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...Do I have to start all over with the Electrical College?



I swear, Ohio sucks at holding elections. We just make it hard on ourselves every single time. Miscounted votes, glitchy machines, too-close-to-call margins, extensions, and now running out of ballots at polling sites? Jeez.

A friend of mine (a registered independent) was actually told that he wasn't allowed to vote, even though it's an open primary. He argued with the poll worker for over an hour before he gave up and found another polling site. You know, one where the workers read the newspaper. Or watch the news. Or glance at the "How To Work a Polling Site" brochure. He's wonky...er, devoted enough to drive around the city looking for a place where they'll let him vote - I've got to wonder how many independent voters just gave up, instead.

We Ohioans sure do screw up the democratic process. Er, no, wait. I mean, we make democracy more sporting than those other states. On purpose. Yeah, that's how we roll.

Also, I found out that my mom's boss snuck into the VIP section of a Hillary campaign speech the other day. Secret Service and assorted security teams wouldn't let her in, but then she noticed that the people in the VIP section all had drinks, so she grabbed a drink from a nearby tray and strolled in as though she belonged. She turned to the nearest group and said something like "Hey, I forgot to bring my sign. Anybody have a spare?". One of them gave her a sign to hold - only later did she actually look at it and realize that it said, in huge letters, "HOMOS FOR HILLARY". After a few minutes, Secret Service guys escorted her out of the VIP section (back to hang with the rest of the proles, I guess). Oh, this speech was in my old high school's gym, by the way. It was weird to think that a presidential candidate was speaking in the room where I once hurled a beach ball at a teacher and called him a fascist (ah, the good old days). It seems...strangely fitting, actually.

And if you were wondering, I did go out to vote. I was the first ballot cast in my district, in fact. That and three-fifty will buy me a gallon of gas. Hey.

"If a person uses a non-offensive vocabulary,

That person is CONSIDERATE, not 'PC'.

If a person has a heavy-handed agenda,

That person is NARROW-MINDED, not 'PC'.

In fact, unless you mean Providence College, 'PC'

Is as meaningless as the president's apology for slavery."

"Anarchist Bookstore (Part One)" by MC Paul Barman


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:dry: Ah, the humor. There is only one EleCivil. And as much as I'd want to be his prophet, my sense of humor is only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction... well you get it.Hehe... I missed my first chance to vote (which was last year [2007] here in the Philippines). I'd make sure mine would also be the first ballot cast on 2010.:hehe:
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Heh. At least two precincts here in my city have been waiting over two hours to start their caucuses (or their Caucasians?) due to ... I'm really not sure what the holdup is, but they're saying people are "unruly."In Texas, it's still anyone's guess who will win for the Democrats while the Republicans are decided.-----Comparison: EleCivil played dodgeball and threw a beach ball, presumably dressed as a mild-mannered student punk.Political candidates sling mud at each other while dressed in business suits.Funny, it seems like the punk guy was more honest about what he thought.-----I just hope, when the mud settles, they'll actually work on things, whoever is elected in November.But never mind that. The truth is, it's the "little guys," the ordinary people out there, who really work on things and solve them.Best Wishes, everybody.

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Hillary just won your state. :eyes:
And so continues my record of having never voted for a winner. Even when it comes to mayoral elections. And we have the best mayoral candidates ever. Last time, we got to pick between a man who never smiles, a man known for saying/doing ridiculous things (insulting business owners until they get heart attacks, telling the deaf to move to the area near the airport, etc.), a self-proclaimed "Prophetess" whose campaign line was "I'm warning you!" and who threatened city-wide destruction if she wasn't elected, and a man who, during a debate, pulled on a pair of plastic Groucho glasses (the kind with the fake mustache) and burst into song, belting out "I gotta be meeeeeee!" (I voted for that one).
EleCivil played dodgeball and threw a beach ball, presumably dressed as a mild-mannered student punk.
Actually, it was during an assembly, not a dodgeball game. Heh. That beach ball "Riots of Spring" scene from Laika? Non-fiction. :hehe:
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And so continues my record of having never voted for a winner. ...a man, during a debate, pulled on a pair of plastic Groucho glasses (the kind with the fake mustache) and burst into song, belting out "I gotta be meeeeeee!" (I voted for that one).
Hmmmmm! I wonder if there's any sort of relationship between these two statements?C
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Voting for 'who pins the tail on Iraq' seem very popular on your side of the pond.Frankly, I think it's healthy to vote, and we should do it a lot more often: rather than getting our knickers in a twist every four years, and rushing out to buy a case of rotten tomatoes.Which reminds me.

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It was weird to think that a presidential candidate was speaking in the room where I once hurled a beach ball at a teacher and called him a fascist (ah, the good old days).
We were just talking about you in my world literature class.Well, not “you,” but the disaffected, establishment-loathing, counter-cultural horde of young punks who apparently are nothing new. You plucky little buggers appear all throughout history and classic literature.Though this may come with little surprise to you guys since you feel that a disdain for “The Man” is patent and that all mankind will eventually bow to their own visceral instincts. And, on that day, the faithful will ascend above the mosh pit and the prophet Thompson will greet them with acid-laced admonitions and say, “Well done, my good and rebellious servant.”Or something like that.
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In the spirit of the elections, I think everyone should take my lead and play with their Caucasus.
Heheh. A friend of mine went to meet Barack Obama. He told him that he should start referring to people who vote for Hillary as "Caucus suckers". I don't think he has, yet...and I think that's why he lost OH and TX.
You plucky little buggers appear all throughout history and classic literature.
You know it. You'll never stop us, either...square. Not even by joining us. Because as soon as the revolution's over, we'll have to start revolting against it. That's just how we roll.To quote Evan Greer, "When the fighting's done, the revolution won, we'll burn the final flag and walk on."
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