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hmmm, seems to me the people at that site need to get laid or at least play with themselves a bit more often. :icon1:

Question: Do you know why yuppie business managers are all dickheads?

Answer: Because they have forgotten how to masturbate so they play with their brain-cell instead! :icon13:

I think it was Cicero in ancient Rome who advised youth to not masturbate every time the thought of doing it occurred to do them.

However, from my reading it seems that the subject is absolutely riddled with personal bias to stop people from enjoying themselves. In the case of the above site it seems like there is a profit motive involved as well.

It seems from various sources that there is a three day cycle in natural sperm buildup, and that each production is a 6o day cycle in itself. How much of each buildup is ejected at any particular sex session, including masturbation depends on degrees of stimulation and affects the frequency of further desire.

However we can override that with plain old libido stimulation, such as reading erotic stories, or just being near an object of stimulation like watching the hunks at the local gym. Some of us are even stimulated by being near our partner. :sowwy:

Question: What is the greatest aphrodisiac in the world?

Answer: Wanting it! :w00t:

It is important however to seek medical advice from your doctor in the case of any pain, abnormal discharge or indeed just to discuss any concerns that maybe in your mind.

If your doctor is reluctant to discuss such matters, it maybe time to see a different doctor. Older men might like to investigate a zinc supplement. Check with your doctor as to your suitability. I am not a health-care professional.

Denial of ejaculation can be painful also. Overall there is also the individual capacities. As much as it may seem unfair, some people can just do it more often than offers.

I am doing it till I need I new glasses.

Question: Why do men need glasses as they get older?

Answer: So they can see themselves cumming. :icon1:


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I think it was Cicero in ancient Rome who advised youth to not masturbate every time the thought of doing it occurred to do them.

Gawd, Cicero was a well-known prude, he probably never jacked off in his life, seriously. A famous Forum joke, I think originating with either Catalina or Clodius, was that Cicero had only had sex with his wife Terentia twice (they had two kids, a boy and a girl)...once to try it, and years later, again, to make sure it was as bad as he remembered.

Cicero was a prissy person and a big fat liar, too. Take no note of Cicero on any subject as serious as sex. :icon13:


TR :sowwy:

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TR, Great comment, I had forgotten most of that.

You left out Cicero was also a politician.

That explains it all. :icon1:

Of course, Cicero was outed when the scrolls containing lascivious messages that he kept sending to the boy pages who apprenticed at the Roman Senate were discovered by Antony and sent to Caesar. :icon13:

Colin :sowwy:

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Of course, Cicero was outed when the scrolls containing lascivious messages that he kept sending to the boy pages who apprenticed at the Roman Senate were discovered by Antony and sent to Caesar.

Both of whom were violently jealous because they had only been to bed with half of the pages whose names appeared on the messages. :icon13:

As Julius said when he got stabbed, " Infamy, Infamy, ...They've all got it in for me." :sowwy:

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