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The Downton Season 5 finale

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This is old news to our British Dudes, but the Season 5 finale of Downton Abbey aired this evening in the US. I know there are those who roll their eyes at English period shows, but I am absolutely devoted to Downton and the finale tonight was marvelous and left me with moist eyes. I am grateful to our British friends, who saw this three months ago, for not spoiling it for the rest of us and I'm glad I resisted the urge to read the synopsis on IMDB or Wikipedia. I hope the long ordeal of Bates and Anna is FINALLY over. I hope that dreary Edith can now start to be happy. And I hope Lady Mary will quit being a bitch to her sister. I'm sorry to see Tom leave for America and I hope he can return occasionally. And it is heartwarming to see the Dowager Countess is not a stranger to the fierce passions of the young! I also hope Isobel turns her attention to Dr. Clarkson, who should have made his move years ago.

How will I get by for the next ten months without Maggie Smith's marvelous quips?

(IN season 1, she sits in a swivel office chair and finds it confusing. When she's told that it was invented by Thomas Jefferson, she replied, "Why must every day begin as a struggle with an American?")

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Yes, she says her character is pushing 110-- actually in 1924, she would be 82. She is getting bored with the character and believes Season 6 may be the last one anyway.

And Tea with Mussolini, IS excellent. She and Judy made the movie, though I fell in love with the Luca after he grew up. My ex went to Florence with his mother and says he can understand why the English ladies were reluctant to leave.

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