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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. Oh I hope not Chris, Oscar sounds delightful, it is the humans who appear to be the problem, I hope we see far more of Oscar.
  2. The origin seems to be in Idaho, so it could be either.
  3. I can't trace the quote and cannot remember who it was attributed to but I recall a quote that I was told in school about the 2nd World War when one General is supposed to have said "It takes five military geniuses to make up for the mistakes of one military idiot." I suspect the same rule probably applies in other fields too, if that is correct then the effect will be to disturb the balance in favour of the idiots. Just look at UKIP in the UK.
  4. Sorry, that is how it came up when I clicked on Quote. Will go in and edit it to see if I can change it. I have also sent him an email basically saying what I said above.
  5. Dude, would it be possible for you to copy the contents of this topic to him as well? He deserves to know how his work is appreciated.
  6. Sorry, cut and paste went wrong, think spell check corrected the address, have now corrected it manually.
  7. No need to wait for the Vatican, just read the Nag Hammadi Library: http://khazarzar.skeptik.net/books/nhl.pdf Of course it is totally heretical and the documents are all banned if you are a member of the Catholic Church or any other for that matter.
  8. This is a remarkable story, it deals with a topic I have tried to write about on a number of occasions but I have never been able to make the stories work. They have either come out as sentimental slush or self pitying clap trap. Average Guy has managed to avoid either of the pitfalls I have fallen into and also the myriad of other pitfalls that no doubt lay waiting for anyone who has the nerve to tackle this subject. This may not be some of the best writing on the site but I think it is some of the most important and suggest everybody should read it.
  9. That looks great and it is needed in more places than the USA. Unfortunately I suspect there will be too much inertia and vested interests in society to allow it to get very far.
  10. Having seen the output of the modern educational system in the Western World since the requirement to be a teacher moved from having a degree in the subject you teach to having a degree in education and knowing nothing about the subject you teach, I'm of the opinion that a Master's degree in Education is probably a clear indication of intellectual inferiority.
  11. My late mother always put a lighted candle in the window at Christmas for those in prison because of their political beliefs, sexual orientation or cultural grouping. Since her death I have not been able to continue the custom but I am now in a position to restart it. At sunset today I will be lighting a candle in my window for all those in prison because of their beliefs or orientation. In particular I will be lighting it for those in Russia who are being imprisoned for their support of gay rights. If any of you would like to join me in remembering these people please light a candle in your window over the Christmas period.
  12. Well it probably does not need that many given the number of times I hear some of my hunter friends complain they have lost their duck call. They probably just sell over and over again to the same group.
  13. Damm it, we have to wait till next March, well at least it gives one time to sort our something to wear, now all I have to do is get invited to a wedding.
  14. It depends on what you mean by bet the polygraph, you can cause it to have a lot of erratic readings, which are usually interpreted as you have something to hide.
  15. Yes, just wait for the next prophet of God to arise and establish his own following. Then Islam and Christianity will unite against it.
  16. Well, I've finished it and can only say it is a really good story. Addym has caught the emotions involved very well.
  17. Terrific story and very well written. Chris, can't wait to see what you put up next.
  18. FreeThinker, it is the very immaturity of it that is making it work, the story feels like the story of a pair of boys that age rather than an adults view of it. Some of us would give the world to be able to put that sort of feeling into our writing.
  19. Only problem, if you're under 40 you can't afford the insurance to drive one, if you're over 40 you can't get the bodily flexibility to get in and out of one.
  20. Everybody remembers Peter O'Toole for Lawrence of Arabia but personally I have always thought his best performance was in The Lion in Winter. That is a truly great film with some great acting in it.
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