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Cole Parker

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Posts posted by Cole Parker

  1. I don't remember the earlier version, but I doubt this one shows much decine of mental acuity with age.  The fact I don' t remember the first one is my problem.  My memory is like a sieve wth  the holes constanly enlarging.


  2. You guys are too kind.  Thanks.

    When Ren finishes, another one will go up I'm rather proud of.  I began it several years ago and didn't quite know what to do with it.  I figured it out.  I hope you'll like it.

  3. I would expect deleterious effects due to being left alone at home while my twin went out into the world.  Social engagement maturity would suffer, along with self-esteem.  I can't believe the state would be hardassed about this for a matter of mere minutes.

  4. If you read this and want more—I have little doubt that you will—there are three of these that should be read in order.  HLAYK is the first.  Follow that with TTWDFL, and then Triptychs.

    Don't thank me.  Thank Doug! 

  5. I was so happy to see Doug Grant's Here's Looking at You, Kid featured as one of the novels on the front page of AD this month.  That entire series of stories is simply wonderful.  I've probably read them all five times.  If you haven't stumbled acorss these jewels, you have a real treat ahead of you.



  6. Not my fault: James asked for it!



    Don’t know much about Christmas cheer

    Though it should flourish this time of year

    Yet with Trump looming, thoughts of Rudolph

    Lower one’s spirits: the man’s a jackoff.


    So rhyming and versing and singing and such

    Just don’t thrill me this year all that much

    I’m feeling more Scrooge than Pollyanna

    And like staying in bed all day in a pajama.


    But James wants wit and humoresque

    Bawdy hi-jinks and broad burlesque

    Not sad and endless woe and gloom

    Lightness and mirth should fill the room


    So up with the tree, ornaments and tinsel

    And boxes wrapped giftily and full of toys

    And perhaps a wandering G&S minstrel

    Wassail and chorus, and yes! Here come the boys!

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