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Everything posted by JamesSavik

  1. the Village Kitties Beer bust and Drag show, bring your own nip.
  2. Faulkner und Hemingway- in other words, I write like a drunk.
  3. Twilight’s Last Gleaming “And who are you supposed to be?" "I'm Gorman from Global Analysis" He handed the officious man an identity card. The bureaucrat read the card as if it might say 'enemy agent, detain on sight', and then returned the credentials'. "Please come in Mr. Gorman. The committee is waiting. Are you an analyst for GA?" Gorman took off his gloves revealing a dagger tattoo on one hand an ace of diamonds on the other. He said, "No sir. I'm the owner." He cocked his head in the direction of the door indicating to the bureaucrat to lead him inside. He got the message and said, "Please follow me Mr. Gorman." The bureaucrat led Gorman from the service entrance in the underground parking garage into the labyrinth of corridors. As they walked he said, "Sorry about the cloak and dagger entry but the people upstairs don't want me seen here anymore than I do and, people are watching." The bureaucrat approached a freight elevator, pushed the call button and said, "I understand sir. Intelligence matters are always like this. We're not here and I don't recall any meetings with Global Analysis." Gorman snorted as he entered the elevator and said, "If anyone actually did recall half the shit that goes on in DC, they would hang us all." The bureaucrat pushed the button and said, "It'll never happen because most of the condemned would be politicians with only the purest intentions." The elevator arrived quickly at the twelfth floor. Gorman exited and said, "I know the way from here. Remember the destination that road lined with good intentions leads." Gorman entered the conference room and was actually impressed with the array of people who were waiting. The President's Chief of Staff, the Deputy Director of Operations for the CIA, the Attorney General's hatchet-man and all of the members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that matter, The President’s Chief of Staff, Blain Ritter, said, “Mr. Gorman, thank you for joining us tonight. We have a number of fires to put out and your special skills may be very helpful.” Gorman sat down at an empty spot at the table. He said, “I don’t know how much we can do. We are a small private intelligence company. What I see going on in the news may be bigger than all of us.” The bloated Senator Hollingsworth from Louisiana said, “On the contrary Mr. Gorman. As SoCom’s best fixer, your special skills are exactly what we need.” Addler, the AG’s hatchet man said, “We believe that given the state of emergency that we are legally empowered to take significant action to restore the peace.” Gorman shook his head and said, “Let me see if I can put this in perspective. In our election three years ago, we elected a president that no one wanted who continued flawed economic and spending policies that ran the debt up to twenty-five trillion dollars. The weight of all that debt literally broke the banks which collapsed triggering the economic crisis that continues to spiral out of control. During that election radical groups were formed to cause chaos and fear around the elections but now they are off the chain. In response to those radicals, militias have been popping up in response to the riots and violence. Does that about cover it?” Hollingsworth, who Gorman could only think of as Foghorn, replied, “I think you have it covered Mr. Gorman. We think that if we pull off a few key targeted assassinations of the Republic of New Africa leadership and a few militia goons, we’ll blunt their momentum and give the police and National Guard a chance to gain the upper hand in some of the big city war zones and out west and down South with the militias.” Addler said, “We have a list. There are twelve. Once they’re gone, their movements will collapse then we can restore order.” “My people— they’re off the hook. Forever?” Addler pulled out a file from his briefcase and handed it to Gorman. Gorman opened it and looked at the documents. A dozen Presidential pardons were there with his team member’s names and, one of his own. All the members of his team were too young. All of them had lost had lost a father in one of the damned fool wars or covert actions of the last twenty years. They were the only family Gorman had and he would be damned if he would throw away their lives to pull some corrupt politicians asses out of the fire that they had been playing with. Gorman said, “You know how we work. It’ll take some time to set it all up.” Senator Hollingsworth said, “We don’t need it to be deniable. Assassinations among groups like this are common. In fact we encourage you to make it look like an assassination to encourage internal power struggles.” Addler said, “We know it’s not your style but, we need these people dead in the next couple of weeks. We can furnish detailed dossiers on all of them.” Gorman said, “How soon do I have to decide?” Ritter said, “We would like your commitment tonight or tomorrow morning latest. This has got to happen soon.” Gorman stood and said, “I need to sleep on it and think about deploying our assets.” Ritter said, “Thank you Mr. Gorman.” He collected the files on the table and left the room. He left the building the same way he entered and entered the passenger side of a non-descript Chevy Taiho SUV. The driver said, “Where too boss?” Gorman said, “The airport. Have all of our people bugged out to Colorado?” His driver said, “I just got a text from Schubert. Almost everyone is there and the rest are in route.” Gorman asked, “Did you get it?” “5 X 5 boss. It’s all digitized into a standard audio-video file with all of the necessary authentication and its ready for transmission.” “Good. Let’s get the hell out of here before the shit hits the fan.” At two am that same night over the Tennessee-Kentucky border, the remainder of Global Dynamics staff was aboard the company Gulfstream IV jet. They would soon be at the campus in Colorado. It took Gorman some time to set up the email. There were over one hundred email addresses of various members of the media. With the click of an icon the entire record of the meeting where the President’s Chief of Staff, a representative of the Attorney General’s Office and the Senate Intelligence Committee had solicited the assassination of a number of leaders of dissident groups. Morgan sat down beside Gorman and handed him a glass of scotch and water. He asked, “Did we do the right thing boss.” “We could have punched every ticket on their list and it wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. You can bet your ass this will. The politicians are about to have to explain their conduct to the American people. Once that starts, a whole bunch of the things that they tell congress I don’t recall are going to come out. This isn’t going to bring down just the President and a few senators. This is one of those times that Jefferson spoke of: the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
