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Firstly, I have to confess, I've read it before in another place. I liked it there and read it there twice

Finding it here, I've just carefully re-read it for a third time.


Please don't rush, but read carefully, savouring the odd Welsh words which are well explained. And when you come to the end, see if you don't think as I do, that the ending is among the best in almost any form of literature. No peeking!

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There's a sequel, rather longer and on the other site, 12 chapters. So I presume it will appear here presently.

Don't be put off by the language issues, less than '1984' by George Orwell although to be fair, many of his made up terms have now entered the language, and certainly better than 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess which I found an impossible read.

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I must say I really enjoyed this. Did not find a problem with the Welsh in it, maybe because I tried to learn Welsh back in the 60s and failed miserably I had a great deal of admiration for Huw.

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Part One only has only one chapter... Part two has more.. I didn't want to post it as a short story so it is Part One of a novel... A note... don't just dismiss a story because it was posted elsewhere before... many, many of our authors do this but provide AD their 'final versions.' The Fall by Mike Arram is a good example. It's basically a new story and much improved and the way Mike wants it presented.

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A note... don't just dismiss a story because it was posted elsewhere before... many, many of our authors do this but provide AD their 'final versions.'

Also a good story is well worth re-reading, often you get more out of it the second time than the first. You get even more the third time you read it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

a good story is well worth re-reading; often you get more out of it the second time than the first. You get even more the third time you read it.

Quite so, Nigel. I've read it several times too. I find that when I begin it again to remind myself what's there I get drawn in and find, some time later, that I'm engrossed and ought to stop and do somthing to justify my existence.

But re-reading something by a really good author (such as Mihangel) is often more rewarding than trying something new; the trouble with the best stories is that I remember them better which means the repeat readings have to be at longer intervals.



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  • 7 months later...

<quote>I cant do it myself. Its up to you. Englands at your mercy, Welshman. Take your revenge.

Iawn. I did. I attacked England. And presently it came into Welsh hands.</quote>

I couldn't stop laughing at that for over an hour!

A very good read.

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  • 4 years later...

This story and its longer sequel are Dude’s picks this month (June 2019) which has prompted me to re-read them. They are both delightful stories crafted with Mihangel’s great skill. That I happened to be in Porthmadog, not far from Gorseddau, at the turn of the month made Xenophilia 2 all the more poignant. 

If you haven’t read them before, or even if you have, read them now and enjoy. There is no need to be put off by the few Welsh words, all are explained with grace and care, or can be understood from the context. Readers across the pond are more likely to have trouble understanding why the Adjutant is a ‘pwime example of a high-wanking officer’.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

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