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Supreme Court today, no review of gay marriage

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I know one of the couples in Utah who started the ball rolling in our state. They didn't know that this was happening when I talked to them yesterday. I should have waited a day before talking to him so that we could have celebrated!

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The amount of negativity this action by the SCOTUS has created today is astounding. Many of the states that refused to accept gay marriage have just shrugged and begun issuing marriage licenses, as they should. They are the true public servants who realize that they were headed down the wrong path.

But the anti-gay pundits from Faux News to the well worn mouthpieces of the Christian right are calling for revolution. The governor of Oklahoma and several of the attorney generals in places like the Carolinas are not giving in. I think it's wonderful that a gay issue is bringing all these bigots out of the closet.

Sure, go ahead and defy the courts...they have nasty ways of getting even. And the more these idiots scream that their Constitutional rights are being violated the sooner SCOTUS may find itself stepping in and making a declaration. I ignore most of the religious organizations that are not actually churches, the Americans for this and that, the National Organization for Marriage and their ilk, have no standing in this argument. We all know they are in this to raise money, fatten their wallets, and appear to be significant when they are not.

But as these deceitful individuals arise and scream their hatred for gay people they need to remember....we have a long memory. One of them or many of them will someday seek public office once they are finished leeching money off the ignorant and we will remember them. Gonna be one hell of a campaign season come November and now some on the right will be unsure just what to say because of what happened today. Ain't that grand?

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I saw that too, and thought it very moving. My only misgiving was that these two lovely men from Quebec were forced to speak to us in English, and searching for words diminished the impact of their well-organized presentation.

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I saw that too, and thought it very moving. My only misgiving was that these two lovely men from Quebec were forced to speak to us in English, and searching for words diminished the impact of their well-organized presentation.

This infomercial was run in both English and French-Canadian.

There is a Cheerios ad that I've seen on TV here that has the two-races couple and their biracial baby (I don't remember if it was a girl or a boy). I assume we'll see a gay couple with their child in a Cheerios ad soon.

Colin :icon_geek:

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So here's something else about marriage...almost.

If you need further proof that the lunatics are trying to run the asylum then read this:


So they want to redefine marriage because they think that marriage shouldn't be redefined. Is anyone keeping score of these clowns' irrational pronouncements?

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I'd guess that what they're trying to do is set this up so they can shove it into the faces of those gay faggot queers who stole marriage from the godly religious zealots of the world so they can say "We'll show you, you gay faggot queers! Nya, nya, nya nyaaa, nya!"

Colin :icon_geek:

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So here's something else about marriage...almost.

If you need further proof that the lunatics are trying to run the asylum then read this:


This appears to be a God-given opportunity to restore proper role assignments to the union, such as women's place being the kitchen and walking one step behind the men. Men only would have the right to own property and to vote, just like in the good old days.

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Back when the Bible was written they presumed the world was flat.

I just read a very funny line in a book by Doug Marlette called Magic Time. In it a character addresses a gathering of people and says:

"Friends and neighbors, my sermon this glorious Sunday morning is on the First Three Words in the Bible....That's right...The First...Three Words...in...the Bible." Dramatic pause. "Genuine Morocco leather."

The book is about the 1960's Civil Rights movement in Mississippi and there is little to laugh about in the story. It is very well told and I recommend it to anyone. Available on your library shelf since it was published in 2006.

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