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To the editors...


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Thanks. Thanks for editing all of the stories we read, and the ones we don't. You guys are important to the writing process. Happy holidays.


P.S. You non-editors out there, yeah -- you -- you know who you are... you should thank these guys too because without them those weekly chapters might be bi-weekly chapters, or littered with rubbish and misspellings.

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I'll second that.

While I'd like to explicitly thank Aaron, Blue, Rain, Drake, Geoff, Paul, Oz, Talonrider and WBMS for editing for me at various times *, I also want to show my appreciation for the important behind-the-scenes work all you editors do for all the stories here and elsewhere.


* Gee, I hadn't realised how many editors I've used until I tried listing them all. I hope I haven't missed any.

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Aww, shucks. Thanks, guys. -- Happy Holidays, everyone. Be good to each other.

I think editors edit for about three reasons:

    [*]It's there. (Grins)

    [*]We're dorky and uptight enough to want to correct errors and improve weak spots, and we're egotistical enough to think we know better. -- Yes, despite the self-deprecating I do, I have an ego and I'm uptight. You hadn't noticed? Haha.

    [*]Humor aside, we're readers and story-lovers. We want to see great stories for everyone to enjoy. -- Oh yeah, and when it's a paying job, we like the paycheck too. (Grins)

      That last point is the same reason writers write. Not only do they have to write, to fulfill a need in themselves, but they love stories so much that they want to see great stories too, and if they have to, they'll write the ones they don't see around, because someone needs to write them.

      Speaking for myself, when I edit outside of work, such as the online stories I've edited, it is because I either know the author's work and like it, or because I'll take the chance on it.

      I'd second the thanks to Aaron. He's talented, and I hope he'll pursue editing and writing during and after college.

      It's been a pleasure to edit for Graeme and Codey, and when I've beta-read or edited parts for a few others, such as Gabe and TragicRabbit.

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And besides all the reasons Ben mentioned that people edit he left out the most important one. They get to read the stories first!

I'd like to add my thanks to Ben for editing for me and to Graeme, the mail crew guys and Rick for beta reading for me.

Last but not least, my thanks to everyone who reads my poems and prose. Most of us would write whether we had readers or not but it sure is nice to know people are reading what we write.

OPPS big time. This is really the last snd by far not the least. Thanks to TR and the Dude for hosting my poems and stories. If it weren't for people like them who put a lot of effort and time into furnishing us a place to post our works, no one would be able to read them. (Also they get to be the second people to read the stories) :lol:


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Yup, we do get to read the stories first...and that's not a small thing.

More importantly, we get to take part in the creative process that makes the story, and that's an even bigger thing.

Most importantly, we get to be involved in making a story without doing all that goldarn typing, and that's the best of all. :omg:



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I'll second that.

While I'd like to explicitly thank Aaron, Blue, Rain, Drake, Geoff, Paul, Oz, Talonrider and WBMS for editing for me at various times *, I also want to show my appreciation for the important behind-the-scenes work all you editors do for all the stories here and elsewhere.


* Gee, I hadn't realised how many editors I've used until I tried listing them all. I hope I haven't missed any.

I know what you mean, Graeme. I have to stop and think about what authors I've edited something for and it's quite a list.

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