  4. There's a difference? OK, probably- rich kid bully. Neither one of these two putzes are any prize.
  5. Which is something I don't get- how can you disqualify Trump for his temperament and give Hillary a pass on ethics? Neither one of them worth a single damn. Trump comes off like the rich kid in the class president election. Sure he's nuts but he's entitled, right? Hillary is just plain slimy. She is a slick lawyer that knows how to skate by just this side of legal, has her own money laundering foundation to wash her bribes for making sweetheart weapons deals for governments we shouldn't piss on if they were on fire and, she has way more dead bodies in her past than simple bad luck can explain. Neither one of these people are worthy. I wish we had a do over. Their piss poor quality reflects poorly on our country. Either one would be a embarrassment to the republic.
  6. What I find tragic about this election is that you can describe one of these candidates as a pathological liar with a history of scams and being just slick enough to avoid indictments. What is really disgusting is that you can say that about both of them.
  7. Here's something he didn't lie about. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-campaign-manager-birther-clinton-228331 Politico is about as likely to provide cover to Trump as my cat is to buddy up to the local pit bulls.
  8. I don't know. There are some stories so ugly the telling of them is like passing a pine cone. Do you keep your nightmare or share it with others?
  9. So.... Tyler Posey put his foot in his mouth. He's 24. It happens. I did it six times a day and twice that much on Sundays when I was that age. Let he that hath never tasted foot start the lynch mob.
  10. I have at various times argued that Assage, Snowden and Manning were NOT heroes but criminals. There's reason for this: First, they were all Information Technology professionals like myself. For whatever reason they disclosed the information, it's a gross violation of professional ethics. Believe me, I've seen stuff as an IT guy that I may have WANTED to disclose but it would be the kiss of death to my IT career and another blow to the profession. Second, when whistle blowers disclose giga-bytes of data just for shits & giggles, there's no oversight, there's also no filter on the data. This can and does disclose innocent peoples personal information. In the case of government data, it can put many lives at risk. Finally, when you take one of these jobs, you swear an oath. I know it's old fashion but I can see no honor in breaking it.
