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(44) Visions in the Shower



I can't believe I have done it again. No not that, you dirty minded boys!

You may remember, or not, that sometime ago I fell up some marble stairs and broke some front ribs.

This time I fell backwards in the bath tub and did the back ribs in, (just so I would even things up.)

My feet slipped out from under me and I was aware I was doing a horizontal levitation before crashing my right ribs into the side of the bath. Actually I was unlucky as I am so light I would have floated down except for the force of the shower water hitting me and speeding up my fall.

As I was descending, I realised I was wondering if this was "it." Would I strike my head and and crack my skull open and watch my braincell being swept down the drain, swirling in a mass of blood and gooey bits? Would I paralyse myself and just drown in the hot water, my time of death being concealed by the heat of the water?

I could imagine the b/f coming home and finding my remains all wrinkled by the running water and telling me I had aged quite noticeably since this morning.

Staggering quickly to my feet, I deduced I had done the ribs in, but wasn't in too bad a shape otherwise.

I cancelled the fun I had planned for the shower and dried myself with the warm fluffy towel.

Ice pack to the ribs helped diminish the bruising and the pain.

But the soreness cut in by morning. So I will just have to grin and bare it :hehe: for a few weeks while it heals.

Fortunately, for me, it doesn't hurt to type, so I will be able to report to you all.

When the next door neighbour heard about me falling in the tub, she announced that perhaps I should think about a nursing home.

Over my dead body, that's going to happen. :hug:

Perhaps I should get some strong muscly young man to help me shower? Yeah that sounds like a plan.


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Hey Des,You just say the word, and I'm on a plane. I've got muscles, and compared to you I'm young, :confused: But then most folks around here are young compared to you. But then if you look at it in animal years, Wibby might be older than all the rest of us combined. I don't know how long the average raccoon lives, and as for Emu's, anyone figured out how old Camy is? Now that is out of my system, I wonder.....When someone is being physically abused by their significant other, don't they usually make up silly stories like falling in the shower, running into a door, etc etc...Just a thought, maybe I should fly on down to Des and check it out anyway. Anyone want to come with me?Jason R.BTW, glad you didn't break your head and stuff. Feel better.

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Des, you take care of yourself! Grab bars in the shower, sticky things on the tub floor . . . (oh; sorry. You know what I mean.)Seriously, don't scare us. When I go bicycling around San Francisco - especially at night - and cell phone drivers do bad things in my proximity, I wind up thinking "no, no, I can't check out right now, I've got a whole book written that still needs to be posted!" So think about your public, okay?

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No to the nursing home, and make sure the neighbor lady gets the litterbox contents to fertilize her flowerbeds. :angel:Yes to the grab bars. I think bathtub/showers should be equipped with those built in. (Yes, really.) They are helpful for anybody who might slip.Bath? ... the rest of this post is surprisingly squeaky clean ...

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Grab bars are good if you are trying to get in/out, or if you are going up/down (seating yourself or getting up [not getting it up]). The real problem here is the initial slipping on the slippery slope of soapy slop. You truly do need to get those anti-skip stickers. You might also just consider showering only with your partner, never alone. When one goes down, the other is there to take advantage...er, help out.

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"I could imagine the b/f coming home and finding my remains all wrinkled by the running water and telling me I had aged quite noticeably since this morning." Quote from DesHey, that's my kind of quirky b/f. I like this guy already. With that kind of a sense of humor, I see why you remain so young at heart.I understand broken ribs hurt quite a lot when you laugh. I hope he doesn't make this comment while you're still lying there under the now tepid shower spray.C

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You guys are a riot of fun and concern. :devlish: I feel really loved and cared for. Almost worth slipping in the tub.The tub is already fitted with the non-slip stickers, I just need to put more down.My feet obviously did a search and avoid with the ones that are there.Grab bars are a good idea, but I would rather grab the muscle guy's bar.(That should help Blue's disappointment for being so clean).Maybe I should put emu feathers down.Jason, I am so touched you would think to fly all the way down here, just to shower with me. :icon1: I can assure you the b/f is such a gentle person that he would never raise an abusive hand to anyone including me, no matter how hard I try to encourage him. Now if you all join Jason and fly down here to help me in the shower, I am pleased to tell you that the tub is big enough for five guys, six if we get real close, (to stop anyone from falling, of course). It doubles as a spa (with bubbles), it has twin shower heads on removable handsets and the hot water heater is the continuous type, so it will never run out. We have lots of soap, but you will all have to be gone by 10.17pm when the b/f returns from work. If he found us all in the shower he might be a little disbelieving that all we were doing was showering and burst into tears, he hates missing out on a group shower. Of course you do realise I like to shower everyday, so you may want to think about moving in to the spare bedroom or better still, we could put the mattresses alongside each other so we could all sleep together- just to make sure I don't fall out of bed. :confused: Thanks guys. You have all made me feel better. :icon13:

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Dear Des, I'm not sure why you said this, but it concerns me.

you will all have to be gone by 10.17pm when the b/f returns from work. If he found us all in the shower he might be a little disbelieving that all we were doing was showering and burst into tears, he hates missing out on a group shower.
Surely unity would be better served by insisting we join both of you for the shower promptly at 10:17. B/F is happy, and you are safely cocooned in a swath of hunky men.
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I don't know. Shower at 10:17 followed by movies at 11:00.This made me fall on the floor laughing. Seriously, no self-respecting queer would ever finish a group shower in under three hours. I know you're a bit older, but really, it should read Shower at 10:17Followed by movies at 3:34 Snacks and such served intermittently (spelling ???)Jason R.

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I don't know. Shower at 10:17 followed by movies at 11:00.This made me fall on the floor laughing. Seriously, no self-respecting queer would ever finish a group shower in under three hours. I know you're a bit older, but really, it should read Shower at 10:17Followed by movies at 3:34 Snacks and such served intermittently (spelling ???)Jason R.
Jason I understand your concerns. Dudes, the kitchen is open 24/7, but the shower is an, all you can eat, environment anyway. :confused: We are having severe water restrictions here in Australia. The drought is the worse on record.So I thought we should try to limit the amount of water we use. But we can stay in the heated spa all night/morning/day if you like. The movies are for recuperation in case we are all too excited to sleep.As we have a whole video store at our disposal we should be able to find movies that keeps everyone happy and gay.I will rig the computer up so we can read and listen to Awesome poetry while we are in the spa.Yeah, right! Like we will have time to do that! Perhaps I will just record the 'sweet nothings' that we all whisper into each others ears.
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That's it, Des? That's all you're going to be doing with those lips of yours? "we all whisper into each others ears" I am starting to have second thoughts about this. :confused:

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