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Chris James

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Everything posted by Chris James

  1. My father used an old Underwood manual typewriter for years...damn thing weighed about 30 pounds. But I used it to hunt and peck my English term papers all the way through high school. Made for strong fingers. Of course it had a carriage return lever and Dad used to give that two whacks to space his paragraphs. It took me twenty years to convince him that computers were replacing typewriters and that a good word processing program would make his writing easier. I wish I had a photo of the expression on his face when he wrote that first document on his PC. But I also wish I had that Underwood which he tossed out, the darn things are valuable relics worth money these days. I find it humorous that there are still two things that seem to be fixated in his mind. He still double taps the spacebar after a period and constantly hits the Enter button thinking it is the Return feature. Old habits die hard.
  2. Do I understand the science/physics of sound...no, but I buy this premise because James presented it in a very interesting way. I am surprised we don't have more sound activated earthquakes. Have you ever sat beside some hip-hop fool in his car filled with low frequency blasts of sound (I won't call it music) and felt the windows rattle? For those of you with a few extra dollars in the bank I would suggest investing in hearing aid technology companies because these fools will all be deaf by age 25.
  3. Braeden continues to speak out about the positive ways his life has changed. http://www.advocate.com/sports/2015/10/11/watch-sportscenter-reminds-us-why-coming-out-still-matters
  4. Self-publishing is a boon for authors that don't want to face the trials with agents and publishers, my father is the perfect example of this. Many publishers are unapproachable and have such a limited scope of acceptance for the tiny section of the book world they cover. Most won't respond to a solo author unless approached by an agent. What remains is self-publishing where at least the control and image of the work remains in the hands of the author. My father has been published by several mainstream press outfits, but much of that was in years past. Just last year he completed a memoir and sent it around with little or no response. He is 96 years old and rejection is frustrating at any age but he knew this was going to be his last effort so I had to do something. The book covers his school years through college where he graduated and then was taken into the Army during WWII. After being wounded twice he returned to school and received his Masters in Journalism. Thus began a 35 year career in the news business which led him to become a Bureau Chief in Washington, D.C., where he had been covering the White House through 5 presidential administrations. The book ended up being 217 pages in an oversize font because he wanted it to be available for the sight impaired. But one publisher after another wrote back and said the book was great but they weren't interested. I knew I had to quell his growing disappointment so I had the book self-published. We'd had prior experience with the iUniverse group who did pretty well with his historical anthology some years back but they were expensive and I didn't want to jump through all the hoops they threw at us last time, or maybe I should say they threw at me. I am the proof reader, editor, and layout designer for his work, so this time I was going to do it my way. CreateSpace is the self-publishing arm of Amazon and they provide all the services I needed. I designed the cover, front and back, provided the liner notes and after several months of back and forth trading ideas we came up with something that looks damn good....and didn't cost an arm and a leg. The service provided an ISBN number, copyright registration, and several dozen free samples of the book to pass out to friends and family. My father is happy...and isn't that all that matters? I would use the service again and might just do that.
  5. Happy to see this story appear in Dude's Picks, especially as it has been a while since I read this. DJ would probably like you to know that this story is a follow up to The Only Way to Fly which introduces the main characters as she first developed them. That was the first story DJ began posting to various places and was my introduction to her incredible catalog of work. There aren't too many women writers that develop a good strong voice for gay characters but I judge her to be among the best. In the many email chats we've had over the years I came to admire her lifetime of experiences and how she learned to express that in her work. Bull Singer is a massive story, one of several she's written. But when you have so much to say an author always finds it hard to stop the flow. A great read...go find out for yourself. Here's the link: http://www.awesomedude.com/DJ/TBS/index.htm
  6. Florida is seriously considering an open carry law so we may seeing guns everywhere. We have presidential candidates suggesting we should arm teachers to stop school massacres. But before you think those carrying guns won't use them at the drop of a hat look at this: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-woman-shoots-at-shoplifter-as-he-flees-store/ar-AAfcjea?li=BBieTUX&ocid=LENDHP In the second incident I'd say the man in the bank may be able to plead self defense, but the woman shooting wildly in a parking lot? Since those with guns may be tempted to become vigilantes without any idea why someone is running away it won't be long before we have a dead person. What if the security guard had been chasing a guy who left his wallet in the store by accident. Who deputized this woman to take the law into her own hands? I think she needs to be prosecuted for indiscriminate use of a firearm, at the very least public endangerment. Just wait until someone you know gets shot in one of these incidents.
