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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. I have just re-read Falling Down and Standing Up and find if anything they are better this time around, which I think is the third time I have read these stories, though it might have been the fourth! I have no doubt I will re-read them again in the future.
  2. I am not sure if I should be sad or happy. Sad because some delightful writing by Chris has come to an end. Happy because I have finished a really good story which I have really enjoyed. Like always Chris has not just given us interesting characters but he has also given an insight into a society which many never see. This is a good story, well told and well worth reading.
  3. I notice it is a Unitarian Church, most of the mainstream Christian churches and even oddballs like the Mormons believe that the Unitarians are a bunch of heretics. This is I understand because the Unitarians believe that there is only a single aspect to God, however, it might be because unlike most other Christians, with the possible exception of the Quakers, they seem to think they should being doing what Jesus said and following his example, i.e. offering help to the outcasts of society.
  4. Well I am looking forward to reading it, the first chapter has got me hooked and now I am resisting the temptation to look it up elsewhere.
  5. What always amazes me is how much more non-believers generally know about the Bible and the teachings of Christ than the believers, then again that may be why they are non-believers, they've read it!
  6. Sorry but I suspect the level of intelligence required for the Darwin Awards exceeds that of Pete! Is it possible to have a negative IQ score?
  7. Maybe you should follow the lead of the Republic of Ireland and have a referendum.
  8. Well the final result is in and it is YES with 2 to 1 in favor!
  9. Has there been a massive tectonic shift in the distribution of the continental masses whilst I was not looking? Just looked at the listing for the Eurovision Song Contest, the annual camp get together we have in Europe every year. Last year won by a bearded drag artist! What surprised me was to see that Australia have been invited to join this year, not only that but they are tipped to win. How long have they been part of Europe?
  10. Great, a new story from Chris. As usual Chris has set the scene and given a vivid impression of the location where the story is set. I can't wait to find out where it is going but from what I have read this is going to be interesting. Then all Chis's stories are.
  11. Today, Friday 22nd May, Eire voted in a referendum on the issue of gay marriage. The counting will not start until Saturday morning, but the indications are that there has been a very high turnout, more than in recent referendum on changes to the EU treaties. It will be interesting to see what what the result is.
  12. What I really love about this story is seeing Cynus writing in a totally different way to what he has done in his previous work. Much as I have liked his other work I think I prefer this more.
  13. A delightful story delightfully told.
  14. Yes it is, it's even better third time around.
  15. I'm just loving it. It is totally different from Cynus's normal writing and totally captivating, can't wait to see how it will all come together,
  16. I did not realize that their intelligence was that high.
  17. Every now and again you read something that resurrects ones faith in humanity.
  18. Sorry to have to ask this but is mental deficiency a prerequisite for the position of Governor of Texas or have they just had a run of bad luck?
  19. Cole something can be totally delicious and totally disgusting at one and the same time. Being delicious is about a combination of taste, smell and texture. In a well made haggis these three things come together. Haggis has one of the most intense Umami taste experiences available in traditional European food. Being disgusting is about our perception of certain food products, generally brought about by modern advertising. Most people today refuse to eat offal which I think is a major failure on their part. They are allowing a large proportion of an animal that has been killed for its meat to be discarded. Actually they are generally not discarded but get hidden in mass produced foods where you do not expect them, like sausages. That something is disgusting is very much based on your social conditioning. Fortunately there are now signs that foodie culture is now moving back into using offal - which has traditionally been a main element of the common peoples diet.- and there are some exciting dishes being served in some of the top European restaurants. A food product which was quite common in the part of England where I live is Faggots, a product which is made from products very similar to the Haggis, except that Faggots are made from pig parts rather than sheep's parts. There is a local Michaeline starred establishment which servers Faggots as part of its menu. Like Haggis they are, if properly made, totally delicious.
  20. It is delicious, at least the good ones are, avoid the mass produced supermarket ones.
  21. Had to check what rubbing alcohol is - found out it is what we call surgical spirits. This has exactly the same calorific value as methylated spirits. For many years I carried a lightweight methylated spirit stove in the back of my car and boiled up quite a few kettles for tea in various lay by across Europe. As Cynus states, it takes time but you can do it.
  22. Cole, it's just coincidence, if they we had been after irony it would have been located on Straight Lane!
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