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Jason Rimbaud

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Everything posted by Jason Rimbaud

  1. Umm...details?What type of details are you wanting?Would you like to know what we ate for breakfast?Or what we did before he fell asleep in my bed?Or what we repeated the next morning?I know, how about this little bit of info...I'm fucking a guy who has a girlfriend...and he's not sure what he's going to do about that.Notice I didn't say gay guy/straight guy...mainly because he doesn't know what the fuck he is...all he knows is he loves having sex with me.And the fucked up thing, I haven't felt like this...ever. I'm almost willing to sit and wait until he has time for me. Yeah, what a little faggot I am.Is that enough details for you? JasonI know I sound a bit angry...and I am...but not at anyone who has commented here. I'm just frustrated. But lucky for you, when I'm frustrated is when I write more in my blog. So I'm sure you'll be getting all the details you could ever want.
  2. You asked for it...I delivered it....just for my favorite Emu Jason
  3. Another Light By: Jason Rimbaud From the moment I learned that love was a game I slept with the boys never knowing their names For money and then drugs I sunk so low It wasn't a life this existing out of control And when I found a one that wanted to hold I pushed them away forced them out in the cold I put up these walls and never let in Who needs a lover when drugs are my friend No matter how hard I was up for the flight Living my life in the shadows of light But then it all changed when you entered my life Soft spoken and honest you brought calm to the strife With you by my side all the pain fades away The drugs are forgotten with the coming of day You understood why the drugs numbed the pain And gave me the courage to step out of the rain So I tore down the walls so you could come in You're more than a lover and more than a friend There's something about you that feels so right Because of you I found love in another light
  4. Ummm, I said it...and that's my story no matter what lies Des makes up.JasonWill you sleep with me? I had the balls to tell the truth.
  5. Indecisive Longing By: Jason Rimbaud It wasn't until I talked to you on the phone That's when I realized just how much I missed you Your voice brought back so many memories I haven't thought about the "thistle" incident in years And for a time it was like 1995 all over again When we were still an "us" and mostly happy It wasn't until we both hung up the phone That's when I realized just how little I missed you We both know that this life is ever changing This is a fact based on a principle we both understand Friendship was nothing more than a mutual effort of "use" And when the "use" was depleted so too was the friendship I don't have to like this reality but I do understand it So when "us" ended I forced myself to move on I'll admit there are times I wonder how you are fairing There are times when I yearn to see your child There are times when I feel like I lost my right arm And there are times when the loss of you is overwhelming And in these times I say fuck growth, fuck change And fuck all things new and improved I say let's stay the same, let's never grow Let's never alter and let's never stretch our wings Let's stay comfortable and out of control Let's stay mediocre, hidden, let's stay children
  6. I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote something here.... But then I don't care...I've grown to hate the sound of my voice/words...whatever... I've got nothing to say/write at the moment.... Not to say that nothing interesting has happened to me lately...because let's face it...I attract drama like lightening to metal and Sunday night was pretty fucking huge...I mean here it is two days later...and I'm still at a loss of words. On top of that, it's around 9 am on Tuesday morning. I haven't been to sleep yet and I think I might be dreaming this Blog entry instead of typing it. Who knows...if no one replies then it was all a dream...and since it's all a dream...I might as well tell you all about Sunday night...but then I'm not sure if I'm ready to share this particular bit of information to my loyal READER...this might be something I want to keep to myself for a bit longer. Fuck that...I'm embarrassed to tell you... You'll make fun of me...I can hear you now...shaking your head as you softly say, "I knew it, that dumb boy couldn't keep from making a dumb decision like this...it was just a matter of time." Yeah, you say that behind my back, but do you have the courage to say it to my face! Then I'd get mad...we'd get in a fight...then I'd feel bad that I hurt your feelings...and then I would bake cookies... Well, I'm out of eggs and the flour isn't that self rising kind...so you can take that attitude of yours and beat it...cause I don't need no one making fun of me...I feel bad enough as it is...god I want to sleep! Jason PS: Mark is beautiful when he's asleep.
  7. Of course. I love nuts! *copiesyou**


