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Everything posted by DesDownunder

  1. I think you sum it up quite well Codey. What worries me is, if the collected information falls into yet another bunch of stranger's hands. Whether this is accidental or done for profit or because a law says they have to release it, the individual's privacy is potentially violated, once again. It Isn't that predators shouldn't be feared, they should. However I think what you are saying is that the predators who fleece the parents by exploiting fear are as bad as the predators who seek to exploit the young and vulnerable. Two wrongs don't make a right, sort of thing? The real problem here is that parents are being encouraged through fear to abrogate their responsibility in educating their child of dangers by instead buying protection from those dangers. (Do I hear the theme from the Godfather?) Unfortunately not all parents are good at teaching their kids about dangers. When I was nearly thirteen, my mother with the best of intentions told me I should never get in a car with strangers as the stranger would take me away to a house where he would put lipstick on my pee-pee, (no I am not making this up), and then the stranger would get someone else to lick it off. Adults do and say weird things to try to protect their offspring. My reaction at every opportunity, was to wait by the side of the road for the car with a stranger who of course, never arrived. Now if my Mother had paid someone to watch out for me by telling them I liked to stand by the roadside and that information had been allowed to fall into other hands, I might not have learned that there are other more efficient ways of applying lipstick to the lips. The fact is nothing was going to stop me looking for that stranger in a car waving a lipstick in his hands. (I never found him btw, and I quickly lost the desire for lipstick when I discovered that real men don't wear it). The net can be a dangerous environment, so can the side of the road. Yes, we should try to protect our young and accept the responsibility of teaching them about dangers ourselves, but eventually we must trust them to not endanger themselves too. Declaration: I am 62, balding, not on the prowl, already happily have a partner, of similar vintage, who is willingly living with me and we did not meet on the net or the side of the road. Can I prove this? Of course not, but if I am really a cute 14 year old blond, tanned, surfie with a desire for contact I don't think the above description is going to help the cause. Neither am I beyond a bit of harmless flirting Having revealed all this I do hope you will all still talk to me.
  2. Is there a card for us over 60 year olds, I don't want to be hassled by anyone over 90.
  3. PS. The other pages on Kalev's site are worth a look under "Gay Stuff'. See the very funny "Best of Homophobic Mail."
  4. Can't really say Camy. I couldn't bring myself to look once the screaming started. however, I was told they were screams of delight. Do you not remember?
  5. Ok guys here is my poor effort. Apologies to all and anyone I missed. Mike, the Awesome Dude that he is, gathered up all the members, some of whom had really weird names like Brit8UK, whilst others just used (presumably) their initials, like, TR and E.J., and told them all they were going to visit Codey's World for a party which was being organised by Paul and Jamie who were busy trying to stop Codey feeling blue as it would not be the thing to do in front of the Rustic Monk, also known as Gabe to his friends who were trying to organise a fleet of taxis, planes and trains to get us to the party of the century, when Talon Rider announced he could arrange teleportation if The Pecman and jamessavik bought the food and Graeme got the beer from the Aussie pub that still had really Rad ales, that everyone would like to drink before the orgy started at 8pm because it had to be finished before people's parents found out what was happening to Camy in the back room which was being guarded by Nailo while Trab sat and watched with great glee at Desdownunder trying to work into this stupid story that it was not really correct to say it was writebymyself.
  6. Trab: I think I failed the money because I kept trying to make the pictures look more arty. Graeme: Excellent work, too too much. Or is that tutu much.
  7. Making money? I never got the hang of that.
  8. I tend to think many of the styles and grammatical errors we see are due to speech dictation. Does anyone have any idea how many stories are created by just using a microphone for speech to text to write a story? Does anyone use this method? I tried using a speech to text some years ago (just for fun). The thing was ludicrous even after a long "training" session for the software. It was worse than Microsoft's spell-checker. A simple "hello" was rendered as 'I see". And NO I don't have a lisp. I soon discovered that it would take longer to correct than type it. Also it is a noisy process. I am sure that many young authors would not like their parents to hear the dictating of some sexual fantasy in the middle of the night. On the other-hand some parents might benefit from it.
