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I is feeling mucho needy.

Just over a year ago I took my heart in my hands and told my best friend that I loved him. It was done deal, really, 'cause deep down I knew he felt the same way ... and he did. The idea was that we were going to live together as soon as we could. A year and a bit down the line it still hasn't happened. 'Things' keep getting in the way, and I'm getting really effing brassed off. :hug:

One of the 'things' has been ... erm ... my problem, is to do with personal space. I'm a loving guy, but I can't sleep with anyone. Cuddling, no problem. But actually sleeping. Big problem. And I don't know what to do about it. The one good part is that he's known me and my foibles for years, but still. It would be nice to wake up in his arms.... Well, according to the stories I've read, it would. :lol:

Yesterday I came downstairs and found the cat looking inordinately proud. He had a baby bunny. It was in perfect condition - except for being dead - and looked asleep. I was mortified. But the cat didn't care. I tried to explain that killing baby bunnies was not on - but to no avail. He pointed out that he's a cat, and that he's following his genetic prerogative ... as I'm following mine. Bloody Cat.

Chapter 12 of Seraph is finished and edited. Only one chapter left to go, now. At some point after it's finished I'm going to re-edit, as inevitably there are bits I'm not happy with ... not to mention the odd flaw in continuity and plot.

I'm part way through a short 'boarding school drama' - as requested in dubious circumstances by Cole. :hehe: It's set in the UK in the seventies with a working title of 'Bathtime'.

And I'm still needy (even after writing this blog). I want a hug! *sighs*

Ave, all.



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If it makes you feel better, I cannot sleep with anyone either. I just can't do it. If I pass out from exhaustion, it's a fitful sleep and I wake repeatedly, toss, turn, and am otherwise out of sorts. You're not alone. I understand.

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I've always slept alone, except for a very (too) short time with a significant other. I slept better than ever before, or since. Sadly though, his need was for lots of sex, and that's something that I cannot deal with. So, we parted ways. I'm not sure if having sex but not sleeping together is better or worse than sleeping together and never having sex. I guess no sex and no sleeping is the worst though. My hugs to you, Camy.

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Hey, guys, might I suggest a compromise? They invented something called the king-sized bed a year or several ago. It's great for cuddling, and for rolling over and then over again and being very separate when you drift into dreamland, if that's your somewhat antisocial wont. So, you can have the best of both worlds, and for you self-identified misanthropes, you'll get your full eight, even if they are lonely.C

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I'm not, positively not a misanthrope - except for the odd day when I am. I just have a wee problem sleeping with people. It behoves me to mention: snoring, farting, tossing (minds out of gutter) and turning. Arguing with the cat, scratching, sleep-talking, sleep-walking, getting up to pee, getting up to make hot chocolate, etc, etc et-bloody-cetera. All these things do not make for a peaceful nights sleep: and they're just my habits! Add another person to the mix and you have carnage.Anyway, thank you all for you support, and the hugs. :hehe: The idea of a King Size bed is firmly taking root. :wink:Camy

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Camy I know what you are going through -in reverse. My b/f doesn't like sleeping alone. I grew out of needing to sleep with someone after my first "true love" and I went seperate ways. As for bed size, yes it can help. Following are suggestions. If you and your partner are slim of build, a Queen size bed is big enough that you will actually have to make something of an effort to find each other in the dark.If we had a King size bed we would have to file a missing persons report to engage in hanky-panky.Whatever the size of your bed, make sure it does not bounce. A hard bed with a soft overlay will allow you both to move during the night without disturbing each other. Deep springs are not good. Firm foam rubber is great.Similarly water beds are out. Restless sleepers in a water-bed have been known to cause tsunami waves that inevitably arrive at the other side of the bed in such a way as to induce sea sickness in one's partner. The resulting vomit having no where to go, rolls around on the vinyl mattress until it is cleaned up or the cat eats it.Seriously though, waking up in the arms of one's dearest friend is more than worth any of these minor trials and tribulations. Hope these suggestions help, Sleep well!.

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That was a funny thing about the cat.As for any advice, I'll live that to the rest of these dudes here. I know nothing compared to them. I do think having someone to sleep with is good, especially in a single bed. But I guess, to each his own.Des, you really should start your how-to book. Maybe make it an online one. That way it would be free for poor guys like me.

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After reading about the trials and tribulations of Des and Camy trying to get some decent shut-eye, I may never have a restful night again. I do like the idea, though, of the two of them trying to cohabitate. Just think of it!C

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After reading about the trials and tribulations of Des and Camy trying to get some decent shut-eye, I may never have a restful night again. I do like the idea, though, of the two of them trying to cohabitate. Just think of it!C
:stare: No thank you! Much as I adore Des, I think my BF - sweet, kind and loveable though he is :wub: - might find some fault with the idea. Personally, I like my dangly bits where they are :hehe::hehe: Camy
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I'd prefer his dangly bits where they are too. Just sayin'.Hmm, I haven't gotten myself out there to find a boyfriend, and when I'm out, nobody's exactly chasing me down with impassioned offers of true love and romance, faithfulness... or even a quick... well, anyway, haha, surely that'll solve itself. Uh, ppl say I'm nice and lovable and I don't smell off or look too strange. (Alright, a bit nerdy, but no more than half the rest of the planet.)All that is to say, whether a full/double bed or larger, I'd love to wake up with someone I really love, or with a good friend even if he wasn't a boyfriend. It simply hasn't happened yet. ...Um, in a twin bed... somebody'd have to be on top (might get uncomfortable for both) or way too squished for sleeping. For other things, well, heh, not a problem, I suppose.I've never had much experience sharing a bed, except with relatives or various friends, once in a while. The exception was sharing a college dorm room and suite with a series of roommates. That was enlightening for all kinds of reasons. It was also mostly a reminder that the other guy wasn't going to want to fool around.All in all, hey, someone to share your bed is great if they're a good friend or true love. Wish I was.

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After reading about the trials and tribulations of Des and Camy trying to get some decent shut-eye, I may never have a restful night again. I do like the idea, though, of the two of them trying to cohabitate. Just think of it!C
:hehe: No thank you! Much as I adore Des,
:stare:STOP! right there... Camy? You adore me? :Dances around the room, singing: I'm adored, I'm adored, and I'm unemployed, but still I am adored.I'm adored, I'm adored, I am unexplored and still you all applaud.I'm adored, I'm adored, and I am not even a boy toyed...with,Oh damn, that doesn't rhyme quite right does it? :hehe: (apologies to West Side Story)
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I'd prefer his dangly bits where they are too. Just sayin'.
Glad I'm not alone in that, then!
Hmm, I haven't gotten myself out there to find a boyfriend, and when I'm out, nobody's exactly chasing me down with impassioned offers of true love and romance, faithfulness... or even a quick... well, anyway, haha, surely that'll solve itself. Uh, ppl say I'm nice and lovable and I don't smell off or look too strange. (Alright, a bit nerdy, but no more than half the rest of the planet.)
I'm so soooooo lucky, in that deep down I knew he felt the same. If I was all alone I'd be terrified of having to go looking to meet someone. But you have to be pro-active, Blue. It'll be worth it!!!
:stare:STOP! right there... Camy? You adore me? :Dances around the room, singing: I'm adored, I'm adored, and I'm unemployed, but still I am adored.I'm adored, I'm adored, I am unexplored and still you all applaud.I'm adored, I'm adored, and I am not even a boy toyed...with,Oh damn, that doesn't rhyme quite right does it? :hehe: (apologies to West Side Story)
Not only a donut rack, but he sings too! What's not to adore? :hehe:
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