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Nigel Gordon

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Everything posted by Nigel Gordon

  1. A terrific piece of writing, I'm glad it got into Dude's Picks From the Past - well worth reading.
  2. I think this hits the nail on the head 'a really small minded Christian school', sorry my error, 'a really small Christian school.'
  3. This is the image that has caused the 'offence', I wonder if the artist takes commissions?
  4. Mother should be given a medal, Corbin should get one to for standing up to Ryder Tipton. Incidentally I grew up in the area of England known as The Black Country. Tipton is one of the Black Country towns and it was regarded as an insult to call someone a Tipton.
  5. This is a story that I read before, it is something I am going to enjoy reading again and a one I recommend any of you to read.
  6. It not only has depth it has complexity. Cole is weaving a web of connections that would do justice to a spider on acid. I can't imagine how he is keeping track of it all but I jolly glad he is, like Jeff I really like where this is going.
  7. Well it seems there are some people in Virginia who have some sense, this was just published by All Out: The subcommittee voted against the bill unanimously, so it will never see the light of day.
  8. According to Wikipedia Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden is still used at German military funerals! I suspect its use outside that formal setting is what is disapproved of.
  9. Not sure if it was banned but I do know it was certainly not approved of when I was living in Germany, that was from 1989-1993 and 1995-1997. I understand from some of my German friends that some things that were regarded as bad taste because of the Nazi connections have started to come back into use, if they were not specifically Nazi in origin.
  10. I must admit that the moment I started to read this I was gripped. Solsticeman has a way with words which allows him to get to grip with subjects that other writers have difficulty writing about. I know because I have tried to write about the same periods and have given up because I could not get the words to sound right, for me they would not carry the insight into the zeitgeist that was predominant at the time. Without that insight into the zeitgeist such writing becomes weak and immaterial. Solsticeman in elegantly simple language carries that insight into the zeitgeist of the period. He had done this in the past in Wandervogel and in The Moor. Here he does it again. Within the first paragraph I had the feeling of the place, the time and the occasion. I have no idea where this story will take up, though I think I could hazard some guesses but no doubt they will be wrong. Two things though I do know, wherever it goes it is going to be remarkably well told and it will be historically accurate. Solsticeman does his research.
  11. I can see them developing into a totally independent Sanitaria Springs story line, with a most interesting future. Looking forward to reading more.
  12. Frantic is not the word I would use, it is far too mild to describe the state I got into when I could not get my twice daily fix. I'm just glad the Mike was able to get it sorted out. Thanks Mike.
  13. I really enjoyed the story and found it delightful, even if it did have me on the verge of tears.
  14. Well, this story has finished and I must say it is one I have thoroughly enjoyed.
  15. Sam has created two characters I hope we will see more and more of. They are delightful and I cannot wait to see how their relationship with the dates work out.
  16. I keep coming across this story and every time I read it I enjoy it more and more, it would make an excellent movie.
  17. The 27th of January in International Holocaust Memorial Day and Holocaust Memorial Day in many countries. The United Nations Statement of Commitment refers to genocide, antisemitism, racism, xenophobia and discrimination. The early drafts of the statement apparently referred to homophobia, but this was removed and is said to be covered by discrimination. Homosexual men and women were sent to the camps, they were deliberately given the most deadly work to do, like mixing and loading rocket fuel. They were subjected to torture and to murder, often in the most inhuman manner. One survivor tell of seeing his boyfriend (an eighteen year old) being driven naked with whips into the parade ground, where his hands were tied behind him and a bucket placed on his head. Then the guard dogs were set upon him. This was not an unusual event. Unfortunately many people, including members of the LGBT community, are not aware that the holocaust applied to member of that community. They think the holocaust was only about to Jews. It was not, there were many other groups included, along with the homosexuals there were the Sinti, the Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, other religious dissenters, the physically and mentally disabled and many others, such as an estimated three million Ukrainians. It is estimated that some six million Jews died in the holocaust, it is also estimated that another eleven million from other groups died. Let us remember the suffering of the Jew under the Holocaust but let us also remember the suffering of the others who died as part of it. Also let us remember the survivors, especially those gay men who were sent to the camps and survived. Unlike the other groups who were released and went back to their lives many of the gay men found themselves thrown into prison when they returned home from the camps as it was deemed they had been found guilty of a criminal offense, homosexuality, and had to serve their sentence. This happened to a friend of mine who died a few weeks ago, one day I hope to tell his story.
  18. It will be interesting to see where this story is going to go, but wherever it is going I am sure Peter is going to make it interesting. A new story from Cole is not something to miss, this one I suspect is going to be very enjoyable. You can find it here: http://awesomedude.com/cole-parker/terrytown-tales/terrytown-tales-01.htm
  19. I really enjoyed this one and it did leave me smiling.
  20. Well it has been ten months since this story started and I have been gripped by it for the whole ten months. A good novel, well plotted and well written, and definitely worth the wait to get to the final chapter.
  21. Arthur C. Clarke. Can't remember which book it is in (I last read it about forty years ago) but I recall it is about whales, but he does mention that the Christians, Jews and Muslims had basically destroyed themselves and the dominate religion in the world was Buddhism.
  22. Done. Is Virginia part of the Islamic State by any chance?
  23. I know some people don't like the ending but I do, it fitted and it worked.
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