  9. No Trab, I don't think it is a stupid idea at all. Probably a good exercise for us budding writers. Although I have seen some stories on (Nifty) that seem to be one sentence, one paragraph and one book without stopping for even a breath. I will go away and see if my muse will consent to me trying your idea.
  10. Yeah, well it seems like some political leaders studied it at school and thought that Brave New World was a handbook on how to run a society. I thought we already had become worse than the Brave New World that Huxley depicted. The thought police are everywhere. say nothing
  11. I agree with Trab, it is a most honourable thing you wish to do for Green. I enjoyed his A Hero In the Hallways. One of the problems of the Internet is that sites and resources disappear and if AwesomeDude can manage to stop some of that happening then that would be ...err ... awesome. I don't mean you should have a Dead poet's page or anything just host or link those pages / sites that have significance and might otherwise not be available, or that we might not know about. I think the whole idea is truly wonderful and not the least bit "tacky". Come to think of it what would be so wrong with having a Dead Gay Poet's page?
  12. For Whom The Tears Fall By DesDownunder. No thing is isolated entire of itself; Every thing is a piece of universe, A part of the all. If a single cell should cease to be, The galaxy is the less, as well as if a sun were, As well as if a dwelling of your friend's or of your own. Any death diminishes life, Because life is involved in living; And therefore never send to know for whom a tear falls; It falls for you. ****************************** A word about this work. Some may regard this as plagiarism. I do not, anymore than I would regard Liszt's transcriptions of other composers' works as being so. (If you accept that, then I have no objections to you all telling me that I have failed miserably.) In fact, I very much would like to dedicate the above to the original author of the work on which it is based. With apologies to John Donne (1572-1631), and his meditation known popularly as "For Whom the bell tolls." (1624). I urge you to search out the original on the net. It is a beautiful piece and somewhat longer. John Donne was a great writer and thinker. I felt the unforgiving urge to try to express a similar idea to the famous section of the original in more modern and hopefully somewhat more universal images. Edit: grammar and font
  13. I joined Codey's world. They made me a "charter member" I am so thrilled. Now I should go back to bed.
  14. Trab, Thank you for your very kind remarks. As the "Return of the Forums" is only my second poem in 30 years, I think your 10+ is very good. A strange thing happened to me after my reading Nifty stories and then discovering AwesomeDude. I found I wanted to express myself again, something that time and work has stopped me doing all these years. All the more amazing is the fact that with a little effort the words seem to pop into my head as I need them. Well there is plenty of room up there.
  15. My boss, knowing that my partner and I have been together for over 30 years, asked me only last week what I thought about gay marriage. She wanted to know if I would marry him. My rather short and somewhat terse reply was: "Only as a political statement and of course for any economic benefits." This had desired effect of getting her to shut-up. I too tend towards a Buddhist philosophical approach to life, So I guess if it does no harm I don't have an objection to marriage. My partner is somewhat more resistant. To this question he replied, "You're joking! Right?" And we both burst out laughing. Marriage is something that grew up in societies so men could keep (mark) their property (the wife). Most societies have attached some kind of (at least) common law benefits to a couple being married. Religions by their very nature use marriage to enforce doctrine, and doctrine to enforce marriage. The most repugnant being to "marry for the sake of the children," as this marks the kids as the property of the marriage. Some societies also have marriages where multiple partners can be married. Sounds like a legal orgy room doesn't it? I think it is also important to remember that faithfulness is something that is often not followed, married or not. I have seen people remain faithfull until they marry. My grandparents would never have considered not marrying or being unfaithful. My mother and her sister really believed in marriage. They both did it 3 times. Elizabeth Taylor believed in marriage. Marriage to me seems to be used to try to keep two people in a civilised bond. At present marriage is a emotional bond manipulated by day time soap operas to keep viewers hooked to watching the show. Relationships are many and varied. I think we should allow each other the room to grow. For an old hippy like me, "Love is setting another person free." That is not always easy or possible especially, if they feel trapped as so often happens in a "marriage." So divorce can often be the first steps to personal liberty. Ah well there are a few thoughts to fuel the debate.
