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A question for Graeme

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I was talkin to Ben tonight and asked him a question he couldn't answer. (I know that in itself is weird) He said I should ask Grame so here goes.

If two friends were dancing in Austrailia, would that be a mating dance? :-k


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I was talkin to Ben tonight and asked him a question he couldn't answer. (I know that in itself is weird) He said I should ask Grame so here goes.

If two friends were dancing in Austrailia, would that be a mating dance? :-k  


The Asking For Trouble Dance, I'd imagine, as my impression is that poofters are held in low esteem down in Oz. I thought the term 'mating dance' was a dance, or whatever activity, that precede mating, or sexual congress. Is this an Aussie-ism? And aren't those Aussie-isms cute? Esp from a distance...



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All very good questions.

Friendly dancing, mates dancing, mating dance. I suppose it would depend on how close the friends are, and I don't just mean in inches and centimetres.

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An interesting question.....

I'll start by saying that I have never heard of any dance in Australia being called a Mating Dance.

To be perfectly honest, most Australian males don't know how to dance -- their closest equivalent is swaying from side to side on a dance floor while trying to make sure their beers don't spill. Come to think of it, a lot of that also happens off the dance floor, but I think I'm getting off the point.

On the rare occasions where mates get up and dance together, it is usually for something like the Zorba the Greek dance, where they are supposed to put arms around each others shoulders, or hold hands, but they usually find some alternative, unless they are actually Greek (or Italian, or....). As Melbourne is supposed to have the second or third largest Greek population outside of Athens, I will admit that I've found many opportunties to dance the Zorba properly.

The other alternative is the group dance on the nightclub floor, where they all "dance" (see comments above about swaying from side-to-side) in the same general vicinity, but with a general avoidance of eye contact with anyone in the area.

Have I answered the question?


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Zorba the Greek Dance? It sounds like a Flash Gordon character :D

Poofters, you know, first time I hear that term is in Billy Elliott.

To Graeme

Hehehehe, thanks for the description about aussie male (&culture)man!



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