  7. It was three weeks between the posting of Part 1 and Part 2. Not sure that could be an indicator of how long we must wait for Part 3, but at least from the teaser we know it is finished. Yaaaay!
  8. Sigh...still waiting for part 3 of this sweet little film...but here's a look at the making of the trilogy. (haven't a clue how this thing ends, Troye just giving us a tease) https://youtu.be/8QKlQfir_Xw
  9. As if we don't have enough lunacy in our politics (think Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann) now we have this guy: http://www.joemygod.com/2015/10/05/florida-libertarian-who-sacrificed-a-goat-drank-its-blood-is-running-for-us-senate-video/ Grant you he wants to be a politico in Florida, a place well know for crazy people who want to burn Qurans and homosexuals, although that was called off because they couldn't decide which was more important and there was a statewide burn ban due to dry weather. I imagine every state has a few cuckoos hanging around and no one takes them seriously. I would just like to know why this man thinks his credentials are made for politics instead of the lunatic asylum? He's a fine example of what to avoid when you face that next voting ballot. Remember that name...like you could ever forget it. Augustus Sol Invictus a man heading nowhere in the civilized world who gives pagans a bad name.
  10. Finally...the mainstream media is wising up to Kim Davis and her legal representatives. The gay media has been on to Matt Staver and his ilk for years. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/law-firm-labeled-hate-group-leading-davis-crusade/ar-AAf5HJh?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=LENDHP
  11. Yes, I saw Hanson live on stage after I snuck in the Greensboro Civic Center with a union friend. It would be a lie to say that I enjoyed the sound of their music when all you could hear were a thousand screaming girls, but it was fun. No doubt they are talented musicians and I occasionally catch up on what they are doing. Even back in the early years there was something about these boys that told me they were serious, I knew they would last, and they have. However, I think I will skip the beer :)
  12. Old...really old...here it is: Zac Hanson is turning 30 years old this month. The age sits well with him, he is still a hot looking man. And back in the day (1997) : https://youtu.be/2jj1wYZxOwQ
  13. I think most of us are disgusted at this woman who seems to think she can ignore the laws and go on sucking off the taxpayers tit. But since she is elected by the ignorance of her country's residents then she needs to be tried in a court of law for malfeasance in office and found guilty which will vacate her position. Since she seems to find a position as conscientious objector quite comfortable and in line with her religious beliefs then perhaps a demotion to dog catcher or meter maid would suit her better. I totally get the argument that there was no gay marriage when she was put in office and in her ignorance she didn't see that coming. But if government officials cannot adapt to changing laws then they have no place in the system. Jesus doesn't sign her paycheck.
  14. Another delightful story from Cole, I could almost smell the horse droppings emanating from the barn....no wait, I need a shower. I was glad to see the story wrapped up so neatly in 18 chapters. The ranch angle brought a new dimension to Cole's writing and that leaves me wondering where he will go next. But I get the same feeling from all of Cole's stories in that he makes a young hero shine. Ren is a fine character and could probably carry another story or two on his back but sequels are rarely a boon to an author's sensibilities. It is always a pleasure to watch these young gay characters develop and discover themselves in a loving way. Any story that expresses boys becoming men, embracing family and friends, and taking the moral high ground in life is well worth reading. Thanks for all of that, Cole. May we have another?
  15. Microsoft backs down: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/09/29/microsoft-to-change-windows-10-after-warnings-it-could-out-gay-teens/ Not sure this will do everything necessary to protect all privacy but at least they are looking at it.
  16. These really are some amazing young boys, and so very dedicated. To chose classical dance instead of basketball like the other boys in school...well, it says a lot about their courage and intelligence. Ballet training is so grueling that you have to admire the stamina which seems to go beyond anything found in a school sports program. Only the ignorant would tease and belittle a boy who wants to be a dancer...so I say bravo to these future stars.