  16. Don't be too sure about that writebymyself, there are some pretty kooky people out there.
  17. Thank the deity of your choice, The forums have returned to let us voice, All our thoughts and comments on all that matters. Personally, without the forums, I was in tatters. I couldn't sleep, I wondered if I should find a cliff and leap. Life without our forums on AwesomeDude Would be worse than no food, So I had a wank and went to bed and dreamt of dudes instead. The forums have come back And my life is once again intact, I only wish I had something to say That would be worthy of the day.
  18. Everytime my boyfriend returns , I ask him to enter .
  19. We aren't going to comment Trab because we are all being considerate.
  20. Hi Let me see what this somewhat intuitive look, adds to the so_that debate; "He has fucked me so that I will go to the movies." No problem understanding this. He did something to me to achieve what he wanted me to do, namely "go to the movies." Now consider: "He has fucked me so I will go to the movies." This statement, in addition to the above meaning could also mean, "having got what I wanted I will go to the movies. (Yes other interpretations are possible, but that is the point.) In these examples I try to show that the "that" in the first example ties the action of going to the pictures as a condition of the fucking. The second example does not have this condition as going to the movies is not necessarily conditional on being fucked, but is an independent action after being fucked. It is not dependent on having been fucked because the "that" is not there. Going to the movies is a consequence in both examples. One is directly conditional the other is not. The "that" induces this dependency of condition. I suspect that common usage has caused this dependency to become obscured. Is there a correct way here? Probably this depends on the meaning the author wants to convey. The ambiguity of the so without the that may well be part of the plot-line/style. It could also be just a colloquial usage without other implications. The surrounding phrases may add to the author's intentions. ********** I was hoping to meet a stranger at the movies so that he would fuck me. In this first of two examples, if you leave the that out it becomes a statement of intent rather than one of hope. The emphasis is shifted to the end result. ********** My boyfriend and I had nowhere to go, so we went to the movies to fuck. In this second one if you put the that in, it sounds awkward if not retarded. ********** These things are subtle and no doubt vary by local usage. Once again I think the clue here is "how it sounds." When in doubt say it out loud and see if it makes sense. Then look at the grammar of it as it is written. Finally say it to yourself in your mind as your readers will (hopefully) do, to determine if the meaning and implication is what you want in relation to the developing characters and unfolding drama. I can remember going to the sauna so that I would get..... oh well that is a different story.
  21. Hi TR, I found both your poems, Honeysuckle and measure of love, not only well written with depth and meaning, but also stirring long lost memories of my youth. I really liked them both. Thank you.
  22. blue, I think that was a first class reply, very helpful and encouraging. Sorry to hear about the homework, did the computer go down before or after it ate it?
  23. Guys, I am so in love with this site. You are all a breath of fresh air. Common sense, Yes! I am for that . You just don't see it very much these days, especially in relation to contracts and agreements that purport to protect the signatories from being sued or from criminal accusations. At worst I thought that our dude was trying to protect himself from being arrested and locked up with a lot of cute young offenders, or being manhandled by overly muscular officers of the law for allowing people to blog seditious or otherwise offensive expressions. That of course brings up the whole notion of freedom of expression along with its qualification of responsibility to allow other people's right to their freedoms of expression. That would be a forum in itself. Personally I would like to see the phrasing along the lines of: a. A warning that content may require maturity on the part of the reader. b. Any blogs that incite hatred and vilification will not be tolerated. c. Satirical content may require a sense of humour/irony on the part of the reader. or any such phrases that achieve the above or are in sympathy with the spirit of the declaration of human rights. I'm sure you can all think of things to add. As for 'smart asses' I personally don't enjoy my ass smarting, but that's just me. As for nobody playing with me I recommend sesame oil as a personal lubricant.
  24. Walmart and the AFA sucking,... now there is an image made in hell.
  25. Mountain Dude, I agree. and here in Australia we suffering under Howard our Prime Minister (not the duck) who is likewise, in my opinion, doing serious damage. Whatever happened to Peace, love and happiness.
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