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Everything posted by Camy

  1. Yes, but... but... but (quivering lower lip)... where was Morris?
  2. I think I'm in love with Morris.
  3. Good lord... I should be so lucky!
  4. When I was knee high to a grasshopper my Dad had to go on a business trip to the U.S. and Canada, and Mum persuaded him to take us with him. We went Ottawa, to Stoney Lake (where Dad caught a Chipmunk but couldn't get permission to take it home), and to Expo '67 in Montreal - where a policeman let me hold his loaded gun. Then it was back to New York. At the time I was desperate for one of these: ...but you couldn't get one anywhere. Finally, after I wore her down with tantrums and pouting, my Mum found one at Schwarz - not on display, but kept hidden under the counter because of Vietnam. Then: I was a bloodthirsty little git. Now: with a few years under my belt I can't imagine anyone thinking of war as anything other than completely and utterly horrific.
  5. Luke Turner's 'Men At War: Loving, Lusting, Fighting, Remembering 1939-1945' looks like it might be an interesting read. Read the article in The Telegraph HERE
  6. Thank you for keeping us up to date with Mike's news, John. And please let him know he's in my/our thoughts all the time. Poor chap: stuck in hospital. It must be absolutely rotten for him.
  7. 'Going Home' is bloody marvellous! Props to the Retriever.
  8. It seems that reading isn't such a bad thing if you're a football coach...
  9. Thanks for the update, John... And get better soonest Mike!!!
  10. Yep, that's a good one and well worth a read: https://awesomedude.com/bruinfisher/The Photograph.html
  11. Wow! That brings back memories. It was written for the first anthology at Gay Authors ('Days of Silence'), which also included my first ever short story, 'JJ and The Boys.' Thanks, Paul. And Rutabaga!
  12. ...and there I was thinking I'd read all of Herr Willickers stories. What other doozies have I missed?
  13. Camy

    Updates ?

    So do we all, Robby.
  14. Dinner for One was a fabulous story when I first read it twelve years ago, and like a fine wine it has aged beautifully... or is it that, alongside Cole's story, I have aged to appreciate it more? Read it, do!
  15. Stumbling around AD after a rather hearty serving of Christmas pud I find myself here... and giggling mightily. Thanks Bruin!
  16. Wowsa! That's terrific, Bruin, I'd like to add my voice to those above and say "more, please." And "Happy Crimble!"
  17. Terrific! A quirky set of characters, a snowstorm, and a Porche and a Horse... What more could you want in a story? And! It's a beginning, too. Peachy. Read it here.
  18. Thankee Cole! I've been watching Santa's progress on both the Google Santa tracker and the Norad Santa tracker. The last I saw he was heading for the Falkland Islands from Greenland. He's a busy chap. I don't like long bus journeys at the best of times, so I heartily commiserate with Daniel. I also don't think I'll ever be visiting Idaho.
  19. Plum Duff and custard as an aid to writing. Hmm... Cole might have the right of it. Worth a try, anyway. And a HAPPY CRIMBLE to you all!!! Let's hope that 2023 is a great deal better than 2022. Ave, from the wilds of Wales. Camy x
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