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Everything posted by Camy

  1. I stumbled across this on Amazon. It's well worth watching!
  2. Watch this if you can. It's wonderfully uplifting!
  3. As always, you chaps are far too kind. I thankee!
  4. I see what you're doing, Cole. There we'll be, thinking this isn't a story about a barn, so when the barn makes its entrance we'll be surprised and shocked. Classic misdirection at its very best!
  5. Ah! a story about a sentient barn. Science Fiction / Fantasy at its best - I can't wait.
  6. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
  7. Gosh! Thankee Root. It's well hum-able, too.
  8. I shall studiously ignore the irony being flung about.
  9. Yes. I was in the choir for a month. I only auditioned because the choristers got to jump the queue and eat early... fresh hot food! Then, sadly, I was let go. Ditto! More Bruin tales, please!
  10. That was wonderfully enlightening, and so much better than surgical intervention.
  11. Dear Bear, you missed: Missiles and Shells (Ukraine).
  12. Wow! Way cool. Is this an ipad thing, a browser thing, or a bookmarks thing? Whatever it is I wish I had it... maybe it's in settings (I use Firefox). That it persists after restarts makes me think it's somehow bookmark related. Hmm... 🤔
  13. Umm... yes, an iPad. Suhweet! What confused was the 'old browser tab' bit. How can you have such old tabs still available? Do you never re-boot or update, or...?
  14. Russian Major General - an emu's pastiche To be sung (loudly) to the tune of Gilbert & Sullivan's 'Modern Major General' from The Pirates of Penzance. I like to ride big horsies semi clothed to get my nipples hard A macho man I will admit I like my saddle rubbed with lard And if I press the button that's secreted in my underwear The world will be amazed because they all think that I wouldn't dare! Those suggesting I'm a fool are now all in a common grave Families too and pets the nannie's pleading simply couldn't save I am strict and kind and harsh and quite ecclesiastical I am the very model for a Russian Major-General! Please feel free to write more verses...
  15. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is one of my favourite of the films, too. It's so much darker than its predecessors, and its where the series starts to become more adult. Here, for (hopefully) your delectation and delight is Ryan George's pitch meeting for the film. Don't watch it if you haven't seen the movie yet, but if you have then, because cutting and pasting a youtube link is super easy - barely an inconvenience, here it is:
  16. In my ever so humble opinion the Stephen Fry versions knock Jim Dale's into a cocked hat. The films are like hot soup and a crusty roll on a cold winter's day: comforting. They get better as they progress and get darker. I always thought Rowling's objection to people playing in her world was a shame, as there is a lot of really well written fan fiction - both straight and slash.
  17. How on earth I missed this glorious gem I do not know. 😍 Naughty bear!
  18. Oh please, Jason, do! We, and by 'we' I mean Emus' generally, need to know. Immediately--if not sooner--before Reg starts to pluck at his feathers again.
  19. If you're after truly idiosyncratic try polari! Polari was secretive language widely used by the British gay community from the 1900s to the 1970s. It was based on slang words deriving from a variety of different sources, including rhyming slang, and backslang (spelling words backwards). https://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/equaldiversity/polari.pdf And here are Julian and Sandy (Round The Horne 1967) to tell you more...
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