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NaNo *($^?$)"?_ grrrrrr WriMo




1761 when I should be at least at 5001 is peeving. Peeving I tell 'e. It's just not good enough!


And, and, and oh poop. I picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue. What? It's my blog I shall be as contentious as I like. And frankly - but don't tell anyone, it's a secret - I've never sniffed or mainlined glue. Or herbage either. Difficult to inject a large pot plant, anyway. Though why smoking one of God's own plants is illegal worries me. He/She/It gave us this wondrous (according to some, but not others) green growing thing in the first place. Did you know you can sail a ship with it?

Waffle, that's what this is. Waffle to clear my mind of an insanely weird scene in a secret pub near Covent Garden. There are elves too. I like elves. And mountains.

Nuff said.



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You can do it, Camy! I know it! :D *pompom*Enough of that. Don't be frustrated. If you don't reach 50k words, you don't and that's that. It's nothing to be upset over. But if you do, then awesomesauce.Maddy (:

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You can do it, Camy! I know it! :D *pompom*Enough of that. Don't be frustrated. If you don't reach 50k words, you don't and that's that. It's nothing to be upset over. But if you do, then awesomesauce.Maddy (:
Thanks Maddy! It warms the cockles of my heart to know someone cares. *sniff* *wipes tears away* *does silly dance*like this: :wacko::shock:
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Do you be just gettin' on with it, yer daft bugger!(Bruin's attempt at writing dialect - not sure which dialect, but dialect!)
Arr, tha' oi be.(similar to Bruin's, but two countys to the left)
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Are you sure you haven't been smoking something?I'm not sure it's possible to mainline glue. But then, I'm not sure it's possible to snort E. Or take a peyote cactus rectally.Maybe it's me been smoking something.Looking forward anyway to the NaNoCamyRhino.

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Honestly, I can't see any pleasure in stuffing a spiny cactus up one's bum. :icon_rabbit:Oh ... OH! The blogs have been fixed!!!!! Thanks, Blue!

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I'm at 4719, but I'm playing catch up. I didn't start until Sunday evening.Keep the faith Camy, Maddy, Kapitano and Ele. And please don't ask me to race.Aaaaaagggghhhhh! Another mipelled word! No...don't stop, keep going. But I didn't want to say that! No...keep going!

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Sadly like you Camy, I'm a bit behind. Mainly because I spent the day with my ass "glued" to the couch watching the Election unfold. And though it was worth it, I am now so far behind it will take a lot to catch up.Jason

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