  17. I saw this on one of the gay blog sites I peruse on a daily basis. If you are a fan of Gilbert and Sullivan I think you will be surprised at how well this was done: https://youtu.be/BytJKFn0oXw
  18. Despite his statement to the contrary, marriage is not the sole purview of religion. Pope Francis may hold sway over the Catholics of the world...although many do not follow his teachings...but he needs to back off trying to influence governments. In the U.S. his words are meaningless since we have a mandated division of laws that do not allow religion to dictate the rights of our citizens. But his support of the likes of Kim Davis, a government employee who refuses to do her job, only stokes the fires of contentious Christians and leads us to believe that he would like to see a theocracy overcome our democracy. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/govt-workers-have-right-to-refuse-gay-marriage-licenses-pope/ar-AAeStMg?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=LENDHP He is wrong and still follows the path that believers should rule over non-believers. Religion has nothing to offer gay marriage so he should just go home to Rome and keep his mouth shut.
  19. The effect of Troye's storyline is worthy of note as a great piece of art. The blend of music and visuals tell a story that needs no dialogue but leads us to believe this is a tragedy in the making. The final seconds in this edition show us a glimpse of the third episode and I see a terrible ending in the making. The young man has a future in films.
  20. Oh I enjoyed the story but find it sad in this case to discover it is somewhat autobiographical in nature. Nigel would have made a fine doctor if that is the way he chose to go. But I recall a line from some ancient tome of wisdom...there are too many to remember...but it said that doctors may save lives but writers enrich them. Thank you for the wealth, Nigel.
  21. I find Nigel's story to be particularly prophetic at this time in our society where religious freedom is such a divisive issue. We are all aware of the Kentucky court clerk who feels her religious beliefs should nullify the rights of others, or perhaps the boy who was not allowed to attend his senior prom because his date was another boy. Religion has always been about power and the controlling of others. The narrow mindset of one individual who uses religion as the excuse for setting irrational rules can disrupt lives, and has in many real instances. Nigel's main character is to be admired for standing up to the powers that could ruin his academic career, and although he lost the battle he won self respect at quite a price. This whole religious liberty issue is a two edged sword and I hope I live to see the day when those bigoted minded individuals get cut to pieces on the backswing. It will happen.
  22. At least the Catholic Church has a leader who doesn't freak out every time natural phenomena gives us blood moons or eclipses. This Pope has a scientific mind and won't be fooled by such things, unlike some other religious cults: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/blood-moon-seen-as-sign-of-end-times-by-some-mormons/ar-AAeNvPt?li=BBieTUX&ocid=LENDHP I thought the fear of nature went out with the Neanderthals who must have viewed planetary oddities with trepidation. Modern science has explained most of them to us, except perhaps for those who yearn to see the End Times and don't accept science. All their fears make me laugh at this childish sense of the universe.
  23. He is developing nice definition, but if you look at the comments he posts on YouTube he already understands that he is doing something wrong. He complains of pain all the time and so I gather he is working out too much without allowing his body the proper period of recovery. Let's face it, building muscle can be painful. I did not lift weights at his age, my swimming coach warned us against it. Weight training builds bulky muscle mass which is all wrong for a competitive swimmer. Swimming is aerobic, the muscles are long and striated to suit the sport. A mass of bulky muscle reduces flexibility in a swimmer, although it looks good. The boy needs a good coach to plan a schedule of exercise and recovery which will reduce pain, the rest is a good diet and the right attitude. Be interesting to see what he looks like when puberty finishes its work. He already has the good looks.
  24. As if it isn't bad enough that a sociopathic investor has taken over the drug company that holds the patent on one of the most frequently used AIDS drugs, and then boosted the price 5000 percent, the whole industry rejects the idea of cost control. Read this: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/big-pharma-attacks-clinton%e2%80%99s-plan-to-combat-drug-prices/ar-AAeC8Vn?li=BBieTUX&ocid=LENDHP With all the money these clowns make they have bought off Congress and prevented opening the US market to drugs from overseas at lower prices. As I recall from earlier articles, the CEO of this big Pharma company told reporters too bad and gave them the finger when asked if he was price gouging those who need the medication. This is why we need gay assassins. This man does not understand what it means to suffer. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/turing-pharmaceuticals-ceo-martin-shkreli-defends-5000-percent-price-hike-on-daraprim-drug/ Greedy prick.
  25. This incident took place in Utah at an elementary school called Arrowhead. If anyone doesn't realize the Native American roots associated with those place names then they are dumb as a rock...kind of like the administrators at this school. Let's talk about developing a teachable moment here, perhaps more for the adults running this place than the students, but they both seem to need it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/19/native-american-boy-pulled-from-class-over-mohawk-haircut/ The haircut was distracting...oh gosh...now get over it.
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