  8. *Waves back*

    Hi Jason! :D

  9. Jason Rimbaud


    I concur....upload now. Don't bother with pants or trainers...I'm waitingJason
  10. Maddy, I wasn't aware of that particular rule...it seems I've broken that rule several times. Trab, dirty blondes...yummy. As for Camy and Wibby, the biggest problem with Mark, I don't want to lead him, to guide him, or whatever else I might have to do for him to admit/realize/experience...I'm to old for these kind of games. I just want to find a man to love, hopefully a man that is comfortable with his sexuality. And it would be nice to have him around my age. This is trouble, and in a few minutes, I'm off to work where I have to see him. I don't know what to do, or how I'm going to handle this situation. Damn my good looks... Jason R.PS: Des...if you wish a phone that offers that particular feature...send the price of one plane ticket to me and I'll gladly bring a model that can demonstrate that function. And if you wish, I could show the BF the same technique.
  11. It's around two thirty in the morning, Tuesday morning, and I am at a loss of words. I was sleeping, all cozy wrapped up in my favorite comforter dreaming of blonde haired boys with dancing eyes, and right when it was getting to the good part, my phone woke me up. Or rather the noise my phone makes when I get a new text message. For a moment, I glance at the table next to the bed and debate whether or not to look at the phone or to try to fall back asleep so i could find out how that nice dream ended. But since I rarely get text messages at two thirty in the morning, I decided to reach over and check out the asshole who chased away that sexy blonde from my dreams. To make a long story short, or just to try and cope with what just happened, I'll blurt it out and forgo the long winded digressions and rants. It was a text message from Mark, remember him, my straight boy crush. Yeah, the message was only four words long, it said, wish you were here. Why am I experiencing this loss of words? Because it wasn't what he typed that sent my head spinning, it was what picture he sent that sent me flying out of bed and rushing out to the balcony in my boxers to have a cigarette. I won't lie, it was a nice picture. But damn it, I thought this was settled. I'm going insane. I'll never be able to control myself now. Even with the cold night air, I had enough excitement to send him a picture back with this message Yeah, so do I. Damnit, I fucking hate him. I'm going back to bed. Maybe that blonde will return and finish what the bastard started. I can only hope. Jason R
  12. Jason Rimbaud

    Duck Duck Emu

    I could give you a long winded speech about what I "believe" you're doing wrong. And all it would be, is my advice.So I'll skip the long winded pompous shit, and give you the best advice I ever got. Go to Amazon an purchase a book called, Immediate Fiction by Jerry Cleaver. Of all the books I've purchased on the art of writing, this is the one that connected all the dots and gave me the confidence to finish my first novel. It breaks it all down and explains the art of writing in easy steps. I've had this book for six or seven years, and each time I read it, at least once a year, I discover something new. Jason R.By the way, Duck Duck Emu is funny as hell.
  13. Showers, gay, curlies, godliness...Des in shower....Jason in shower...Cleanliness is next to godliness....Cleanliness is next to horniness..Perhaps showering with Jason's make you gay...Yep, watch out for Jason's in showers.Jason R.
  14. In a darkened room, a young man sits in the shadows, sipping Scotch and smoking a cigar while reading the varied comments about Jason taking over Des Down Under's blog. After making sure he has hijacked the blog completely, he switches off the computer and smiles. His plan for world domination seems to be going ahead nicely.He turns on the light and looks down at the pictures littering his desk. Thinking of Eric's comment, he picks one up and looks at it. It's a good likeness and for a moment he wonders if he should send Eric the link, but that moment fades, it's not the right time....YET.He turns off the light and fades back into the shadows. It's almost time......Jason R.
  15. Is it normal to be just a bit excited by all this talk about wieners and nuts? Whether they are made from Raccoons or not, it's a bit hot. Jason R.
  16. I love you Des.I don't know how you do it, but whenever I'm having a bad day/night, you always post something that cheers me up. If I wouldn't know better, I would swear that you have me under surveillance.I know you don't, because me and your BF talk all the time, but sometimes I wonder....Oh, it's raining.Jason R.
  17. I really can't find the words to reply to Trab's statement, except to say that I wish he would've told me that wieners were better than nuts before I made this entry. Bad Trab Jason R.
  18. If it will help in any way, I could take the Raccoon in hand so to speak and try to rectify any outstanding problems that might arise due to an overdose of little blue pills. Jason R. (not afraid of the Raccoon)
  19. If that happens and they bring out another TV show based on MASH, I'm moving to London.Jason R.
  20. I had forgotten I wrote that little comment.And I agree with the Raccoon, I am sad and pathetic sometimes. *walks away wondering why no one ever gets my sense of humor/humour*Jason R.
  21. Ah NUTS! *walks away into the kitchen to make a ham sandwhich*
  22. Thank you all, I had a great birthday, and though it wasn't a sober birthday, I'm really not that messed up. Thank you very much Jason R.
  23. I never knew that you could actually take too many Vitamin C. Go figure.And as an update, I feel much better. Thankfully I'm not coughing up to much greeny things. Jason R. (well on the road to recovery)Thank you everyone.
  24. Trab, that might be the most disturbing thing I've ever read.But it made me laugh. Jason R.
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