  11. Trump isn't Hitler. Mussolini...maybe but not Hitler.
  12. As long as people put their kids in the care of religious fanatics, they will be abused. It's how they roll.
  13. That's a scroll with seven seals. I wouldn't smoke that.
  14. Patient 1119 7When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 And I saw, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him; and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:7-8 “Who gave you the right to read my journal?” "I'm your doctor Jason. I need to understand what you are going through. Your dream journal gives us a place to start." Jason's posture drooped and he said, "Great. Now you know just how bat shit crazy I really am." The doctor said, "No. That's not what I'm seeing at all. I see a very troubled young man with very troubled dreams. Might I ask what religion you follow?" "I don't really follow any of them." "Much of what I've read in your dream journal seems almost biblical." "Just lucky I guess. What is freaking me out so badly is that they are coming true." The doctor sighed and said, "Are you sure its not just coincidence?" "Look at October 10." The doctor flipped through the journal and came to entry. He read aloud, "There is a huge crowd. The President is talking to the crowd and there was a violent explosion." Jason said, "The next day the top story in the news was that the President of Pakistan had been killed by a suicide bomber. Read October 23rd." The doctor flipped forward and read, "In the depths of the sea there was a mighty thunder..." Jason said, "The next day Java was hit by a 15 meter tsunami after a 7.9 earthquake in the Java Sea. Read November 2nd." Once again the doctor flipped a few pages forward and read, "Heaven and hell are full and there is no room for new souls." That's the day the news of just how bad the Zika Virus plague really is. Babies are being born without souls because..." "Heaven and hell are full. Really Jason. You see yourself as a prophet?" "I see myself as being bat shit crazy. Every time one of these crazy dreams comes true I get more and more scared." "Why?" "Because I haven't written the worst of them down." "Try me." "i'm warning you Doc. Once you've seen what I've seen, you'll never be the same." "Go ahead. It's the only way for you to feel some peace from these nightmares." Jason spoke in a voice that was not his own, "Before him will come seven great liars and murders and great butchers of the innocent. The seven will fertilize the earth with innocent blood from which the great beast draws his power." "There are seven seals and seven famines, seven plagues, seven wars, and seven times seven times seven time seven times seven times seven times seven times seven times seven deaths. Each one feeds the beast and his terrible power; he is engorged with the blood of the innocents and yet he is not satiated. The beast feeds on death and blood and misery until he takes form and becomes as a scourge upon the earth." "And his words are sweet lies and the wise and the fool are both seduced. He appeals to man's most base nature and fears. His seduction is destruction. His kiss poison. His promises lies and his blessings the foulest of curses." "This world is fed to the fire. All that remains are silent ashen bones and the mournful reign of the beast." The doctor was silent because the words had such great power. His blinders fell away and he too saw. The terror of the beast broke his mind like so many match sticks. That's how the staff found them. Jason sitting in one chair, the doctor jibbering and barking mad.
  15. This white privilege: I must have missed it. Where do I get mine? Living in the hood we don't see much of it.
  16. The King of Swords ' "Where on earth did you find that?" Andy pulled a card out of the file. It was a Tarot card with an Arabic looking man's face and name. The card was the King of Swords. Gorman got a far away look in his eye. Andy knew that look. For just a moment he was somewhere else. "It was in 2004 in the big sandbox. Do you remember Saddam's mutts on the playing cards?" "I was in grade school but, yeah. I remember." "Saddam was the ace of spades. Uday was the ace of clubs. It was all bullshit of course for the media- political targets. We had a different list that nobody else saw. People deemed too dangerous to walk away." Andy handed him the card and asked, "So who was the King of Swords?" "He was as evil a bastard as you would ever hope to meet. Before the Soviet Union fell, he was a GRU agent recruited from Kazakhstan. They used him as a liaison with their client states in the Persian Gulf. When the Soviet Union fell, he went to work for Saddam." "I'm guessing he was important being a face card." "You might say that. His relationship with Saddam went back to the Iran-Iraq War in the eighties. He managed to get the Soviets to give the Iraqi Army their then top of the line AT-8 and AT-11 anti-tank missiles. It was enough to stop the Iranians cold. A few years later when senior Soviet intelligence operatives were looking for work, Saddam jumped at the chance to hire him." "So... what made this guy so bad?" "You remember how everybody used to wonder why Saddam seemed to be coup proof?" "Yeah. That never did make sense. Everybody took a run at him at one time or another: the Iranians, the Syrians, the French, the Saudis..." "And US. Well... Kozlov, also known as Mohammad Omari, was the reason no one got him. Back in 1994 just after the first Gulf War, a bunch of Iraqi Colonels planned to take Saddam out. They had a building in the suburbs of Baghdad where they were gathering their forces. Kozlov's intelligence team got wind of it. They watched the building and when all the key players were there, they threw grenades of VX Nerve Gas through the windows and chained the doors shut." "Jesus." "Jesus didn't have anything to do with it. Kozlov was just that kind of guy. He didn't just take action. Every action was an unambiguous statement. There were dozens of stories about the guy. He killed more people that a lot of diseases." "How did you get him?" "It was well after they nabbed Saddam. Everybody was busy fighting the insurgency and it looked like we were done looking for high value targets. Kozlov/Omari wasn't on the cards we let everybody see. We did it to make some of the guys we really wanted think they were off the hook. One day he fucked up. He came out of his bunker, went to a sidewalk cafe and had breakfast. One of our spotters got a picture of him. We managed to follow him back to where he was hiding." "To last that long after the fall, it must have been some hide." "It was. He had a bunker with an access through an apartment buildings basement. We hit it at 3am with a full TAC team with Marine backup. It was one of the nastiest fire fights I ever saw. He wasn't alone in that hole. He had a dozen of his own in there with him. They all went down fighting. It was what we found afterwards that made me glad we killed the rotten fuck rather than the catch and release bullshit." "What was down there boss?" Gorman was quiet for a moment. "At some point over the course of his career, Kozlov crossed the line from killing for a purpose to killing for pleasure. He had a torture chamber. We found the bodies of a dozen teens and young adults that had disappeared from the city. They did stuff to those kids that would make a Billy goat puke. You asked me what we found down there Andy. We found evil." Andy was quiet for a while and asked, "The rest of the list: did you get them?" "Most of them but as far as we know, a few of them are still out there."
