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Just stumbled on an absolutely beautifully-written story on Nifty tonight. The story is Summersong, written by Richie, and it's thoroughly professional, really poetic, with some very nice subtleties and emotions.

Some may find it a little "literary," but I appreciated the fact that the author was trying for something far above the norm, especially for Nifty. It's a very simple tale of two young teenagers who fall in love, but I thought the mood and the characters were really quite charming. (It's also beautifully typeset and laid-out, which is a rarity on Nifty or anywhere else.)

The link is here, and I highly, highly recommend the story. Absolutely the best romantic story I've read in months, and very much worthy of a Best of Nifty nod.

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This is a beautiful story. It's also our story of the summer between 7th and 8th grades when Doug and I were the Cody and Riley of this story.

Colin :confused:

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A wonderful story, and, after hearing from Colin, it pleases me that it is not just a work fiction, but refects someone's reality. :confused:

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Marvellous! I loved it.

I don't remember exactly what I was up to at the age of 12. Probably horny, confused and in complete denial.

This is a beautiful coming of age moment for the two young men-to-be. Richie - has he written other things? - really captures the mood. I strongly suggest it be included in the Best of Nifty update.

Jack :confused:

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I don't remember exactly what I was up to at the age of 12. Probably, horny, confused and in complete denial.

Heh, weren't we all. :confused:

'Summersong' is beautifully written, and oh so poignant.

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  • 5 years later...

I just read Summersong once again. I have it bookmarked so I can find it easily and quickly. It's a beautiful story, beautifully written. If you haven't read it, or even if you have, here's something to take you back to those days of summer and being 12 years old and being with your best friend. www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/summersong.html

Colin :icon_geek:

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Thanks for the reminder, Colin! I glanced through the story again, and though it has a few rough edges, the ending is very heartfelt and real, and I liked a lot of the stylistic touches it had. I wonder if the author ever did anything else...

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I agree with everybody else. It's beautifully written. Haven't come across anything else by him, but if he answers my email... in which I sure wasn't saying anything bad about his story... unless maybe he thinks I was a being a little too effusive...

Well, I hope not. But anyway, if I hear back from him and he's written anything else, I'll pass it on, because I'm sure it'll be worth the read as well.

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Okay, I came to this late....and too late it seems because the link to the story Pecman provided doesn't work anymore. Anyone know how to find it?

Edit: This works: http://nifty.nisusne...summersong.html

Richie's reference to Tim Stillman comes as no suprise, he is one of the finest authors that ever chose to post on Nifty. He has his own website now which I need to find once again.

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Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned on this forum how I was hoping the writer would let me in on some more stuff he'd written and how I would then pass it on...

But for what it's worth, I passed the story on to someone else and in reply he said: You're right. I loved it. The writing is to die for, absolutely

exquisite. This guy is a real artist. I've forwarded to a couple of

friends whom I'm sure will like it too.

So if nothing else, it looks like it's still unanimous.

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