opposed by "family" groups in other situations. High School productions have been banned in other states, as well.And a book is being written that ludicrously claims Shepard and one of his killers were lovers and meth dealers. The desperation of the radical right to justify their hate continues...


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We cause that place Ole Misery. It is where the sons of lawyers and Delta planters go to college. Up until just a few years ago, their symbol was the confederate battle flag and mascot was Colonel Reb.

I'm not surprised that they responded to Laramie with an abundant lack of class.

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