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I'm all out of flour and the Eggs have turned

Jason Rimbaud


I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote something here....

But then I don't care...I've grown to hate the sound of my voice/words...whatever...

I've got nothing to say/write at the moment....

Not to say that nothing interesting has happened to me lately...because let's face it...I attract drama like lightening to metal

and Sunday night was pretty fucking huge...I mean here it is two days later...and I'm still at a loss of words.

On top of that, it's around 9 am on Tuesday morning. I haven't been to sleep yet and I think I might be dreaming this Blog entry instead of typing it. Who knows...if no one replies then it was all a dream...and since it's all a dream...I might as well tell you all about Sunday night...but then I'm not sure if I'm ready to share this particular bit of information to my loyal READER...this might be something I want to keep to myself for a bit longer.

Fuck that...I'm embarrassed to tell you...

You'll make fun of me...I can hear you now...shaking your head as you softly say, "I knew it, that dumb boy couldn't keep from making a dumb decision like this...it was just a matter of time."

Yeah, you say that behind my back, but do you have the courage to say it to my face!

Then I'd get mad...we'd get in a fight...then I'd feel bad that I hurt your feelings...and then I would bake cookies...

Well, I'm out of eggs and the flour isn't that self rising kind...so you can take that attitude of yours and beat it...cause I don't need no one making fun of me...I feel bad enough as it is...god I want to sleep!


PS: Mark is beautiful when he's asleep.


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Jason, except for the drooling, we are ALL beautiful when asleep. Our innocent souls peak out, not through our eyes, but through our lips, and closed eyelids, and relaxed cheeks.Don't be embarrassed; I'm sure you're not as fucked up as I, your READER, am. At least you get to look at a sleeping person, and not a spider walking across the ceiling. How's THAT for fucked up?

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Trab, what's fucked up is you thinking you're his READER. Quite obviously, I'm his READER. Don't get ahead of yourself here.And Jason, that very last line says it all, doesn't it? I'd never make fun of you for that. You're simply letting the play run to it's natural end, whatever that may be. If it were predictable, people wouldn't be buying tickets.Thanks for letting us watch.C

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At least you get to look at a sleeping person, and not a spider walking across the ceiling. How's THAT for fucked up?
I spit a bunch of water when I read this!And o ehm gee. I knew it was a matter of time... and now that it's done, just enjoy. No turning back beyond this point :eyes.Maddy (:
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Jason I can't sleep either and I have to be at work in 4 hours.Jason while the boys squabble about who is your reader, why don't you and I go put a bun in the oven, or something similar. I just love baking and cooking up a treat."We could bake a sugar cake for you to take to workfor all the boys to see."(from the movie, Tea for Two) :hehe:

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One simply knows the correspondent is ancient when he can quote lines from Tea for Two off the top of his head.CPS - And where the witty reposte I offered, early this morning?

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The question is: why is Mark asleep?Is he:A) Tired out after a long squark.B) Tired out after a long ... erm ... :hehe: shag.C) Bored to snooze.D) Waiting for you to bake cookies for me, your reader.E) Any or all of the above.And where are the pretty pics, hmm?Anyway, I'll say "Yes! Finally, at long last!" Now, don't go and mess it up. :dry: Camy

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Sorry for being a little off topic.. but when I read the title, it kind of had a tune with it. Just sing it to the tune of "All Out of Love.""... I'm all out of flour. I'm so lost without you..."Hehe.. sorry, Jason. :blush:You know, sometimes, the best thing in being an adult is being able to make a mistake once in a while. You're the only one who can really judge yourself with what happened.What happened, anyway? :hehe: I haven't a clue.

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I knew it, that dumb boy couldn't keep from making a dumb decision like this...it was just a matter of time.*shakes head* :hehe: J/K!Now details! :dry: I hope that Mark won't hurt you in the long run or I'ma send my ninja cats over there and eviscerate him! :hehe:

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Details? You want details? You forget to whom you write.Jason teases and twits us, informs only enough to beguile, takes us to the edge and leaves us there, panting.Then laughs off into the sunset, and departs while we wait beseechingly on the sidelines with our tongues hanging out.Our job is to get to know Mark in bits and pieces, always remotely, always the surface, never the essence.Like it or leave it. That's our Jason.C

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Details? You want details? You forget to whom you write.Jason teases and twits us, informs only enough to beguile, takes us to the edge and leaves us there, panting.Then laughs off into the sunset, and departs while we wait beseechingly on the sidelines with our tongues hanging out.Our job is to get to know Mark in bits and pieces, always remotely, always the surface, never the essence.Like it or leave it. That's our Jason.C
Umm...details?What type of details are you wanting?Would you like to know what we ate for breakfast?Or what we did before he fell asleep in my bed?Or what we repeated the next morning?I know, how about this little bit of info...I'm fucking a guy who has a girlfriend...and he's not sure what he's going to do about that.Notice I didn't say gay guy/straight guy...mainly because he doesn't know what the fuck he is...all he knows is he loves having sex with me.And the fucked up thing, I haven't felt like this...ever. I'm almost willing to sit and wait until he has time for me. Yeah, what a little faggot I am.Is that enough details for you? JasonI know I sound a bit angry...and I am...but not at anyone who has commented here. I'm just frustrated. But lucky for you, when I'm frustrated is when I write more in my blog. So I'm sure you'll be getting all the details you could ever want. :wav:
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