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Everything posted by Rutabaga

  1. I agree. And there's a nice lineup of Picks from the Past that just appeared. R
  2. Maybe Graeme still has some contact with the Mail Crew lot. R
  3. I'm bumping this thread because it's one of my favorite Camy stories. "The Boys" are a fine group, and Palmer is lucky to have them around. R
  4. Excellent short story, confirming that the author's first name must begin with "Col" on the short story listings at the moment. I think Cole's school-based stories often feature decent adults in key roles, even where (as in this case) there are some inexcusable ones as well. On the whole I think Cole sounds a more optimistic overall note for schools than some authors do. The outcome with the teacher involved was lovely -- a joint opportunity for growth. R
  5. I posted a favorable comment on the earlier thread, but I don't mind saying again that this was a cool story with some neat twists and turns, a few rather amazing coincidences and/or very lucky guesses, and a satisfying ending. Many surprising surprises along the way. R
  6. Another Pick from the Past with no previous thread. Read it. Short and sweet. http://www.awesomedude.com/chris_james/fringe-benefits/fringe-benefits.htm R
  7. I'd like it if the manner in which Jamie & Robert dealt with their nemesis was not so quick and decisive, but rather required more steps and planning (and probably setbacks) as they attempted to carry out their plans. And of course there is the mystery of Mr. Oliver. R
  8. This was posted as part of the 2013 Halloween collection and is now a pick from the past. I can't locate any earlier thread for it. It's a great story but it ends too soon -- we need more! R
  9. This Pick from the Past was originally posted in August, 2007, I discovered when searching for a preexisting thread for the story. Apparently (and surprisingly) there isn't one. So it's high time to start one. It starts out as a stereotypical English boarding school story, but the protagonist quickly discovers that he has slipped down the equivalent of Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole. It's an entertaining read, and I remember reading it some years ago. http://www.awesomedude.com/camy/feredir/index.php R
  10. Bumping this thread because this story is a "Pick from the Past" right now. All four stories in the "Tetralogy" are worthwhile. I stumbled upon them quite by accident a couple of years ago. R
  11. Clearly something is going to come next, because we still don't know what the ATF deal is all about (among many other things). R
  12. Another eventful chapter in Jeremy's saga. It's always a wonder that such a smart, mature, and resourceful kid could come out of such a crappy background. And even though his mom obviously has horrible taste in men, one can't help being worried about her at this point. I think the next story should be called "One Colossal Creep." R
  13. I'm thinking this story might be a good candidate for the young reader as is being discussed in the "Writers Rule" thread. I would also throw in "On the High Plains of Wyoming" and maybe "Duck Duck Goose." It's hard to choose. I'm now re-reading this whole story and picking up details I missed earlier. I'm still trying to figure out the "boy with the devilish eyes." I'm guessing he must be the second student described by Rettngton as "hanging by a thread" (along with Joe) named Chad or Chet. The last chapter leaves us with a lot of questions about Frank. What was he doing at the train station -- just hanging around waiting for students to pick on? Rettington theorized that Frank would find some other school and not come back to Banyard after his suspension, but it seems as though maybe he has just dropped out of school. Anyway, very cool story with a lot of great high points. I admit that the beginning was tough to get through, but it certainly does set up the rest of the story very powerfully. R
  14. And another hooray for the latest chapter. Very impressive work by the boys. R
  15. Hooray! I don't think the smile ever left my face while reading this new chapter. Very cool indeed. R
  16. It's interesting to note that Conestoga High School's web site has scrubbed the entire football Coaching Staff page, which includes the head football coach John Vogan who was suspended today pending investigation. The page us still visible at archive.org. R
  17. This was hazing pure and simple. Hard to believe that the coaches and administration knew nothing about it. Seems like everyone one else did. R
  18. Should we find it surprising that Dr. Rettington is so out of touch with the workings of the school that a rogue housemaster can pervert the morals of Kennilworth House, or a Mrs. Mitchell can keep failing students for supposed cheating without anyone noticing over a period of years? I do. And -- we want to know what happened with her, and whether her grade records will be audited to determine how many students she has penalized unfairly. And yes, people do have a low opinion of lawyers until they need one. R
  19. I was just puzzled by his disappearance at the end of chapter 6 -- I was expecting some aftermath from the first day of rowing and the first significant contact between Luke and Sutton. Weird time jump between chapter 7 and chapter 8. R
  20. I was just curious about the fact that, after Mike's shrewd effort to get Sutton and Luke together, nothing really sparked. Granted Luke is shy and not outgoing, but it almost seemed like the "real" Sutton was somehow kind of a disappointment to Luke at this outing. We'll have to see what develops I guess! R
  21. I'm rooting for Luke. Having used the rowing machine at the health club, I have no doubt that this activity will build up the boys. UPDATE: Found this useful site: http://rowtampa.com/rowing-basics/ Question: What became of Sutton? R
  22. I'm glad Cole mentioned this -- I hadn't noticed the new listing. R
  23. Seems like all roads lead to Sutton. Will we never again enconter the boy with devilish eyes from Chapter 1? R
  24. I agree. Now that it's linked on the main AD page everyone can find it. Revenge is sweet. R P.S.: Yes, it did bring to mind "A Modern Fantasy."
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