  17. The Fixer "Do you really think he did it?" "Yeah but I can't prove it." "Why?" "When you try to pull up Gorman's file, you know what you get?" "I haven't tried." "I did. It says he was assigned to SoCom from 2004-2010. All his jacket says is that he went to Ranger school as a 2nd Lt, was assigned to SoCom and processed out as a Captain in 2010. That spells special operator and that's exactly the kind of skill set we are looking at." "Yeah but why Gorman? There's loads of guys in the same boat: ex Navy SEALs, ex-Rangers, ex-Delta... the whole alphabet soup." Hammond looked around the office and said, "Charlie, shut the door." Charlie nodded, stood up, walked over and closed the door. He sat back down and said, "You were saying?" "I've got a source inside Homeland. He moved there after a long stint at SoCom. Gorman was a very special kind of operator the spooks call a fixer." "You're shitting me." "Not at all. He was something of a super-star. SoCom used him for a string of deniable assassinations- the number my source said was in the forties." "How did that work?" "Usually when there's a hit, everybody knows it. Sniper, silenced pistol- God and everybody knows what it was. Gorman was a very different animal. His targets have heart attacks, car accidents or, if they are a bomb maker, they solder the wrong wire." "Oh shit." "Now does it make sense?" "So a year after Gorman musters out of the Army in 2011, the Good Reverend Patterson has a heart attack and wakes up dead. Huge scandal, money is missing. The Feds find millions in offshore accounts." "Now, think it through." "2012 Congressman Matt Harper of Milwaukee slips on the ice and breaks his neck. Whilst cleaning up, the Counter-Intel guys discover he was passing secrets to the Chinese for payola." "Later in 2012 a member of the sitting Mexican government runs into a bridge abutment at a hundred and thirty. After his death it's discovered that he ran the Mexican Drug Cartel and his death touched off a civil war for control of the Cartel. When the smoke cleared, they were down to a third of their original size and scores of really bad guys nobody could touch were deader than Elvis." "Want to guess another one?" "2013- that asshole from Homeland Security that was fronting for the Islamic Brotherhood and getting visas for Hezbollah operatives." "Died of a bee sting allergy." "Holy shit, that was... brilliant." "The question is what do we do about it?" Hammond made a face and shook his head. "Let's think it through. The States, the Feds and a whole alphabet soup of agencies have looked at the crime scenes, the forensics the whole nine yards and there isn't a scrap of evidence. All of the death certificates are to natural causes of one sort or another." "All we've got is a pattern of really bad guys, some that not many people even knew was dirty, dropping dead of apparently natural causes and evidence of their wrong-doing is found post-mortem." "So the question remains: what do we do about it?" "Absolutely nothing. Chalk it up to karma. If it is Gorman, he's taking out the f-ing trash. If he makes a mistake, we bust him. Otherwise, I can think of a lot of assholes out there that really should drop dead."
  18. Oh bravo. This tale is lots of fun. Mystery, mysticism, suspense and nakedness! Some of my favorite things. Well done Backwoodsman!
  19. >>Law discriminates against HETEROsexuals? I'm pretty sure they'll get over it.
  20. If you have ever been a X-men fan, you've probably heard of the Mutant Registration Act The idea was that little Johnnie might just grow up to be Apocalypse or Magneto so, it's probably a good idea for the government to keep an eye on him. Of course it turned out to be the list of people to be grabbed up for concentration camps. Was Pat Robinson an X-men fan? Probably not. If so, we know which side he was on. Pat Robinson wants to register gay people Up yours Pat. I can't wait to see Old Patties Sentinels. They should be fun to turn to scrap. See you in the comic books. -JS
  21. The Preachers had better watch what they say because karma is a real bitch. If we really have a Muslim insurgency, one of their next targets will be Christian Churches. Just this past Easter a suicide bomber killed 70 at a church in Pakistan.
  22. From what I've gathered about this is that the shooter MUST have had training and had detailed knowledge of the targeted area. This was not just some jerk who went off. There's a level of sophistication at work here that suggests that this was well planned and executed. He even knew how to work the tactical response. I wouldn't be shocked if this guy was a former soldier or had spent time at one of the ISIS training camps.
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