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Everything posted by Rutabaga

  1. It grates on my nerves when FB sends a notification that "Mary Smith changed their profile picture." R
  2. A lot explained and a lot left to deal with. R
  3. A delightful story. http://www.awesomedude.com/cole-parker/spring-break/spring-break.htm R
  4. Time to revive this thread for another Pick from the Past. Rewarding story about growing up. R
  5. I discovered that this short story did not have its own thread, only a brief mention in a thread about Valentine's stories that quickly veered off-topic. Anyway, it's a charming story, even in August, and I'm glad it's a Pick from the Past. R
  6. I definitely didn't squeal. I may have moaned or sighed or even exhaled sharply, but no squealing. R
  7. Patience? PATIENCE???!!! ARE YOU KIDDING? We're DYING out here! R
  8. Wish I could read it on my iPhone. R
  9. I hope we will learn more about Tristan soon. Jordy remains a class act. R
  10. Very sharp looking lads cast for the role. R
  11. This delusion scares the bejezus out of me. I think reminding people about failing to notice another until something dire happens is a perfectly fine raison d'ĂȘtre for a story. And we see Benjamin struggling with tests of his maturity. I'm good with it. R
  12. Getting back on the actual topic, I'm very curious -- does the named drug actually exist and have that effect? And would dialysis actually remove a specific drug like that? I came down with mono at the beginning of college (yes I kissed another boy) and it knocked me for a real loop. I was in bed for a couple of months or so. But I was not treated with any drugs per se. Of course this was 1969. R
  13. It's even worse in Alabama, not far away. R
  14. I agree. It is as uplifting as a story could be, which seems to be a significant talent of Grant Bentley. R
  15. Ron's latest story is complete here: http://www.themustardjar.com/othersinfulthingshome.html When Jacob, the introverted son of a bigoted fire-and-brimstone preacher, returns to another year of high school, he finds himself thrown in with a transgendered teen classmate now known as Tiffany who is the particular target of his father's most virulent sermons. Things are particularly difficult for Jacob because his father gives new meaning to "spare the rod, spoil the child." How will he cope? R
  16. Finally got a chance to read this, after it was fully posted. I would have had a hard time waiting for the installments. The only stumbling block for me was figuring out that Jonathan and Johnny were the same person. I am struck by the range of emotional experiences that main character Mark had, from tragically low lows to soaringly high highs. And it is always gratifying when the lead character shows pluck and resourcefulness in dealing with challenges. But it wasn't necessarily because Mark was a one-man superhero figure; he had surrounded himself over the years with good people who came through when needed. Anyway, a good story with grace and great sweep, where the decent people prevailed. Couldn't ask for better. R
  17. How nice that Colin is reposting this story over at Codey's World. A whole new audience will be able to enjoy it. R
  18. Definitely some awkwardness there. I could relate to the "this is it" feeling, although my own did not come until I was 17.
  19. I remember reading this some time ago, although enough time has passed that it's high time to read it again.
  20. I believe I have read all of bi_janus's pieces on the site. I admire them on a number of levels. I like the continuity and depth of the characters that are woven through the stories and progress through their lives in a manner reminiscent of the Snopes trilogy from Faulkner. I also like the nuanced combination of pluck and vulnerability the characters often display. Good choice. R
  21. Actually, it would make sense to go to "three" for a story about the triplets. "Three Holy Terrors" or "Three Smarty Pants" or whatever. R
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